𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥.

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Duolingo classes are paying off ✨✨


"Hijo de puta-" Hissing, You shook your hand after water drips onto your wounded finger. You stared at your reflection. your bangs were unaligned, dark bags under your eyes whiich could carry a gallon of milk, and your pale complexion from not going out too much thanks to quaranite.

It was almost a week after your house got burnt down, you reccieve lots of worried messages from your friends and fans. Most of them was from Wilbur, Niki and suprisingly, Tommy.

Saying you were tired is an understatement. You were exhausted and stresssed to the core of your body, as if your legs and arms were going to fall off soon. From all of the streaming, the lack of motivation and the past haunting you again.

And to add salt to the wound, You haven't been taking your meds for the past weeks.

"Tangina..." You muttered, bundling up your finger in the hem of your shirt as you back against the wall and slowly sat down on the floor.

A knock suddenly errupted from the door, scaring you. "Who the fuck is there, if you're a robber, i'll fucking cut your dick off, perra." You cussed, gritting your teeth.

"Calm down, It's me!" a voice with a faint french accent calls from the outside.

You sat there, dumbfounded. "D-Diana..?" You stuttered in confusion as you used Softie's real name.

"Yeah, you said you wanted to meet up and you sent me your address a few weeks ago so..." Diana responded, knocking once again on the door.

"Now, let me in. You've been there for 20 minutes and i can smell your emotional distress." She added, you can feel her smirking at her words.

You sighed, getting up from the floor and opening the door as a pair of arms suddenly welcomed you.

Diana patted your head, muttering comforting words into your ear. Tears began falling from your eyes, dripping slowly to the floor as you cried and wailed in the tall blonde's arms.

"It's so tiring, Diana! I'm so fucking tired." You yelled, your grip on her jacket tighten as your salty tears stain it.

"Sssh, It's fine. Cry all you want but give yourself more days to rest after this." Diana spoke, her hug was gentle yet firm. Almost like a mother comforting her child.

"You're important as the rest of us and you need to take a break sometimes... unless you want to become like hamilton, i guess." Diana joked, making you to sniffle a laugh or two.

The two of you let go, the warmth disappearing yet you still feel all fuzzy inside. "I brought some mcdo for the two of us, wanna eat?" Diana sugguested, A small smile forming on her freckled face, showing her dimples.

"Y-Yeah..." You responded, your fingers intertwining with Diana's. "That be good."

And off you go out of the bathroom and share a lovely late night dinner with the french girl.


I'm changing the chapter titles so yeah ❤
also, diana/softie is like,,,5'7 so uh yeah
ur short
ily all muah

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