𝐌𝐞𝐱𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 ✨

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What if i make softie a love interest? jk jk,,,,unless...?

It was already been a week since Softie decided to suprise visit you and comforted you, It was awkward yet the two of you felt just fine with each other's company.

You stood by Diana as she holds your hand tightly, afraid you might leave her alone thanks to her Monophobia. You stared at the hallway leading to the french's flight back to france.

"Are you ready, Dia?" You ask, turning to Diana as you noticed a sour look on her face, her soft blue eyes looking around the airport.

"Diana?" You called out, catching her attention soon enough.

"Wha- huh? Yeah. I- I am alright." Diana answering, stuttering with her words as her grip on you tighten.

"It'll be fine, Mi amor. Just calm down and you can chat with me on your phone if you're still nervous on board." You offered, reassuring Diana as she loosen her grip on you.

"Yeah and there's- there's other p-people too on board." Diana gulped, before letting out a small sigh. "Thanks, Y/n. I'll try to stay calm even for awhile." She says, smiling softly.

You giggled, patting her golden locks as you smiled back. "Don't mention it. Just helping you like you did with me." You said.

Suddenly, the annoucment rang in the air. Alarming the both of you.

"So," Diana began, turning her gaze towards you. "This is goodbye then." She continued, her smile flaten slightly.

"More like a see you later." You corrected before pulling her into a hug.

"Stay safe." You whispered in her ear as she whispered back a 'you too'.

And with that, She was gone.


Tired, you sighed as you plop yourself on your gaming chair as you booted up your pc. Deciding to not stream nor play minecraft but to practice your solitare skills.

You remembered your half-sister teaching you how to play solitare and poker back when you were a kid, It was a nice memory though.

Speaking of childhood, you never really mind it... At least, anymore. Most of the memories of it disappeared from your mind and only some were left behind like that one time who beaten up a kid using your lunchbag.

...What? I mean, You didn't really regret it. You could've beaten her even more only if the teacher didn't stopped you.

And suddenly, Your discord rang. Closing the solitare window, you hopped on discord and answered the call.

"Hello-?" You spoke into the mic as you set up your headphones. You put on the headphones, flinching as loud mexican music rang through your ears.

"EEEEYYYYY BEETROOT! AMIGA!!" A familiar voice yelled.

"Wh- Quackity-?" You mumbled, confused.

"Heeeyy Beetroot, What's up?" You could see the happy-go-lucky mexican smile just through his voice as you sighed

"I'm good, better ever since you called." You replied, chuckling slightly.


Quackity's face turned flustered before he chuckled nervously. "Woah, Woah! I didn't know you could flirt, mama beet! T-Tone it down!" Quackity jokes, stuttering at the end, turning off the music for awhile.

"What?" Beetroot began in a teasing tone, "What's wrong, Duck man? Am i too hot for you to handle?" Beetroot continued.

"Yeah, Yeah. As if." Quackity rolled his eyes before smirking. "Anyways, What are you doing?" He asks.

"I dunno, talking to you." Beetroot sarcastically responds, stiffling a chuckle.

"Haha, funny."

Silence soon entered the call, an awkward one infact. The two sat in their own seats, staring at the screen, thinking what to say next.

"So... You streaming?" Beetroot asked.

"Nah, too bored and lazy." Quackity shrugs as he says.

The awkward silence came back, only if he didn't turned off the music, maybe it would be as awkward as it is right now.

"Say, Beetroot." Quackity began, catching the woman's attention.


"What's your name? Like real life name if you don't mind me asking-?"


Ah. My name...


Niki asked this before, i remember.

As the two of us sat in silence, Niki
spoke up.

"If you don't mind me asking, What's
your real name? I don't wanna call
you Beet all the time, especially when
we're not streaming."

"..Y/n." I answered, as my lips
form a small smile.

"My name is Y/n."

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