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"Let's have fun, darling~."


First Person

"Now... Let me play with her first." Kirari pushed me to the wall or her big ass aquarium, with my back facing her. She raised her arm, ready to whip my ass when Meari grabbed it.

"Hold up you horny Pres. We should play fair. If not fair, at least we should work together to please Y/n." Meari and Kirari had a glaring contest, not noticing Ririka is already taking action.

Ririka tied me up with a rope and positioned me. Like this:

*Too much skin

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*Too much skin. I had to censor it.*

Ririka also put a blindfold on me. As she finished her job, I heard Yumeko giggling.

"Y/n~. You look so cute~." She whispered as she be inserted a vibrator on my ass. I moaned loudly, enough to get Meari and Kirari's attention.

"What the- You traitors!" Meari growled at Yumeko and Ririka.

"Ara? For the first time in your life, you actually did something useful." Meari nodded agreeing to Kirari as they approached us as Ririka glare at them.

"Ah... Ririka. Tighten the rope. It's not enough... She could escape with her strength."

"Okay... It's gonna hurt a little bit but you'll enjoy it.." She tighten the rope that made me moan in pain.

The 4 girls smirked and happily getting ready to smash my ass and pussy, when Sayaka knocked at the door. (A/n: 🤡)

"President? Vice President? We have a meeting with the council at the meeting room. You 2 were never been late... Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Everything is... Okay..." Kirari slapped my ass hard out of irritation that made me moan. I quickly bit my lip, shocked because Sayaka might've heard it.

"Sayaka-chan. Give your lovely President and Vice President 5 minutes and we'll come out." Yumeko yelled, enough for Sayaka to hear at the other side of the door.

"Wh-what are you doing there-

"Sayaka." Kirari spoke in a serious tone.

"Y-yes, President?"

"We'll come out soon. Just give us 5 minutes." Kirari smirked, getting ready to whip me.

"A-alright.." Sayaka left in disappointment. She had her head low as she walks away at the council office.

"Let's continue." Kirari whipped my ass HARD as I bit my lip, afraid that someone might hear me.

While Kirari is whipping me, Meari inserted a vibrating d*ldo inside me making me moan loudly but I also quickly bit my lip again, muffling my moans.

Ririka clipped my nipples and licked them making my upper body feel weak.

Yumeko told me not to bite my lip and spread her legs. She pushed my head on her p*ssy as I moan from Kirari whipping me, Ririka licking my nipples and Meari's vibrating d*ldo inside me.

Meari motioned the d*ldo in and out making me moan louder at Yumeko's p*ssy that made her moan too.

Kirari's whipping gets harder and harder every minute even though she said she needs t minutes and come out. But she's enjoying this too much that she actually forgot about her meeting.

"I-.... I'm cumming...." I stated in a shaky voice.

"No.... Not yet...." The 4 said in unison.

"Seriously. Just let her cum." A voice outside the Council Office spoke. I gasped in fear that I might tarnish their reputation if the students know about this. The 4 also glared at the door and Ririka quickly untied me.

"Don't worry. I won't spread rumors. I'm not that type of person, you know?" She said while giggling. "Don't worry, Pres. It's just me. Midari." She chuckled as if she obtained something very important.

"Hurry up and finish having sex. The other members are waiting for the 2 of you." She left giggling to herself.

"Kira- President.... Is it gonna be okay?" I looked at her in fear of tarnishing her reputation.

"No, darling. It's fine. If ever she spreads rumors about this, I'll make sure she won't be able to speak and see again." Kirari smiled at me as she caress my cheek.

"Sh-she's not r-really the type of p-person who spreads r-rumors unless she has s-something to gain from it..." Ririka puts some ointment at my rope marks since she tighten it earlier.

"I hope we could trust that eye patch bitch. Tsk." Meari rolled her eyes as she massages my thighs.

"Darling~? Did you enjoy? Especially my p*ssy. Did you enjoy it~?" Yumeko hugged me as her breasts suffocates me.

"Y-yesh.. V-vut Yumeko I canf't breaffe.."
(Y-yes.. B-but Yumeko I can't breathe..) I tried to push her away but my whole body is so sore.

Meari is putting my underwear on me since I can't really stand and move after Yumeko and her shove a vibrator on my ass and a vibrating dildo on my p*ssy.

Kirari is doing my hair and Ririka and Yumeko is putting on my bra and blouse on me. And yes they are still naked, dressing me up.

After dressing me up, they also tidy themselves up.

"U-umm... What do we do to my hickeys and scratches all over my neck?" I looked at them blankly.

"Aha! Let's cover it up~!" Yumeko suggested.

"With what?"


"A-are you serious?!" I yelled at them.

"Yes. You look cute in that, honey."

"I-i... I agree."

"I-it's not really c-cute...."

"Darling~! You look very cute in this collar~! Now that I look at you with a it, I'm craving for round 2... But without someone interrupting us."

"S-stop.. I'm sore all over my body.. Anyways don't you guys have some meeting?" I looked at Kirari and Ririka.

"It's been 30 minutes. It's probably finished for a while now." Kirari stated. "Anyways, can you walk?"

"Yes-" As soon as I stood up, I quickly fall down to my ass. "I guess... No?"

"Hah. It was a good idea paying for the wheelchair when Y/n got hospitalized." Meari smiled. "We got to go. I didn't realize it but it's already our 2nd to the last subject. We've been here for an hour and a half."

"That's right. We got to go now."

Third Person

Y/n (In a wheelchair), Meari and Yumeko left the council office leaving Kirari and Ririka.

"Ririka. How the hell did Midari knew that we were doing it? Did she set up a hidden camera around here?"

"I don't think so."

"I see. Call her over. I need to do some interrogation with her." Kirari stated with a serious/annoyed face as Ririka left to hunt for Midari.

• • •

it's been 84 yrs...

i feel like the smut part is boring and short. it needs to improve i think😭


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