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1st Person

It's my second day since I transferred here in Hyakkao. Well I received the money I won from Haruka. And after our gamble, many students become wary of me.

"Hey idiot! Did you get the money?" Meari stood up and quickly walk up to me. "Did you receive the money you won yesterday?" She sounded so serious.

"Yes." With that short reply, I went to my seat and rested my head on the table. I'm really tired after dealing with a rude costumer. "Just because you're rich..." I mumbled.

"Who is rich, Y/n-san?" Yumeko back hugged me as she sits behind me.

"It's none of your business, Yumeko-san." I took her hands off me since she's back hugging me and try to take a nap.

But a random guy from another class suddenly came up to me and disturb my peace. "Aren't you the girl yesterday? From the restaurant."

I completely froze on my seat. I gulped as I look at him. "Aren't you that brat yesterday?" I'll admit. I was scared. I was scared that he will challenge me to a gamble. After the gamble yesterday I realized this wasn't just a child's play. You could actually lose your freedom and humanity if you lose on a gamble.

"Heh. You dare to talk back to me when you're powerless. You're working part time at that restaurant right?" He took my notebook and slam it to me.

"Don't you think you should apologize for shouting at me yesterday? Or else..." He came close to your ear "Your brother will lose his job."

My eyes widen from what he said. "I didn't know he was working for me.. So if you won't apologize, he'll be the one taking your punishment." He smirked at me thinking he won.

How the fuck..? Did he do a background check on me? Just to threaten me to apologize? This bitch.. "How petty."

"What did you say?!" Bruh my eardrums will break.

"Leave my brother alone. And yes. I'm poor and powerless so I'll apologize." I did a 90 degree bow. "I am sorry for.."

"Sorry for?" He was smirking the whole time as he looks down at me.

"I'm sorry for this..." I hold onto his ankle and pulled it making him fall backwards making his head hit a desk. I stepped on his chest and kicked his face.

"You fucking pervert! You were secretly taking pictures of my co-workers underwear whenever they're near you, slapping their ass and I'm one of the victims!" I gasped for air after rapping that out.

Shit! We were having that conversation while the whole class is here. They didn't even know I'm poor. I can't believe my real status in life is revealed just after first day of school. What if they start looking down at me? I'm scared..

I quickly ran out of the classroom and just go to where my legs take me to.

I kept running and running even though I was already far enough from my classroom.

I then bumped into someone. Probably someone more smaller than I am.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

I looked over to that person and quickly helped her up.

"Kid. Are you lost? Do you want me to call your parents? Who's sibling are you?" I fished my phone out of my pocket. But as soon as I do that I got a punch from this kid. I mean are you even a kid?

"First of all! I! Am! Not! A! Kid! Second of all! You should be calling me senpai!"

"Kawaii." I patted her head lightly but got a kick in return.

"My name is Runa you 2nd Year giant! And don't call me that!" She pouted as she said that.

"Ara ara~ Runa you should calm down. And who do we have here?" A braided platinum haired girl appeared as she scans me.

"Oh? Hey Madam President she's-"
she suddenly gasped and looked at me "Ah! Are you perhaps Nikaidou Y/n?" Runa asks.


"Then... You won against Yamamoto Haruka?"


"And the one that kicked Tachibana Ryuu on his face?"

"Yes." That's his name? That guy? How did she know? That happened just a while ago.

"Well that's interesting. As far as I know Haruka is one of the best gambler in the school. And Ryuu's family is one of my father's business partner." Kirari stated as she looked directly in my eyes as if it's trying to get my soul. Her eyes actually looks intimidating but also relaxing. I'm much more on the relaxing side tho. She looks familiar too...


"Yes, Nikaidou-san?" We had a little bit of staring contest till I finally talked again.

"Umm.. Did you go to the (XXXX) Restaurant yesterday at 6:30 PM?"

She smirked a little bit "No. I didn't."

"I see..." I looked at her weirdly in my mind since I really can't show my expression.

"Y/n-san!" "Hey idiot!" I heard Yumeko along with Meari yelled from a distance.

"Well. I have to go. Sorry for bumping into you, Runa senpai. And it's nice to talk to you, President." I quickly ran away to somewhere far again.

3rd POV

After Y/n ran away, Meari and Yumeko chasing her although Yumeko stopped on her tracks, Kirari was deep in thought.

"Ara~? It's rare to see President roaming in the halls and is also in deep thought." Yumeko was kinda gasping for air as she smirks.

"Are you not gonna chase Nikaidou-san, Yumeko?" Kirari wears her usual smirk again as she saw Yumeko.

"Meari can chase Y/n-san by herself." Yumeko replied. "Now I wonder... What is the president doing with a student? And it's Nikaidou-san." Yumeko asks as she emits a dark aura.

"Well a little chat won't hurt, Yumeko. Also.. Why do you care if it's Y/n? Who do you think you are?" Kirari replied as she also emits a dark aura.

Both of them started to have a glaring contest but was stopped when Meari came with Y/n, holding hands. This made Yumeko and Kirari twitch.

"Ara ara~ you caught her Meari-san!" Yumeko run towards them and hugged Y/n hard enough for her to let go of Meari's hand. Yumeko smiled at her victory then smiled at Y/n. But as usual, Y/n is expressionless.

'When will you show your true self,
Y/n?' Yumeko thought to herself as she cleared her throat and dragged
Y/n to an empty classroom. "Well, we have lots to talk about. See you later."

"What about me?" Meari tried to follow Yumeko to the empty classroom but it was already closed and locked.

"Well shit." She felt angry for some reason and she doesn't know why.

• • •

im literally just writing down what comes to my mind


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