𝐋𝐞𝐭 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐆𝐨.

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hiii sorry i disappeared suddenly
we just got out internet reconnected and i finally got a ukelele !! :D
Im planning to ask one of uncles to teach me how to play it but yeah ^^

anyways, this chapter is probably a filler but someone's gonna say bye bye in floor smp :,)


"TOMMY, STOP HITTING ME-" You shouted as you curse underneath your breath. With one final push, You slip off the cliff's edge as you crash into the ground.

A game over appeared on your computer screen, The loud and boisterous laughter echoed through the call as you let out a groan.

"I fly over to the UK and kill you, Tommy." You threatened the blonde kid as you pulled up his stream on your other screen. You watch him pursued his lips into a thin line before turning to the camera and back to the game.

"Ha- Please don't. Mother dearest won't be happy with me dead, I'm basically the big man of the house so uh yeah." Tommy says, laughing a bit.

You rolled your eyes, trying to stifle a laugh. Suddenly, Your phone's screen lit up along with a notification popping up on your lock screen.

Confused, you decided to mute and deafen yourself before grabbing your phone and inputting your password.

hey beet,,,, uhhh i was
wondering if you could um,
hop on facetime for a bit?
like stop your stream?

[Change Of POV: 1st person]

I felt my heart stop all of a sudden. A sudden wave of worry and dread washed over me as i stared blankly at the keyboard. Trying to find words for my response but nothing really came out.

Softie... Is he ok?

I Shook my head, hoping that Softie would be alright as i quickly send a reply.

sure, ill hop on rn
Seen by s0ftie_OWO

I turned to my computer screen, Unmuting and Undeafening myself. "Hey Tommy, I gotta go. Something important came up and... yeah." I spoke into the mic as i could only hope Tommy would understand.

"Huh? Uh- sure! See you tomorrow, Beetroot!" By his words, i quickly exit the call as i closed my discord and minecraft.

"Sorry, my dearest comrades. I have to go now. As i have said, Something came up, and i have to go and do it. Goodbye!" I exclaim, ending the stream as soon as possible.

I quickly go to facetime and called her as i was greeted by the sound of sniffing and low cries. Softie sat there, a soft cream blanket placed on her shoulders as her dirty blonde hair was disheveled and not tied into a bun like it's suppose to. Tears running down her cheeks, her blue eyes were red puffy as if she's been crying for hours straight.

"Softie... Diana." I frowned, using her real name. Diana looks up slightly, wiping her tears away.

Diana doesn't cry easily as she was actually the most apathetic person i've known but... Who could have did this to her?

"Diana, Sweetheart. What's wrong?" I asked her in a low and hushed voice.

"Ez... She.. She told me that.." More tears began pouring out as she mumble out words which slurred into a cry. "I'm... I'm just scared, Y/n."

I furrowed my eyebrows as she mentioned Ez. My mind couldn't think of anything else but wonder what would have Ez said or done to make the poor french girl cry.

"You can tell me anything, Diana. I'm here, and please tell me what Ez did."

Diana sniffed, wiping her tears using the collar of her dirtied white shirt. "Well, You know that i'm adopted, right?" She began as i nodded to her words.

"Well, Ez said that- the reason why my biological parents left me because... because i was a defect. That... I was a mistake and i should never been born."

I only sat there with my mouth agape as i stared in shock and horror. No words came out of my mouth, my mind spiraled into deep thought.

"Ez... Told that to you...?"

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