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"Stop crying yuri, you deserve this" yuri said to herself as she sits down on a bench

"Where did she go?" Yena thought to herself as she looking for yuri
"Excuse me, have you seen a girl with short hair running away?" Yena asks the strangers around
"No sorry"
"Oh it's fine"
"I'm going to buy myself a drink" yuri said as she got up to go to convenient store.
"Do I really have a feeling towards yena unnie?" Yuri thinks as she grab a soju.
As she was about to pay the bottle a hand suddenly grabs her wrist and dragged her out of the store
"Why were you running away yuri?" Yena said as she look in yuri eyes intimidatingly.
Yuri didn't answer. She was scared
"Jo yuri, I'm talking to you. Why are you running away and buy a drink? Are you crazy? What if eunbi unnie finds out?" Yena said in angry tone
Yet yuri still didn't answer and even look at the older
"Jo yuri, look at me. Answer me" yena said
Still no answer
Yena annoyed at this point
Yuri eyes gets teary as she look at the latter
"YA, WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Yena asks
"Oh shut up yena, don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about" yuri said as she wipe her tears
" you thought I don't care about you? HOW COULD YOU THINK LIKE THAT? I CARE ABOUT YOU SINCE PD48. I ALWAYS DO JOYURI." yena said as she gritted her teeth and tears falling down
"Oh right, you didn't see that cus you're too oblivious. Always with hyewon. If anything happens, hyewon,hyewon. Always hyewon right?." Yena said as she walks away from yuri heading home
Yuri could only cry
Yena was right after all, she's to oblivious and didn't think about yena that much. She didn't mean to hurt yena's feelings
"Minju-ya what do you wanna watch?" Chaewon asks
"Oooo let's watch this horror movie. I've been dying to watch it" Minju said as she play the movie
"Aren't you scared of horror movies?" Chaewon said to Minju as she munching the popcorn
"It's okay I have you unnie" Minju said with a cute voice that melts Chaewon
"Btw Minju, do you like someone?" Chaewon asks out of the blue making the latter taken a back
"Umm I do? I guess? But I don't know if that person like me back" she said looking at Chaewon eyes
"Hmm really? That person is so dumb" Chaewon said as she felt a bit hurt. she wonders who is that lucky person
"Babe why did you burnt the goddamn cookies?" Chaeyeon said to her girlfriend who is crying cus she burnt the cookies
"I- *sniif* I didn't mean it to be like this" Sakura said as she crying
"HAHAHA, it's okay we can make a new one hmm?" Chaeyeon said in Japanese that always makes Sakura heart beats fast.
As they both making a new cookie, someone came
"Why did I smell some burn cookies?" Nako said
"Sakura burn them accidentally" chaeyeon said
"Lmao you might as well burn the whole kitchen Sakura unnie" nako said as she took out her phone
"Shut up it was unintentional" Sakura replies in Japanese
"Oh yena unnie you're home" nako said as she looks at yena
Yena didn't reply nor look at her she just went inside her room
"Something is wrong, I thought she's coming home with yuri?" Chaeyeon said feeling confused
"Right? She looks sad and mad"nako said making Sakura and chaeyeon nodded their heads.
A few minutes later yuri came home
"Yuri! Why did you come home late?" Eunbi said with an angry tone
"I'm sorry eunbi unnie. I promise I won't do that again" she said with a tired tone
"Hey is everything alright?"Minju asks worriedly
"Yea. I'm gonna go take a shower" yuri replies walking away
"Damn what's wrong with them today? There's so much drama" yujin said as she munching some food
"Hey, could you please at least finish what you eat and THEN talk? It's disgusting" wonyoung said as she wiped some of the crumbs from yujin's mouth.
"Thank you wonyoungie" yujin said a she smile lovingly at her.
"These 2 bitches are really.. *sighs*" Chaewon said
"Yuri mind if I come in?" Chaeyeon said
"Yes" yuri replies
"Did you fight with yena?" Chaeyeon asks the latter
"*sighs*yes. Is it too obvious?" Yuri asks
"Yes. She didn't come out from her room after she got home yuri. What happened?" Chaeyeon said with a worried tone
"Idk unnie. I hurt her feelings, I felt bad. Maybe it's because I'm jealous?" Yuri said as she felt really bad
"Yuri, do you like yena?" Chaeyeon asks
"Idk unnie"
"Think about it. She loves you yuri, she would never want to hurt you. Everything is gonna be fine Alright" chaeyeon said as she leaves the room
"Well what did she say?" Eunbi asks chaeyeon
"She said she fought with yena earlier" chaeyeon replies
"Haihh, I hope those 2 will work out well in the end. We have an award to attend in a few days" eunbi says
"Eunbi unnie~~" hyewon said as she hugs her
"Aish what are you doing here? Go to sleep" eunbi said
"With you" hyewon replies making eunbi blushed a bit
"Okay I don't want to see this shit. I'm gonna go to sleep" chaeyeon said as she walks away.
"I should apologize to yena unnie." Yuri said as she gets up
She went out to find yena in her room but didn't see her at all except Chaewon until she hears a person talking in the living room
And it was yena talking to a phone.
"Idk what to do Seoyeon" yena said
"Yena unnie, can we talk?" Yuri said as she feeling nervous
"Oh, sure. I'll call you later" yena said as she hung up
Yuri came closer to yena as she sits on the couch
"Unnie, I'm sorry for what I've said. I didn't mean it. I'm sorry that I didn't care about you that much I'm sorry for everything." Yuri said hanging her head low
"It's fine joyull, I know you didn't mean it. I'm sorry too Okay?" Yena said as she smile at yuri caressing her cheeks
Yuri pulled yena on a tight hug not wanting to let go. Yena heart skipped a beat
"Y-yuri, I can't breath. Let me go" yena said
"No" yuri said while sniffing
"Fine, what do you want so I can get out" yena said
"Sleep with me tonight unnie" yuri said as she breaks the hug and look into the older eyes
Yena is melting rn. She couldn't function.
'Don't get your hopes high yena, she didn't like you remember?' Yena said to herself
"Um okay sure" yena said as she lays down
"Thank you unnie. I love you" yuri said as she sleeps hugging yena
"I wish you could see how much I love you yuri." She said before sleeping

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