Part 10

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Yena was on her way to buy yuri a gift cus they had already planned to go out together. She didn't realize that yuri and Hyunjin was at the park together that day. As yena came out from the store with the gift, she saw something that she shouldn't see, yuri was kissing Hyunjin. Yena threw away the gift in the trash can and went home crying
"So that's where you see her kissed him?" Chaewon said while she's paying attention to yena
"Yes.but don't worry now. I'm fine I already moved on" She said smiling
"Okay if you say so. I'm proud of you" Chaewon said as she hugging yena
"Oops gotta go its my cuddle time with Minju bye bye" Chaewon said as she get up from her bed to go find Minju
"Good job yena you already move on from her" yena said feeling proud or is she?
"Yena, we are gonna watch horror movies" eunbi said
"Wait up-" yena said as two tall people standing infront of her
"Unnie, listen you need to have a partner if you want to watch this movie. If not you're not invited" wonyoung said
"Okay then, Yujin is my partner" yena said
"Um no thank you, but wonyoung is my partner"yujin said as she hold wonyoung's hands
"Oh I know who, YOURE WITH HER IDC" wonyoung said as she pushes yuri inside the room and then run away along with yujin
Both of them fall on the floor and accidentally yuri was on top of yena.
"Uhm.. can you please get up?" Yena said
"Oh! I'm sorry unnie are you okay?" Yuri said as her face was red
"Hahaha don't worry I'm fine" yena said
"So I guess you are my partner then, let's go watch the movie shall we?" Yena said as she drags yuri outside
'She didn't avoid me anymore?' Yuri thought to herself
"Hey gays sorry we're late" yena said
"Oh look who's late." Wonyoung said
"Was it fun back there?" Yujin said as she raising her eyebrows talking about incident earlier
"Shut up its your fault" yena said as she giving death glare
"Minjuuuu why are you soooo cute tonight~?" Chaewon said while playing with Minju cheeks
"Oh cmon Chaewon, this is cringe" yena said as she make a disgusted face
"Admit that you're jealous" Chaewon said as she stick her tongue out
As all of them are really into the movie, with yujin protecting wonyoung, chaeyeon literally doesn't give a damn about the movie and just playing with Sakura hands, kangbi being a coward, hitomi and nako hugging each other and 2 Kim just with their world.
"AAAH" yuri screams as she watch the jumpscare
"Hahaha come here" yena said as she hugging yuri
"Unnie, it's scary" yuri said while putting her head on yena's shoulder
"Geez yuri it's not that scary. You're just too weak" yena teasing the latter making yuri pout
"Aww my joyul is pouting?" Yena teases more and pinched yuri cheeks making her groan in pain
"That hurts!" Yuri said jokingly
"Well can y'all at the back like shut up? WE ARE TRYING TO WATCH THE MOVIE HERE" eunbi said making both of em laughing before apologize.
Yuri haven't felt this happy with yena before after the incident. Somehow she felt safe and home with yena around her.
"Wow that was a good movie" yujin said while stretching her arms
"Ehh it's fine" chaeyeon said as she shrugged
"aw cmon unnie, you didn't even watch it" yujin said before open the fridge to search for her donut only to find out it was missing
"WHO STOLE MY DONUT?!" Yujin said
"Oh you mean this?" Nako said pointing at the donut on the table
"Who bring it out?" Yujin said
"It's you dummy. You said you want to eat it while watching the movie but obv you have a brain of a grandma so you forgot"wonyoung said before taking the donut and give it to yujin
"So it's you? The one who always leaves the unwashed dishes in the sink?" Chaeyeon said
" heheh sorry" yujin said before getting smacked by chaeyeon lightly
"Are they usually cringe like that?" Hitomi said pointing to 2kim who is having a staring contest
"So, when is the wedding?" Yujin said interrupting the two
"Shut up ahn" Chaewon said
"Wow you're so cold unnie. I'm gonna steal your phone" yujin said as she grabs Chaewon phone and throw it to wonyoung
"YOU BITCH GIMME BACK" Chaewon said as she chasing wonyoung
"Yuri unnie catch" yuri catch and throw it to yena
"Ooo look what I got chaewon" yena said as she turns on her phone and started to laughing
"YOU DUCK DONT DO IT GIVE IT TO ME" Chaewon said as she runs towards yena only to see her phone got thrown away to Sakura
