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First Person

It's been 2 weeks since I was out of the hospital and 2 weeks since I temporarily moved in at Kirari and Ririka's mansion. My brother wanted to work as a cleaner at their mansion as payment for taking care of me but they insisted that he doesn't need to pay them back.

I got all of the attention at school since it's been a while since I went to class. My foot hasn't completely healed yet but I could walk properly.

As I walk at the halls, I sensed 3 people following me. And you probably guessed it...

Third Person (Few minutes before Y/n came to school)

The 4 went to school earlier than their everyday schedule. Ririka is patrolling the halls, doing her duty. The other 3 is left at the council office looking serious as they discuss something.

"So it's confirmed that Y/n likes big boobs?" Kirari asked Yumeko with an amused face.

"Yes. She loves squishing my breasts when we were fucking." Yumeko bit her lip and blushed.

"Fucking idiot. Don't say that out loud. It's making me jealous. And I'm somehow offended..." She sighed.

"Ugh whatever. Anyways, it's been 2 weeks since we started dating her but we don't even look like it. We look like a group of five girls just having a sleepover back at their mansion." Meari added as she rubs the back of her neck.

"I agree. We need to be more affectionate- Hold on." Yumeko slapped both Meari and Kirari at their napes and glared at them. "Weren't we just talking about how Y/n likes big boobs?"

"Oh yeah. We got sidetracked because of this damn chihuahua." Kirari smirked at Meari.

"Whatever you do to me, I'm gonna endure this bullying for a while and protect Y/n to pass safely to the hallways." She went to the window and looked outside as students enter the school.

"So... How do we-" Her jaw dropped immediately that made Yumeko and Kirari look at her weirdly.

"Meari-san? What's wrong?"

"It's nothing. Y/n is just beautiful with her uniform." The other 2 also went to the window to look outside and stared at Y/n as she enter.

"Ah! I have an idea... Let's follow her wherever she goes." She looked proud with her plan. The other 2 once again smirked and agreed to the plan.

"Wait a minute. I just remembered... We have a certain person from the family that has exceptionally big boobs." Kirari, Yumeko and Meari's face stiffen.

"It's Miroslava-san, isn't?" The three once again had this serious face.

"Alright. We need to protect Y/n at all cost. Let's keep her away from Miroslava and protect my place at Y/n's heart as the 'Big Boobs Queen'." Yumeko with a blush stated while the other 2 looks at her disgustingly.

"Let's go. Let's leave the weirdo alone."

"I agree. Let's go."

"Ara~? Please wait for me!"


Y/n is on her way to the classroom and the three has been following her secretly.

First Person

'What are those girls up to now? Why are they following me? Not like I care tho.' I just made my way to my classroom and sat there quietly.

The other three following me, also decided to say goodbye for a while.

"Ara~~?? Y/n-chan is here!" Yumeko ran up to me and hugged me getting stares from our male classmate.

"Hey idiot. You left the house early. Were you uncomfortable?" Meari sat behind my seat and placed her head on my shoulder getting all the attention of the class that makes me uncomfortable.

"A-ah. N-no. It's just that I missed many classes and I thought that I was late this morning..." I uncomfortably stated as I looked down.

"Are they bullying her?"

"She transferred here like 3 months ago."

"Yeah they should've done that three months ago. Y/n's charisma also went away..."

"I mean yeah. Heard she's just a poor girl, working at restaurants."

"Poor Y/n being bullied by the best gamblers in the school."

"Hey." I looked at them.


"Seriously. We're literally just here listening to your conversation. If you have something to say, say it to our faces." I glared at them.

"That's right. Are you guys blind and deaf? Didn't you just hear and saw how we treated Y/n?" Meari barked at them.

"A-ah! That was... W-we thought it was just fake....." The students looked down.

"Oho~" An unknown person came in to our classroom. But Yumeko and Meari seem to recognize him.

"Hey there, Meari and Yumeko. I see we have a new friend here." He smirked at me as he looked at me up and down.

"Aren't you staring at her too rudely?" Yumeko sounded really mad but she was still smiling and I know that smile. She about to end that person's life.

"Why are you even here?" Meari glared at him.

"Oh that.... I want to gamble again."

Yumeko and Meari laughed while that guy is getting pissed.

"I see! You should've said so." Meari wiped a tear on her eye for laughing too hard. "Wow. I can't believe you're brave enough to challenge us even after losing." Meari and Yumeko laughed once again.

"Alright. Let's gamble." Yumeko smirked. "But since you stared at Y/n rudely... You're not going up against us..."

"H-huh? Why? Are you scared that I improved?"

"No. Not at all. But rudely staring at our girl is just unforgivable so you'll have to go up against them..." Meari pointed at the door. And to my surprise, Kirari and Ririka was standing there.

"It's been a while...  Jun Kiwatari." Kirari and Ririka (Under her mask) smirked.

'Dayuuum. My girlfriends going wild today. I'mma get some popcorn and tea and see how this goes.'

• • •

I don't want classes to go back :'>


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