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They both cried that night
"Ughh" Yena groans "my head hurts so much" she said while rubbing her head
"Oh? Unnie you're awake. Here take this pill it'll help you with ur hangover" her roommate said
"Wait what happened last night? How did I end up here Chaewon-ah?" The older asks the latter
"Ehh, who knows? 🌚 jk I don't know ask chaeyeon all I know is that you're drunk and somehow you're mad and yelling at chaeyeon unnie" Chaewon replies
"Oh fuc I did yelled at chaeyeon last night omg" she cursed to herself
"Unnie, let's go eat breakfast I'm hungrayyy"
"Yea les go"
"Yena-ya u good? Why you look like you just had a mental breakdown?" Eunbi asks cus Yena legit looks like a dead person with messy hair, she only wears hoodie and sweatpants
"Bro you look like you just got back from the dead. You okey? Do I need to call a priest?" Yujin tease the older
"Shut up skinny tower,and yes I'm fine but I still have a headache" yena replied as she sits down
"Thank god we don't have any schedule today if not it's gonna be worse yena unnie" nako said
"Ouh right, wonyoung and yujin y'all have school today rite?" Chaeyeon asks
"OH GOD UNNIE WHY DID YOU SAY THAT" both of em say in unison
"Oh yea, well kids get ready after breakfast y'all going to skool like it or not idc"eunbi said to both of them
"Ughh unnie plsss I'm sooo tired I don't wanna gooo plsss" yujin begging her with puppy eyes
"Yea fine but you have to do the chores today no buts"eunbi said to yujin
Yujin mouth was open as she didn't believe what eunbi just said "yea I think I need to go to skool today unnie, sorry" she said as she change her mind
"I thought so"eunbi replies
"That's what chu get idiot" wonyoung said to yuji teasing her
Everyone was laughing at both of em except for Yuri
"Okey gays gimme those plates I'm gonna wash them" chaeyeon said to the whole group
"Babe, I'll go out with nako and hitomi to buy ingredients cus we all wanna bake some cookies" Sakura said to her girlfriend
"Okay be safe. If anything happen calls me"chaeyeon replies
"Why dis 2 looks so sus? Am I the only one who sees this shit?" Chaewon said
"What you mean?"yena asks
"I mean look at them, being lovey dovey like tf? Y'all dating or sum?👀👄👀" she said
"You're saying like you're not gay, hoe" chaeyeon bashes the younger who is now turning red
"Shut up unnie" the latter replies with a red face
"Ouh and Minju did you know someone here like- no I mean LOVES you?" Chaeyeon said while smirks
"Really? Who?" The innocent Minju asks her unnie
"OKEY UNNIE ENOugh" Chaewon said
"LOOK WHO STARTED FIRST YOU COWARD"chaeyeon said smirks like crazy
before Chaewon could even say something eunbi stops them
"awhh unnie why did you stop them? I wanna seee the debate" yujin whines
"Ikr I was about to record this shit, its amazing" Hyewon said while legit standing up with a phone ready to record
"I was about to watch this with popcorn tf" hitomi said as she handed a bag of popcorn to nako who accepts it happily
"Did I miss sum?" Wonyoung said as she came out of her room
"HAHAHA this is so funny" yuri said laughing like a maniac
"Bye bye unnie, see y'all at 1pm" the twin towers bids them goodbye as both of em walks out
"Right, we have to go now bye. We'll be back!" The j-line said
"Careful. Anyways later on I also have to go out to buy groceries with hyewon can you drive us?" Eunbi said to chaeyeon
"Umm why don't you just ask them to buy?" Chaeyeon said indicating the j-line
"Oh, just because besides, I got nothing to do so like it or not just follow us" she said
"Okay then"
(Chaeyeon is now relaxing on a sofa while watching a TV)
"Umm h-hey chaeyeon-ah I'm so sorry if I hurt you last night. I really didn't mean it I'm so sorry" yena said as she stutter to say those words cus she felt bad
"Oh yea, why did you do that?" Chaeyeon said to her as she turn off the TV and look directly at her eyes who is now shaking with fear
"Um err I don't know maybe cus I'm too drunk? I'm so so so sorry Chae" yena said
"Hey, it's all good. I understand it's fine" the latter said reassured the older
"Phew thank god" yena was so relief as chaeyeon forgives her
"Anyway, is it you were the one who took me to my bed? I asked Chaewon earlier and it wasn't her"yena asks
"Umm no not me apparently but I think it was Yuri? Cus I saw she left her room after I got inside my room" chaeyeon said
"Oh really? Did you know what happened?"
"Idk sorry unnie. Try ask her but why tho?"
"Ahh no-nothing thanks btw!"
Yuri? How could it be her? Did we both did something last night?
"Okay duck, take care of this house don't let anyone come in understand?" Eunbi said to yena
"Yes ma'am"
"Oh and please don't eat my ice cream, cus if you did make sure you sleep with one eye open tonight duck" hyewon said as she eating a chocolate
"Okay we'll go now, bye" chaeyeon said to yena as she bids goodbye
I need to ask yuri what happened last night
She went to the younger room
*knock knock* "yuri, can I come in?" Yena asks politely to the girl who is inside her room
"Yes" the younger replies
"Umm sorry to bother you. Is it okay that I come in?" The older and the latter
"Umm yes" yuri replies not looking at yena cus she felt awkward
"Yuri-yah, did you were the one who took me to bed last night while I was drunk?"
