Chapter Three

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*after school*

Becky's POV:

I was leaving school just like any other day, on my own. The new guy went and made new friends, the more I was with him the more I got frustrated. Walking out the school gates I get pushed hard making me fall to the floor.

"Look who it is" the girl above me says

"Just leave me alone Kaits, what have I ever done to you?"

"You've existed. See Olivia couldn't be here today so your lucky I'm not doing anything. But next time you better watch your back." She glares at me with squinted eyes for a second then walks away.
What have I ever done to her and Olivia? Ever since year three they'd push me around saying I'm worthless and don't deserve to be here. Maybe I don't.
I scramble all my books together and finally get up. I had scraped my knee but I just ignored it. I arrived back and Just outside my door that lorry was still there.

"I wonder what they're doing" I say to myself. And just in that moment I saw the new guy. Sebastian Olzanski. He must be our new neighbours. I try to avoid his view by quickly to open the door, it worked but now if I don't want him to see me I have to do this everyday. I shut the door and turn around.

"Oh Becky have you met the new neighbours?" My mum says, she scared me.

"Ohhh ummm yeah I have."

"Well I haven't, come over with me and let's go talk to them"

"Mum I really don't-"

"Nope! No excuses young lady you're coming with me to meet him, end of." Really, i've just avoided him and now I have to go speak to him face to face. We both leave the house and head next door. A lady spotted us, I'm guessing its Sebastian's mum.

"Oh hi! you must be our neighbours. This is Sebastian and I'm Sebastian's mum" she smiled. Me and Sebastian just looked at each other.

"Becky how about you show Sebastian round the area. and then you can come back to ours." His mum said.

"Sure" i reply, i couldn't really say no.

"okay then, see you in a few hours!" wow she seemed so happy.

*2 hours later*

me and Sebastian arrived back at around 6pm and he invited me into his and we went and sat down on the sofa. we talked about a lot of stuff like how he used to live in Canada and all that, it was pretty cool to be honest.

"Hey um Becky, I'm sorry i was so rude to you today and ignored you, i really didn't mean it, its just the new school and all."

"its fine. i get ignored a lot so I'm used to it"

"why do you get ignored? from these past couple hours I've been talking to you you're not even that bad"

"thanks.. well.. i don't know.. I've never really been that kid who has a lot of friends or talk to anyone, i just do my own thing."

"well maybe you should come with me, i met some cool people today and they said they had some friends they were meeting up with and they said i could go and bring someone, you can come if you want."

"And who are these people?"

"Jake and Tom"

"oh those guys" i get along with them alright, were not really friends but we can have conversation if we are together. "sure ill go"

"cool. well its 6:17 now and they said to meet them at 8. so go get ready and come back round at 7:30ish."

"okay, see you in an hour" i stand up and leave. he smiles as i leave the house and head back to mine. When i get back i go up to my room and take a quick shower. when i get out i put on some dark blue skinny jeans, a cute grey tee and some grey vans. i brush my hair through with my hands and had downstairs. i grab my phone off the counter and head round Sebastian's realizing I'm 20 minutes early. im sure he wont mind. i knock on the door.

"Hey, come in" Sebastian said. he was no where near ready, he was still in his school clothes. i sat down on the sofa.

"So where are we going?" i ask

"they said meet him at the park across the road"

"okay cool"

just then he took his shirt off, damn he had a good body.

"like what you see?" he says laughing. i didn't realize i was staring.

"Oh my god I'm sorry i was just surprised" i said embarrassed

"its okay" he replies. he grabs his shirt off the side and puts that on. Sebastian did a few other things before he was finally ready to go.

"FINALLLYY" i say bored out of my mind.

"well i gotta look good" He says. I giggle and we both stand up and leave the house. Hes actually a pretty good guy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Hey so here's chapter three of 'Change'. I'm tryng to give it more of a story since nothing has really happened yet but once again i promise it will get better! this is only the beginning! haha. Peace out

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