Chapter 15: Morning, Beautiful

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ANOTHER Chapter... Yup, I'm that good.

This chapter has far more "action", so you have been warned.

The video on the side is of an extremely appropriate song, James Arthur's version of 'Let's Get It On' by Marvin Gaye ;)

Last but not least this chapter is dedicated to annamacnamee, who I love so deeply and who is also the inspiration for Annie. There is no one more deserving of the dedication for this "action-packed" chapter ;)

Enjoy.. Comment, vote ... and please fan, if its not too much to ask...


*Alex POV*

Dinner dragged on for what seemed like eternity. Don't get me wrong, the food was to die for and I loved my brother and Annie to pieces, but I just wanted it to end. I wanted to get back to our room, where I had Nate all to myself, where we didn't have to hide the electricity between us.

It had been almost two hours since we had arrived for dinner, two whole hours without any contact and my body yearned for his touch. It sounded silly when you said it out loud, but it was the truth; I needed him, without him I didn't feel complete. It was like a part of me was missing, I was empty. That feeling I got when I was with him, the pure unadulterated ecstasy, it was indescribable, like nothing I had ever experienced before, and I longed for it. Now that I knew I could have it, I wanted it all the more. It was like I was running a race, the finish-line within touching distance but I couldn't quite reach it.

I took a sip of my Jack and Coke, a sigh escaping my lips as I looked at Annie and Trent. She sat on his knee whispering in his ear as he made small circles on her thigh with his thumb. It was a simple but affectionate gesture and I couldn't help the jealousy that flowed through me. I wanted more than anything to be able to act like that with Nate in public, but I couldn't. I downed the rest of my drink, deciding there was only one thing for it. There was no point in brooding over what I couldn't have like a spoilt toddler, I was going to get drunk and have some fun.


I woke the next morning, my head pounding. I put a hand to my head, a groan escaping my lips and tried to move off the bed, only to find that I couldn't. Squinting, I opened my eyes and found myself enveloped in strong muscular arms. I turned my body around until I came face-to-face with a perfectly chiselled chest. I lifted my head and was met by twinkling grey-blue eyes, the ones that always set my heart a flutter and this time was no exception.

"Good morning, beautiful." he sang, putting his lips to my forehead. "Feeling a little rough, are we?"

"Just a little." I croaked, wincing as a sharp pain pierced my head.

He released his hold on me and rolled himself over in the bed. I felt a pang of disappointment deep inside me and goosebumps covered my skin as the frigid air hit me. The hotel room was by no means cold, but without his body warmth, a chill spread over my half-naked body. Wait a minute? Half-naked? I looked down only to discover that I was wearing nothing but my bra and panties. What had happened last night? How much did I drink?

I looked up at Nate who was watching me intently. He held his hand out to me and in it where two painkillers. In the other he held a glass of water. I took both gratefully and shot him an appreciative smile.

"Nate, what happened last night?" I asked cautiously, "we didn't um..."

"Last night?" he questioned, his eyes locked on mine. "You mean you don't remember?"

I shook my head, "Well, I remember being at the restaurant and having our meal, but after that the whole thing is a blur."


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