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↑ hello there.

First Person

"What's "fucked"?" My poor innocent 3 year old little siblings was standing at the entrance of my room and said that word.

I glared at Meari and quickly limped my way to them. "Don't ever say that again. It's naughty, okay?"

"Okay!" They said at the same time and gave me the most cutest, innocent, beautiful smile, that made my inner soul die but was interrupted by Kirari.

"Hello kids. I'm your future sister-in-la-

"Anyways so what are you doing here? How did you get here? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I cut off Kirari knowing what she will say.

"Oh! I overheard our teacher talking to Nii-san on the phone saying 'That pest is here. I'll take them to my home for a while.' and took us to her home." Kei stated as he clings onto me.

"I see. But how did you get here? Did your teacher brought you here?" I looked at Kei for an answer and for some reason, he looks proud.

"No. We went here without anyone guiding us. Aren't we amazing?" This made my heart sank. I was about to scold them when Keiko suddenly collapsed at the floor but Meari caught her.

"She looks really pale." Meari looking at Keiko with concern.

"I-I'll get the best doctor at the hospital. Please wait for me." Ririka spoke before running off to get a doctor.

"Keiko.... Ne-san. Is it my fault that Keiko is sick?" Kei looked at me with tears in his eyes. I just hugged him out of concern and Yumeko also joined the hug and whispered to Kei, "No... But next time, don't do that. It's dangerous. You could travel on your own once you're old enough, okay? You made your sister worried."

He just nodded as he sobs. "I'm sorry, Ne-san."

"Now don't cry. You don't want to get hospitalized again and have many wires attached to you again, do you?" He nodded once again and hugged me and Yumeko tighter.

Third Person

During the hug, Yumeko turned to Meari and Kirari and mouthed:

'We. Look. Like. A. Family.' and smirked.

Kirari and Meari just glared at her and the both also mouthed:

'Fucking. Big. Boobs. That. Will. Sag. When. You. Get. Old. Y/n. Won't. Like. That.'

'Do. Whatever. You. Want. I'm. Still. Y/n's. Favorite.'
(A/n: I guess you guys know who's  who..? :> )

Yumeko lifted a finger at them and continued her hugging session with Y/n and Kei.

'I. Don't. Know. What. They're. Doing. But. Hello. I'm. Kei.'


First Person

Ririka and the other 4 wants to let Keiko stay at the hospital for a while since they overreacted about Keiko fainting for not eating lunch but I insisted that we'll just go home.

"A-are you sure you want to go home? What about your parents? Won't they hit you?" Ririka is carrying Keiko who is fast asleep on her arms because she seems to like Ririka for some reason.

"Yeah. They might hit me or us. So I decided to just sleep at your house. Also... Fuck this cast. My foot doesn't hurt anymore. Can I get this off please?" I pleaded Kirari.

"Alright. But you won't go to school. Your foot isn't fully healed. And it actually got worse due to a certain someone." Kirari glared at Yumeko who's acting dumb.

[Kakegurui Girls 𝖝 Fem Reader] *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now