𝐇𝐞𝐲, 𝐇𝐞'𝐬 𝐚 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐟𝐚𝐧.

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"Okay chat, watch do this mlg-" those words escape your mouth as you jump off a cliff, holding a water bucket in hand.

Clicking on the grass, the game lagged as you fall to the death. You stared at the screen for a good 5 seconds before whining loudly.

"What the fuck?! My screen lagged!" You yelled, complaining as you felt your face heat up in embarrassment.

"Chat, No. Please, I swear i'm a god at doing mlgs. Believe me." You begged, making your voice sound weird and a bit high pitched.

Suddenly, a donation popped up.

Wilbur soot donated $50!
Wow u suck hard

You rolled your eyes as you crossed your arms. "Atleast i don't kill my pets, perra." You say, smirking.

Did i mention you spend your entire night watching Wilbur's old videos? No? Well i know i did.

Wilbur soot donates $50!
Atleast im not boring like you

"Atleast i'm not a simp." You barked back, as you looked at the chat and seeing everyone freaking out about Wilbur or You and Wilbur interacting.

As you went on talking, someone joined your smp named Vinix.

Vinix was one of your friends, but not you never heard her voice or seen her face. she helped you with your twitch career. She's pretty chill until you call her house a giant flying ballsack.

You regretted telling her that.

'Oh hey, Vinix. How are you?' You typed in the ingame chat.

'Nothing much, Ez just took a break suddenly so...'



You stayed silent, knowing no one really know what happened between you and Ez. You still felt bad about leaving her on delievered.

'Yeah sadly.'

'I hope she's doing okay.'

You and Vinix talked while you set street lamps and adding some railways and torches in the mining shaft.

Hours of talking, you look over to your chat and see Wilbur still being here.

'Fuck. I forgot about him.'

"Wilbur, you boar. i can still see you in the chat." You said, confusing Vinix.

Wilbur soot donated $50!
Uhhh check ur dms dumbass

You shrugged, getting your phone and opened twitter. Looking for Wilbur'a message, but he didn't even dmmed you.

You checked your message requests, seeing a familiar name in the page.

Pls reply
Im a big fan 👉👈

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