Chapter Sixteen

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Sebastian's POV:

I thought of something she really loved, travelling. Yeah it's going to cost a lot but for Becky? I'd do anything. I slipped on my shoes and ran down the hall to her room. I knock on the door quietly.

"BECKY ITS SEBASTIAN, OPEN UP I GOTTA TELL YOU SOMETHING." I stood there for a second then knocked again. "BECKY CMON I KNOW YOURE IN THERE" yet again no answer. Maybe she's out. I walk down to the lobby and find mahogany.

"Hey mahogany um have you seen Becky?"

"No I thought she was in the room"

"She's not answering if she is"

"I got the key lets go check." We both walk back up to the room and mahogany unlocks the door.

"Becky you in here?!" Mahogany shouts. She walks over to the bathroom and goes to open the door but the handle stops.

"The doors locked. She must be in here, BECKY OPEN UP" she's not answering.

"Is there any way you can see in ?"

"Wait there's a key hole" she bent down and looked through.


"Wait what why?!" I can feel my heart start to pound.

"BECKY, SHES ON THE FLOOR AND SHE LOOKS UNCONSCIOUS , QUICKLY" I grab my phone out my pocket and quickly dial 911.

Becky's POV:

I wake up with a throbbing headache and blurred vision. When my eyes come into focus I turn to my left to see mahogany.

"Hey." She says to me.

"Where am I?" Im so confused.

"It's okay you're in the hospital. We found you in the bathroom unconscious so we called 911.

"Oh.. Thank you.. I guess.."

"Why would you do this babe? Why would you do this to yourself?"

"I.. Um.. There were people saying horrible stuff. Fans took photos of me and cam in the park and assumed we were dating, it got viral and people started calling me a slut, a skank etc. I just couldn't take it"

"It's okay but promise me you won't do this again?" She lent over and held my hand.

"Promise." I faked a smile and layed my head back down.

"How long have I been here?"

"2 days."

"And you found me? I'm so sorry you had to see me like that"

"Actually I didn't. Sebastian did. He came to talk to you about something but he couldn't find you, he came to me and asked for the room key and that's where you were."

"Where is he now?"

"In the lobby getting snacks" when mahogany said that my body relaxed, I'm glad sebastian is here, it makes me feel so much better for some reason.

"Can I see him?"

"Sure I'll go get him." Mahogany stood up and left the small hospital room, a few minutes later the door opened and sebastian slowly walked in.

"Hi" is all he says.

"Hey" he made his way to the side of the bed and say down. He grabbed my hand and held it softly.

"Wow you're cold. Here cover yourself with this" he grabbed a blanket from his bag and put it over me.

"Thank you."

"Right let's cut to the chase becky. Why, just why?"

"I'm sorry" I explained to him what I told mahogany.

"That's.. Wow.. Just remember I'm here for you okay." He lent forward a little. "Always" his words made me smile, and this time it wasn't fake.

"Sebastian, I'm sorry for being so angry with you. I mean for Christ sake I saw a girl making out with you. But that's in the past, and the day with cam gave me time to think. It reminded me of when we first met in the park, our first kiss. And I guess it's because... I love you" he looked me in the eyes and then replied.

"I love you too." He bent over the bed and kissed me on the lips. When he pulled away he slowly sat back and huffed. "I have something to tell you, I know how much you've always wanted to go travelling and see different places, so next month, we will be travelling. Anywhere you want we will go."

"Are you serious?!"

"Pretty sure I'm serious." He chuckled

"Oh my god sebastian!" I sat up and pulled him into a tight hug. He gently stroked his thumb on my back. "Thank you thank you thank you I love you so much"

"I love you too babe." I sat back and thought for a second.

"When do you think I'll be let out?"

"Probably by the end of today since you're awake. When we go back to the hotel we'll pack up and head to the final tour destination. the tour ends in a few days. Then we will head home, back to the UK where we started."

"Sounds great"

*out of the hospital and on the plane to the last destination*

I'm next to the window and Kaitlyn on my left. Right now I'm happy, hopefully this feeling will last a long time now. I was looking out the window and I felt movement next to me so I looked over to see cam.

"Oh hi I didn't know Kaitlyn was secretly a guy" I laughed.

"Well I guess I've just been a lie this whole time" he laughed which made me do so even more.

"So why have you decided to swap? Aaron getting on your nerves?"

"No actually I wanted to talk to you"

"Okay.. Go on.."

"I'm sorry about everything that has happened these past few days. I didn't think that it would lead to this. I hope you understand that day was just to make you feel better, I wasn't planning for this.

"Cam it's fine, don't worry and you don't have to be sorry. I know it wasn't set up; and I had a really good day."

"Well at least you know haha"


*final hour of the last day of tour*

Cameron stood up to the microphone and spoke..

"Hey guys! I just want to say a few things, thank you so much for coming ! I loved meeting you all and I love each and every one of you so much. I hope to see you all soon. We've been through A lot this tour with Becky, me, sebastian and a few others. You guys kept us going. Thank you. I love you." The crowd cheered and screamed. I knew this was the last time I'd meet fans, be with the guys and my bestfriend Cameron. The feelings all grew on me and I started crying. I lifted my hands to cover my face but cameron already saw. He jumped of the stage and came and gave me a big bear hug which was just what I needed. He moved away and straight away I got pulled into another hug, then another. It was soon all one big group hug and everyone started singing to what was playing. Skinny love. At that specific moment that song just had to come on. I heard the fans cheering and awwing but they have no idea how bad this feels having to leave my friends. This would be our final hug for a long time.

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