Chapter 13: Valentine's day.

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14th of February,

Valentine's day. The day where a bunch of people celebrate their relationship. Last year I would've despised this day. To see people act all cute and cosy together when I was in an extremely toxic relationship with a guy who didn't care about me. But this time, this time is special because I'm spending it with a person I actually like and not with some sleazeball who's only interested in me for sex.

As per usual I woke up, brushed my teeth, fixed my hair, and put on my Hogwarts uniform to get ready for the day.

I was about to leave the dorm until I saw an owl tapping at the window. I opened it and took the letter to see it was for Hermione.

"'Mione you've got a  letter," I said and smirked at her.

She fetched it from my hand, opened it and began reading.

"Who's it from?" I asked.

"Viktor," She said, still staring at the letter.

"Ooooo what does it say?" I asked.

"He's asking me to be his valentine," She said, blushing.

"That's so cute!" I said.

"It is," She said, hugging the letter to her chest.

"I hope Ron doesn't make a fuss out of this," I said.

"Oh no I forgot about him!" She said.

"Don't worry about him, focus on yourself right now and your cute valentine!" I said and laughed.

She forced out a smile then I held her hand and we began walking to our classes.

All throughout the corridor, there were couples making out and giving each other gifts. Public displays of affection have always made me want to puke a bit but this time it didn't seem so bad since I had someone I care about to do the same with.

Speaking of, where is he?

I hadn't seen him at all but I wasn't surprised since he had a quidditch match today. Still, I would've expected him to have something ready by now.

I said goodbye to Hermione before she went into her class and I went into transfiguration where I saw that the seat next to Luna had been occupied.

I looked at her with a shocked look on my face and she giggled.

I decided to sit on the only seat that was empty next to George which I didn't mind at all.

"How's romance treating you (Y/N)?" He asked.

"Pretty good so far, how about you?" I asked.

He let out a loud sigh.

"Not so good?" I asked.

"Well, I've told the girl that I like that I do like her but she's off with another guy," He answered and lied his head down on the table.

"I'm sure she'll come around, you're a really great guy," I said while stroking his hair.

"Yeah right," He said.

"What?" I asked.

"She's too attached to him," He said.

"Maybe she's just not the one I said," I said and stopped stroking his hair.

He scoffed.

"Oh well," He said.

I shrugged.

"Has golden boy asked you to be his valentine yet?" He asked.

"No," I said.

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