"Umm yes..." yuri replies still not looking at yena but sitting towards her
"Yuri, please look at me. Why are being like this?" The older asks the younger
She slowly looks at yena who is now looking at her
"Did I did something wrong? Why aren't you looking at me?" Yena asks
"You-you didn't do anything wrong unnie. I-I have to go n-now" yuri said she gets up
"No you're not going anywhere. I know you're lying jjoyull" yena said to her
It's the first time she heard yena calls her that since like forever. She was shocked and could do anything
"Please tell me what happened?I know something happened please yuri-yah" the older begging her to tell her
"You-you kissed me" the younger finally revealed the truth
Yena was shocked as she heard what yuri just said
"I-I kissed you?"
"Yes.... you need to know that I don't have any feelings for you that way unnie" yuri said
That words hurt yena so bad. She felt so weak and hurt a lot
"This what you get idiot" she said to herself
"I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry yuri-ya.. I was so drunk and I confessed to you I'm so sorry I should've kept it to myself instead" she said as her eyes started to get teary
Yuri didn't say anything instead she leaves the room leaving yena alone crying
"Is this the right thing to do?" Yuri said to herself as she crying at the balcony
(It's night)
"WOHOOO WELCOME TO MY BAKING SHOW GAYS" Sakura said to her 'audiences'
"Unnie, pls I want to eat don't be like this smh" yujin said
"Ikr shes so loud suddenly what's wrong with you?" Nako said while bringing chocolate chips to the counter
"Shut up mosquitoes" Sakura bashes her
"NANI? WhO YoU CaLlED mOsQuItOEs you ROACH?" Nako replies in Japanese to her
"Hey it's fine, take it easy hmm? You're so cute when you mad" hitomi said to nako smiling
Nako is now gone. She suddenly becomes fully red
"Eh? What happen to you Nako unnie? Are you good?" Yujin asks
"*clears throat* yes I'm fine" nako replies
"Btw what did hitomi unnie said to you earlier? All I know is you calling kkura unnie a roach" wonyoung suddenly asks
"HAHAHA A ROACH?" Yujin laughing
"Shut up skinny tower want cookies or not?" Sakura said she giving a scary look to the latter
"Omg I'm so sorry"
"Oh btw she just said that nako was cute" chaeyeon said while helping her girlfriend with the mixing
"Okay that's enough of teasing each other nako is already dead now. Please let her live her gay life peacefully" eunbi said as she came out to her room
"Anyways Chaewon-ah, can you call yena out to help me making some dinner?" Eunbi said
"Unnie, let's go.eunbi unnie wants us to help her with dinner" Chaewon said
"O-Okay" yena said as she gets up from her bed
"Oh god you look WORSE. U good?" Chaewon said worriedly
"O-Oh yea, I'm fine. I'm gonna get change see you in a bit" yena said with a sore voice
After 10 mins of crying in the shower
"Hey, what's up? What you need me to do unnie?" Yena asks as she pretends like everything's fine
"Yea can you help me cutting this chick- holy god what happened to you duck?" Eunbi says as she looks at the poor yena
Everyone by now is looking at her and someone is feeling guilty as hell
"A-Ah, nothing tbh I'm fine totally. I think I watched a movie. A sad one that's why I think hahah" she said
"Well damn that movie really hits you in your gay heart eh?" Yujin teases
"Who knows that Yena, could cry lololol" hitomi teases
"Shut up before I smack each one of you" yena said to both of em
"Hey yena lets go help eunbi unnie" hyewon said as she gets off yuri who is cuddling her
"Ahh of course I HAVE to see them. Can't get any worse eh?" She thought to herself
"Unnie, I heard there's another friends of yours coming?" Minju said as she arrange the plates
"Ah yes yes. Fromis9 they'll be joining us gays. So that's why I need y'all help." Eunbi replies
"Hello" the group said in unison
"Helo, please come in" eunbi said to the group
A/N: okey lets just say that they all already eat okey? I'm lazy to write .
"Yena unnie, are you okay? You kinda seems down. Wanna talk about it?" A girl said to her
"How did you know?" Yena asks
"Let's say I can read people faces" the girl said
"Hahah you got me there Seoyeon" yena said to her
"Yes. Wanna talk about it? And also you need to buy me an ice cream as a reward" seoyeon said
"Aish fine fine I'll buy you some but let's go out for a walk for now" yena said
"What is she doing with her?" Yuri thought to herself
After like 30 mins
"You will be fine unnie, trust me. Please stop crying over it." Seoyeon said to yena
"Hmm maybe you're right!. Ya, let's go home it's getting late" yena said as she holds the latter hands and run towards home
They hold each other hands until they got home
"Where's Seoyeon?" Gyuri wonder
"She's with Yen- Oh there they are" eunbi said
"Why are they holding hands? Why does yena looks very happy?" Yuri asks herself as she feels a bit hurt and jealous?
"Ahaha sorry for making you all waiting I took her out for a walk a bit if that's okay" yena said as she bows
"Ahh noo it's fine really" Saerom the leader of the group said
"Thank you so much for coming today, take care!" Eunbi said and everyone bids goodbyes
"You look happy? Is there something happened earlier?" Chaeyeon ask yena who is smiling
"No, nothing happened. I just feel great!" Yena said as she smiling
"Yea no something IS REALLY HAPPEN UNNIE. SPILL DE TEA" Chaewon said
"Nothing happened dumbo" yena said as she walks away
"Why am I jealous?" Yuri said to herself
"Ugh look at these 2. I don't wanna take them to their bedrooms they'll sleep here idc" Sakura said
"Good thinking" nako said
"So we're really gonna let this 2 skinny tower sleeps here?At least get them blanket" Chaeyeon said
"Fair enough" Minju said

Okey folks that was so long.
happy new year btw
I'm sorry, there's a lot of mistakes since I write this like in the middle of the night.

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