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"Why am I shaking?" Yena said to herself

Yuri POV
"Why does my heart beats so fast? Why am I blushing?" Yuri said but managed to shrugged it off.
She then run to go to the elevator since eunbi messaging her to hurry up
"W-WAIT dont ClOsE tHe dOoR"she said while panting after she runs like crazy
Third POV
"Oo fuuccc she's here" yena mumbled to herself
They just stood there like a stone not making any movements or conversation at all.
"Should I apologize to her for what happened?" Yena  thought
Yena keep looking at Yuri who is just looking at her phone.
"H-hey yuri, I'm sorry for what happened earlier"yena said
"Oh, that's fine. I'm okay"she said with a smile. That smile of hers always makes Yena melt.
"Oh god why is she making me fall for her harder?" Yena said to herself
As she was about to say something, the door opens and revealed a person standing waiting for someone.
"unnie!!! Why'd you leave meee~?"
"Hahaha sorry I was sooo hungry that's why anyway, I bought you your favorite bread!"
"Aww thank youuu unnie"
Yena just stood there with a fist while gritted her teeth
"Hey yena, is everything alright? You seemed mad" Chaeyeon said worriedly
"Oh yeah everything's okay chaeyeon" She said while smiling

"Yaa Minju I bought you an ice cream~" said the girl with short black hair.
"Oh? Unnie this is my fav ice cream thank you!" Minju said happily
"Ew Why am I seeing this two being lovey dovey? It's dIsGuStAnG" wonyoung said while mimicking a person throw up
"Unnie, why don't you confess to her👀?" Yujin whisper to Chaewon
*COUGH* *COUGH* "YA WHAT ARE U TALKIN ABOUT?" Chaewon said while coughing cus she flustered by what she just heard
"Well, if you don't want her then I'll take her" yujin said with a mischievous smile.
She was about to hold Minju's hand when suddenly Chaewon YEET Minju's hands and dragged her away from Yujin.
"SHUT UP YUJIN" Chaewon said.

As they were about to go inside their van, yuri said
"Unnie, I wanna sit next to you" She said
"Okay suree!" hyewon said while pinch Yuri's cheeks softly
"Oh c'mon here to?" Yena thought to herself .

Everyone knows that yuri is always clingy to Hyewon but Yena didn't like that at all she hates it with passion.

Yena sat at the back row of their van, she always sits with yuri but now everything's change. She just listen to music loudly with AirPods cus she don't want to see yuri and hyewon taking selfies. Yujin can only sigh to her.

It's night now.
Yena cries quietly cus she don't want to wake up anyone in the house (not to mention Chaewon is also sleeping besides her)
"Why? Why are you doing this to me?'
"Why are you making this harder?"
"Why are you suffocates me?"
She said while crying. She is deeply hurt yet she still want to be happy but why can't she be happy? Why does she must suffer?
Little did she know, someone is listening to her crying.
After seems like an hour, Yena went outside her room and to the kitchen since she felt thirsty.
"Unnie, why are your eyes puffy?" Said the short haired girl
"Oh? Ah I was just playing to much games that's why I guess haha" yena replies back
"Yea you're lying again Yena. I know you cried" The girl said
"Haha guess you caught me?" Yena said to her
"Haihh, unnie why are you crying? Is something wrong?" The girl said worriedly
"Nothings wrong Yuri-ah, I'm fine"she said smiling weakly
As she was about to go back inside her room feeling depress, suddenly a pair of hands is a hugging her waist. This hands felt too familiar, she felt so safe, comfortable.
"Please dont cry unnie" the girl said while hugging her tightly
As she was about to hug the younger back, a person suddenly came and that pair of hands gone from her waist.  Yena felt so hurt cus usually they would hug each other tightly.

"Yuri, where were you? I was about to watch the movie alone" Hyewon said
"Of course it would be her, who else?" Yena said to herself.
"Ah, comingggg~~ bye unnie I have to go watch movie with Hyewon unnie~" She said with an exciting tone
"You seemed happy, very happy" she said with a sad tone
"Hahaha unnie~" yuri said playfully hit yenA
"I'm so sorry yuri-ah" yena said before leaving her with a tear fall down

Yuri is so confused as if why is she being like this and why is she crying earlier and who is she talking about while she was crying.
"Ya yuri, you wanna watch or not?"hyewon said
"C-coming!" Yuri said still confused with Yena

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