Part 11

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"Look, I've bought a book! It looks interesting so I'm going to read it!" Wonyoung said excitedly
"Wait, can I read it first?" Yujin said while walking towards wonyoung
"NO! YOU'LL SPOIL IT NONO" wonyoung said as she hugs the book so that yujin won't take it from her
"Just let me-" Yujin said as she snatched the book
"Once a upon a time there was a bla bla bla" Yujin said and she turns the last page and read it
"The king and queen lives happily ever after. Tchh this is boring" Yujin said as she handed the book back to wonyoung who is really ire
"Just- throw it away. I don't want it anymore" she said as she left the room with anger
"Umm what did I do? Didn't you wanted to read this?" Yujin said feeling weird
"You dumbass, clearly she's mad cus you spoil the ending." Nako said as she walk by pass their room
"OH SHIT"Yujin said while covering her mouth with her hands in shock
"LANGUAGE AHN" eunbi said making Yujin apologize
"WONYOUNG!!!!! IM SO SORRY OMG" Yujin said as she tried to hug wonyoung who's pushing her away
"Go away ahn." Wonyoung said in cold voice and yujin never been more scared by her and not to mention she calls her by her family name
"I'm so sorry. What do you want so I can payback?" Yujin begged
"Fine. Stay away." Wonyoung said as she gets up from sofa and went inside her room making Yujin pout
"We're back gays" yena said while holding yuri hands
"Oh look, it's them" Sakura said while playing switch
"Where did you two gays go?" Eunbi said
"We were just walking around taking fresh air and-" yena was interrupted by Yujin whos whining
"Tf is wrong with you Yujin?" Yena asks
"Lmao she spoil a story that wonyoung wants to read" nako said making yena laughs
"why did you laugh? I feel so bad" Yujin said
"Well you should cus who likes it when someone spoils the ending? You're so dense" yuri said
"Yuri, can we meet?" Hyunjin asks over the phone
"Sure, when?" Yuri asks
"Ill text you when" Hyunjin said
"Yuri, let's hangout in my room" Minju said
"K." Yuri shouted from her room
"Yuri, what do you want to buy for yena unnie birthday?" Minju said as they laying inside Minju room
"Oh right her birthday is coming up" yuri said
"I actually don't know yet. Hbu?" Yuri said while taking a sip of a tea
"Idk I might just buy her a new game or shirt" Minju said making yuri nodded her head
"Btw, do you really don't have any feelings towards yena unnie?" Minju asks seriously
"I don't know..." yuri said
"Well I just wanted the best for you and hopefully you will not going to regret your choice in the end" Minju said making yuri in a deep thoughts
"Minju~ I missed you" Chaewon said as she hugs the latter
"Eww you're smelly get away" Minju said while covering her nose
"Tchh. Don't ask for a cuddle" Chaewon said as she went inside bathroom to take a shower since she just got back from gym with yena and yujin.
"Have you seen my- Oh here it is" yena said taking her towel
Yena was obvs sweating and somehow it makes yuri shy looking at yena
"Yuri?" Minju call
"Yuri?" Minju calls again making yuri flinched
"Did you just check out yena unnie? Ew you're weird" Minju said making yuri smack Minju arms
"I was not!" Yuri said. Or is she?
"Okay gays yena birthday is coming up so what should we do?" Eunbi asks
"Duhh just buy her one of those rubber duckies. So she could shut up about missing her dog" Sakura said making Chaewon laughs
"Tbh that's not a bad idea" Chaewon said making Sakura nodes her head
"How about we give her our affection?" Yujin said
"Nahh, what about we go to haunted house together and then left yena alone in the haunted house while we have fun? It's a win win" hyewon
"Wait I like that-" nako said
"Pls. Something else" eunbi said shaking her head
"How about we bake something for her?" Wonyoung said
"That's a great idea. Thank god you're smart" hitomi said
"Well obv im the one who has brain in this group" wonyoung said smirks
"Yey wonyoung!" Yujin said as she wants a hug but got rejected
"I'm still mad. Don't touch me" wonyoung said before proceeding to leave Yujin with devastation
"It's okay." Chaewon said as she taps the latter backs
I'm always waiting, since I'm always by your side more than a splendid spotlight, with more of the shining light for you.
That glittering smile of yours illuminates the sky
I'll protect you, I'll shine on you brightly. Your my world, my light. (A/n: y'all know where this lyrics from rite?👀)
Yena writes down those words as she thinking about yuri. But wait, isn't she said she already move on?? Yes she did but she writes this as a farewell to her feelings towards yuri.
"What are you writing unnie?" Chaewon asks
"some things that I need to let out" yena said making Chaewon nodded her head
"Wow didn't know you are into this kinds of stuff lol" Chaewon said making yena glare at her.
"Btw unnie, what do you want for ur birthday?" Chaewon asks
"Anything" yena said
"Okay-okay fine. Just buy me a hoodie I need one. Thanks love you" yena said as she tries to kiss the younger
"Ew go away" Chaewon said as she cried for help
"Okay you all ready with the ingredients?" Eunbi said
"Yup! We got all" chaeyeon said
"Wait what are we making again?" Yujin asks
"A cake Yujin." Nako said
"Omg I hope you won't poison her since you are so dense" Chaewon said making wonyoung nodded her head
"Aww cmon guys I'm not that stupid" Yujin said
"Oh yea remember that one time you almost poison hitomi unnie cus you have a expired pizza?" Wonyoung said
"Oh also when you legit put Ajinomoto instead of salt on our French fries?" Nako said
"Oh also-" Chaewon was about to continue
"Okay I get it but pls let me help you" Yujin said in a defeated tone
"Aww poor you. Okay here, best this eggs" chaeyeon said
"Btw where's yena?" Hyewon said while munching the chocolate
"Pls dont eat it we need it" eunbi said
"I NEED to taste it if it's poison or not" Hyewon making excuses
"I- anyways yuri went out with yena so she could distract her" minju said
"Unnie, isn't this cute?" Yuri said pointing the hamster stuffed animal
"Oh yea!! It looks just like you!" Yena said
Yuri blushes by what yena said
"Oh yes, let's go to this place, I need to buy myself a shoe" yena said as she dragged yuri with her to Pra*a
Yuri heart skipped a beat when she realize their hands intertwined. It never fails to makes her flutter.
"Hello miss. How may I help you two?" The guy asks
"Do you have Monolith boots?"Yena asks
"Oh yes we do. Please wait a moment"The guy asks
"Thank you!"Yena said

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