Part 3

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It's the next day
"YENA WAKE UP"Chaewon yelled
"Shhh I wanna sleep"yena said tiredly
"Yo Yuri's coming"Chaewon whispered
"So what? I'm want to sleep" yena said with an annoyed tone
"OH SHIT EUNBI UNNIE'S COMING BYE-" Chaewon said leaving the room
"ok...W-WAIT WHO? NONO" She said as she hurriedly gets up
"Yes maam"

Skip time
"너의 꿈에 데려 가줘 take on me" yena sings while dance to her part
She wants to avoid yuri at all costs she's tired of crying and being hurt.
"Okay that's good yena" their dance teacher said
"Thank you" She said

After like 1 hour they take a break for a bit

"Yaa Chae, you're need to stop and let's eat with us" eunbi said
"Alright I'm starving let's eat" chaeyeon said happily
"Yena unnie, come sit here next to me" yuri said patting the chair next to her
" um no it's fine I'll sit next to Minju" yena replies not looking at Yuri
"Umm okay"yuri replied

3rd POV
"Why is she being like this?"Yuri thought to herself
"You bitch go sit somewhere else" Chaewon whisper feeling annoyed
" why? Are you jealous????👀👀" yena replies while lift her eyebrows
"Unnie, why can't yena sit with me? It's fine" Minju replies
"Yea Chaewon, why can't I?" Yena replies mocking
"Tsss whatever" Chaewon replies
Chaeyeon,Yujin,Sakura,Eunbi laughing knowing that Chaewon had a crush on Minju

Skip time (they already home)
"Waahhh we've been practicing so long and I'm tired" wonyoung whines
" same here kid" nako replies lying on the floor
"Ya wonyoung the tower, get up let's go to convenience store" said the other tall girl
"Yo what did you call me? You dog looking person" the latter replies back
"Do you wanna come or not?"yujin asks ignoring what the latter said just now
"Fine FiNe, ill come only because I want to hold ur hands" the younger said making yujin blush
"they definitely whipped for each other" hitomi said
Meanwhile Sakura is looking at yena with a worried look
"Chae, are u sure she's okay? I don't think so" Sakura said looking at yena who's looking at Hyewon and Yuri playing together
"Mm I think so too, it's okay I'll talk to her later Saku-chan" chaeyeon said to her girlfriend
(Everyone doesn't know that they both are dating)
"Okay kids I wanna go to sleep so PlEAsE don't be to loud" the leader said
"Eew go get room you 2" nako said to Chaewon who is hugging Minju
"Shush I know you're jealous nako" she said smirking.
Nako face suddenly heats up as she realize that everyone knows she likes hitomi
"Hey hitomi, someone likes you ya kn-" before she finish her words nako shush her mouth
"What? Did you call me?"hitomi said confused
"Hahah nothing let's go play games" nako said while pushing hitomi in her room
"HEYYO GAYS IM BACKKKK" said wonyoung
"shut up, wonyoung you're being loud" yujin said as she dragged the latter to the living room. Wonyoung face heats up as she realize that yujin is holding her hand
"I bought y'all some good drugs" yujin said as she handed them a snack
"Yooo this is good, thanks!"Chaewon said
"Unnie, don't you want some?"wonyoung said to yena
"No, it's fine I don't want" yena said smiling
"Wait where's hyewon unnie?"wonyoung asks
"With yuri" Minju said as the latter nodded her head
"Hey let's party in wonyoung's room" yujin suggest
"Wait-" wonyoung didn't manage to finish as all of them already running towards her room

Meanwhile a person walking towards yena direction
"Hey yena, you good?" Chaeyeon said
"Yeah, I'm fine"yena said as she starts to drink
"Yea no you're not fine"chaeyeon said as she snatch the drink from Yena and drinks it
"Okay,then what you want?" She asks feeling defeated
"Stop being like this Yena, stop with the jealousy" chaeyeon said as yena took another drink and drink it aggressively
"Stop ignoring yuri, it won't do any good plus we are on our comeback" she added
"H-how? I'm hurting Chae, I'm hurt and sick of it. I'm a coward"yena said as she cried
"Yena, please don't do this, at least talk to her"chaeyeon said to yena
"You're drunk yena, GET TO YOUR SENSE PLEASE"chaeyeon said to the latter
"GO I SAID GO"yena yelled as she looking at chaeyeon leaving her alone
She knows that she can't drink while doing promotion but she needs to.
"Unnie, are you okay?" A person asks yena who is crying while holding a bottle
"Oh? Yuri, I'm *hiccups* sorry" the older said to the younger
"Unnie, you're drunk!" The younger said as she helps yena gets up
"Where are we going?" The older asks while putting her hand on the younger shoulder
"To your room unnie, you're drunk" yuri said
"WhyYuri? Why are you doing this to me?" The older said as the younger puts her in her bed
"What do you mean?"the younger asks out of curiosity
"You making *hiccups* me fall harder, I'm hurt and tired. Why can't you *hiccups* understand? Older said as she hiccups and sniffing
"What did I did to you? Why are you ignoring me?" She asks taking advantage of drunk yena
"Why? Wanna know *hiccups* why I'm hurting and ignoring you?" She said while bringing yuri closer to her
"Because I fell in love with you yuri" yena confess and she kissed the younger lips
Yuri was taken aback, she was surprise
"But, you didn't know and you keep hurting me with hyewon. I can't take it anymore" yena said with a crack voice as she pulled away with a tear running from her cheeks

Yuri leave the older in the room with tear running down her cheeks

Both of them cried at that night.

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