Christmas Special: Where is Midari?

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So. I don't know if you remember but I did write at the prologue "A sadistic weirdo that follows me around"

So it's my bad that I actually forgot about her. So here's what she's up to when the first five chapters was uploaded. (I actually forgot mommy midari :'< I apologise)


Midari's POV ( 'Her thoughts' )

Chapter I

"Ah... Yumeko still looking like a goddess... This is such a blessing to my eyes. Let's do bathroom fun for a moment as I stare at you my goddess."

Chapter II

'Huh? Who's that flat cut- asshole that's walking to class right next to my goddess? Hmmm. She looks gloomy but it's like there's so much going on in her life. And I still can't get over by the fact that she's walking next to my goddess. Gotta go investigate...'

Chapter III

'Well... There's not much going on than her working at a restaurant at chapter 2 and dealing with this rude costumer that seems to be also her classmate. She looked so cool. She could be my goddess number 3 since Yumeko is number 1 and Pres is number 2. And she did got famous after gambling with two of the famous gambler at the school two days in a row and won. After her gamble, she ran into Runa and called her a kid. We stan a great damn goddess.'

Chapter IV

'It's chapter 4 already and I still haven't have my own screen time at the main story. This is unacceptable. I want to create a ruckus but I still won't get noticed so let's just talk about my journey of investigating Nikaidou Y/n. Well I don't see her around so let's just go to the park, steal some ice cream from kids and make them cry.'

Chapter V

'Once again I don't see her around at this chapter because the author is focusing too much on Y/n's future with the 4 gays and actually forgot the bisexual (me). I'm damn disappointed. If I am only exis I would've shot the author's head by now for not making me appear at the chapters. And she just updated the chapter 10 and I'm still not appearing. This damn pig watching anime all day long. I give up. I'll just do bathroom fun with imaginary Y/n.'


I am truly sorry :<

"Yeah you should be sorry. I've been waiting for too long and here you are watching attack on titan and reading gay webtoons forgetting about me."

I am so sorry I'll make her appear as soon as possible :<

"You damn oaf why are you ignoring me?" Midari pouted.

"It was my order, whoever is speaking right now." Yumeko appeared.

"Dear viewers, please wait for the ghost to appear when our wedding with Y/n is done. See you, darlings. I'm getting bad vibes here." Yumeko left the chat.

"Y-Yumeko! You damn Yumeko simp! Don't forget to give me some screen time! Yumeko wait for me!" Midari also left the chat.

The damn Yumeko simp: Once again I am very so much sorry for forgetting midari in this story. I'll try to make her appear as soon as possible. Also im thinking of making this part of the story line so yeah.... Merry Christmas!


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