"HAHHA LOOK AT HER WALLPAPER ITS CUTE" Sakura said and show it to everyone
"HEY CMONNN STOP IT" Chaewon said as she feel embarrassed. The picture was Chaewon and Minju on their first date as a couple.
"Yo Minju is blushing" yujin said
"GIVE IT BACK" Chaewon said as she snatched the phone from Sakura
"It's cute unnie" Minju said as she kissed Chaewon cheeks
"Thank you but pls let's go I don't want to be here. I hate it here" Chaewon said as she drags Minju
"Oi dont forget we are gonna play Minecraft later" yena said
"Unnie, aren't you mad at me?" Yuri asks
"What do you mean? I've never been mad at you" yena said as she turn on her switch
"Unnie like are we good? You are not gonna to avoid me right?" Yuri said with a guilty voice
"I'm sorry. I avoided you, I just need a space. Don't worry I have already move on" yena said smiling as she continues to play games
Apart of yuri felt relief that they are now on good terms but apart of her feels somewhat sad cus yena has already move on
"Wanna go out together tomorrow?" Yena asks
"Sure" yuri said
"WELL WHO TOLD YOU ITS OKAY TO LOOK AT MY PHONE?" Chaewon said sticking her tongue out
"What should I wear?" Yuri thought to herself
After sometime she finally dresses up simple but nice
"Damn yuri you look cute" yena said as she smiles at yuri
This makes yuri heart skipped a beat
"Oh-Umm Thank you" yuri said stuttering
"Right where should we go first?" Yena said
"Idk.. what about let's get some bread since we haven't eat breakfast" yuri said making yena nodded her head
They both went to nearest bakery shop
"Hello, how may I help you?" The worker asks
"Hello, can I have a sausage bread?" Yena said
"And I want a bagel" yuri said
"Alright. You both look like a cute couple" the cashier said as she preparing their orders
"Umm thank you but we are not a couple" yena said making yuri somewhat sad
'Why are you sad yuri? You have a boyfriend already!' Yuri scolded herself
"Alright then, here are your orders but for real, I think you two make a great couple. Have a nice day!" The cashier said
"Thank you and you too!" Yena said.
They both sit on a bench near a park and started to eat
"Haha that was so random right?" Yena said as she eats her bread
"What?" Yuri asks
"What the cashier said. Us being together" yena said
"Umm yea" yuri mumble
"Btw, what do you think of me getting a girlfriend?" Yena asks making yuri chocked
"a WhAt?" Yuri asks making yena laughed
"I'm just kidding" yena said
"Let's go walk around the park after this. And go back home since we have to go to gym" yena said and yuri just hummed
As they both walking around the park yuri realize how their hands intertwined witch each other. It looks perfect and seems like it made for each other. Yuri smiles seeing how yena would talk about stuff that doesn't make any sense to her but she just listen to it cus it entertains her.
"Wait what if dispatch see us together? And put like an article saying 'Choi Yena and Jo Yuri was seeing together today at the park seems like something is going on between them' " yuri said only to make yena laugh
"HAHAH idc. Tbh they just really like to make up rumors smh" yena said
"Joyul, can you stand there? I wanna take a picture of you!" Yena said signaling the latter to stand at the position

"You look cute!" Yena said Yuri blushes at yena compliment " why is my joyul blushing~?" Yena teases the latter "Cut it out unnie!" Yuri said hitting the yena arms"Ouch that hurts" yena said making her lips looks like a duck"Aww What? I don't even...

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"You look cute!" Yena said
Yuri blushes at yena compliment
" why is my joyul blushing~?" Yena teases the latter
"Cut it out unnie!" Yuri said hitting the yena arms
"Ouch that hurts" yena said making her lips looks like a duck
"Aww What? I don't even hurt you that hard unnie!" Yuri said looking at yena in disbelief
"Aish fine fine. Don't make scene!" Yuri said as she pull yena into a hug
"Uh no. That's not gonna work. You need to kiss my cheek first" yena said making yuri shocked and her face turned red
"I'm just kidding~. Why would I do that? You already have a boyfriend" yena said as she laughs
Yuri just smiles.
"Lets go home yul." Yena said as she intertwines their hands together and go home.

This story is going to end pretty soon😀

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