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"lets go guys y'all ready?"eunbi said to the group
"YES! Lez get it"
"Alright, IZONE pls standby it's your turn after this to perform" the staff said to them
"Unnie! Fighting!" Seoyeon said to yena while doing the gesture
"Haha Thank you!! I'll do my best" yena said smiling
"Why are is she so happy with her?" Yuri thought to herself
"Hey you okay? What's on your mind? Why were u looking at them?" Minju said to her
"Oh no it's just I was just thinking of something"the latter replied
"YEAYYY WE WON~" Yujin said as she started to running around the room
"Cute" wonyoung mumble
"I heard that" nako said as she smirks
"No you don't hear anything unnie" wonyoung said as she leaves the room feeling embarrassed
"Alright lets go to Family Mart on our way home. My treat" eunbi said
"Nice I'm gonna buy a lot of food there. Watch me" hyewon said
"HAHAHA unnie! You already eat earlier" yuri said to her
"But I'm gonna get hungry :/" hyewon whining
"Okay -Okay. You're cute when you like this" yuri said as she hugs hyewon
"Get over it Yena, she doesn't like you" yena said to herself
"Unnie! Congrats on winning!" Seoyeon said as she hugs yena
"Haha Thanks!"
"Oh of course, congratulations to all of you too!"She said as she bows
"Thank you Seoyeon-ah" chaeyeon said as she smile
'Why is she being so playful with Yena?' Yuri thought
"Alright can we go now cus like I wanna go to Family Mart" Sakura said
"Alright let's go" eunbi said
"Unnie~ can I take a selfie with you?" Seoyeon ask yena as she holds her hands
'Okay bitch that's it' yuri said to herself as she goes to yena and took her away from Seoyeon
Yena was so confused as why she do this
(They're in the elevator now)
"Yu-yuri are you okay?" Yena asks
"Yea" she replies
"Then why are you suddenly dragged me in the elevator leaving the members behind like something is wrong?" The order said
"oh?" She just realized what she did and let go of yena's hands immediately blushing
"Joyull? Is something wrong?" Yena asks
'Why does my heart beats when she calls me that?' Yuri thought
"N-nothing unnie maybe I was to happy" she said as she smile at yena
', why are you making me fall for you even more yuri?' Yena said to herself
"Why tf those 2 ran out?" Eunbi said as she annoyed
"Sorry Seoyeon-ah" Sakura said
"Oh no it's fine I was also surprised" Seoyeon said
"I also wanna go. See y'all gays at the lobby" yujin said as she was about to go, someone pinch her
"Well, you deserve it" Chaewon said
"Psst psst wonyoung, wanna go together?" Yujin whispered to her
"Yes lets go" she said
"BYE BYE GUYS SEE YALL IN THE CAR" both of them said they run together
"omg those twin towers gonna die soon istg" eunbi said
"Let's go we all done anyways" hitomi said
"Wait why am I smelling something right here?"yujin asks as she look at 2 persons blushing
"What do you want Yujin?" Yuri asks
"Why I feel like something just happened between these 2? Did you guys perhaps ki-" as she was about to say more, she got smack
"Why did you guys went out first?" Eunbi said
"Oowww sorry" she said
Both of them were just being so awkward with each other in the car even though sitting with different member
"Ugh why did you buy so many things hyewon unnie?" Nako said
"Shut up mushroom" she said
"WATCHU CALL ME?" nako said angrily
"Uhm mushroom?" Hyewon said again
"Oh I guess you can't cus you're too short for me perhaps you need a water? So I can water you till you grow?" Hyewon said as she smirks
"well at least I'm not eating like a vacuum cleaner" nako said
"EY EY STOP STOP" chaeyeon said
"Bitch what did you say? Wanna sleep outside?" Eunbi scolded her
"Sorry ma'am" yena apologize
"Ignore them Minju, let's go eat this while watch Drama inside my room" Chaewon said dragging the blushing Minju
"Hey where are you two going?" Sakura said
"Oh we're going to the park see y'all later" wonyoung said
"Yo bro, good luck!" Yena said to yujin as she smirks
"Shut up"Yujin said
*ring ring*
"Yena unnie, your phone is ringing" hitomi said
"Hello? Oh Seoyeon-ah! Where? Oh okay see you" yena said to the phone
"Unnie where are you going?" Yuri asks
"Oh to the mall, Seoyeon asks me to hangout with her. I'll be back before dinner" she said
"Why is there something wrong?" Hyewon asks
"Oh no just wonder" yuri said
"Okay then, see y'all" yena said as she leaves
"I bet she's actually like yena" chaeyeon said
"Mhm agreed" Sakura said
"I wonder what they're doing right now"yuri said as she lays down on her bed
She's debating wether to go see yena or not. After 20 mins she finally gave in
"Unnie, I'll go out for a bit" yuri said to eunbi
"Okay careful"
" I bet those two are gonna come home together" chaeyeon said
"Where is she?' Yuri thought
"Haha that's cute Seoyeon-ah!" Yena said
"Oh there she is" yuri said
"Aish you're so cute when you eat" yena said as she pinched the girl cheeks and caressing it
Yuri standing with shocked as she hurt seeing what yena did to Seoyeon
"Oh? Yuri" Seoyeon said as she look at yuri
"Yuri? What are you doing here?" Yena said
Yuri just left them two behind as she runs away crying
"I'm sorry Seoyeon-ah I have to go" yena said as she runs chasing yuri

Alright. I'm thinking of ending this book pretty soon what do you think? Or you still wanted me to write more chapters? Idk

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