𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥.

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Beetroot is live!
« cutting my hair on stream + QNA »

As Wilbur snapped out of his trance, stopping his thumb from scrolling further down a certain streamer's timeline. He looked in confusion, clicking on the twitch notification as the sound of familiar laughter rang in his ears like music.

Saying he likes here wast an understatement, It was almost obvious he loves her. At such short time, he felt butterflies everytime he heard her talk like an angel sent from above, he felt all bubbly inside at the though of seeing her face.

Now, Her face was just on screen. Her shoulder length (h/c) hair, (s/c) skin and bags underneath her tired (e/c)-tinted eyes. Wilbur didn't even bother to read the chat, it was clear they were freaking out, And so was he.

No matter how tired The girl looked on screen, he still find her beautiful, like those heroines he would read about on the books.

"Welcome, everyone! Happy early christmas, if you celebrate it." She giggles, brushing a strand behind her ear.

Wilbur's cheeks flushed red, he was lucky he wasn't streaming at that time.

"So, Today... I'll be answering some questions from my dearest children!" She continued, laughing at herself.

Countless questions were poured on her, personal and some were about the Dream SMP and/or its members.

Wilbur watches as Beetroot slowly cuts off the other side of her hair, mumbling answers to questions.

And with that, She fully cuts off her hair. Laughing as her curls bounces to the rhythm on her sweet laughter.

Gulping, Wilbur shakily typed in with a red face.

Wilbur soot donated $7
you look pretty with short hair,,,

You felt your cheeks flushed at the donation, watching with your mouth agape as your chat started spam Beetsoot or Wilroot

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You felt your cheeks flushed at the donation, watching with your mouth agape as your chat started spam Beetsoot or Wilroot.

Blinking, you giggled nervously as your heart franatically tries to calm itself. "Thanks, Luv. I really appreciated the compliment." You teased, winking at the face cam as you giggled.



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