Chapter 3: Isn't he romantic?

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I smiled while walking back to my compartment knowing I had left Cedric speechless. I quickly ran to see Luna who was unfortunately still asleep, so I picked up my book and continued to read.


After 6 hours we had finally reached Hogwarts. I was starving! I got excited thinking of all the food that would be there - roasted potatoes, chicken, gravy.... Mmmm my mouth drooled just thinking of it.

I walked with Luna to the great hall but we got separated since we weren't in the same house. So naturally I hurried up to be next to the Weasley twins.

Fred, George and I were close and I did trust them very much trust. However, I found it very irritating when they would constantly prank Luna and I.

I sat at the Gryffindor table next to Fred and George and we watched the sorting ceremony. We had about 14 new students join Gryffindor and we of course welcomed them with open arms.

Once the ceremony was over we could finally eat! I grabbed every piece of food I could fit on my plate and started eating quickly. How was the food here so amazing?!

After eating and chatting and sharing laughs with my friends I looked over at the Hufflepuff table and noticed Cedric's friends laughing at him and nudging him as soon as they saw me look his way. He looked embarrassed but as soon as he looked back at me, I winked and then went back to talking to my friends as if nothing happened.

After dinner I noticed Mcgonagall coming towards me.

"Hello Miss (L/N), would you mind giving the new students a tour of the castle?" She asked.

"What happened to Percy Weasley?" I asked.

"He seems to have caught the flu. And I think you would be a good choice since you are a fifth year and you know your way around the castle." She replied.

"I don't mind giving them a tour." I said.

"Oh and one more thing. The Hufflepuff head boy is also absent so you and Mr. Diggory will be giving a guide for the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff students." She added.

"I'm fine with that." I said.

I was more than fine with that in fact. I couldn't wait to tease him again.

I walked to the entrance of the great hall where I saw Cedric waiting with the new students.

"We meet again." I say, smiling.

I notice his friends laughing amongst each other.

"GET IN CEDRIC!!" One of them shouts.

"Sorry about them." He said with an adorable look on his face.

I just laughed.

We gave a tour of the castle for the new students going from class to class to show them where they will be learning and which subject. I get separated from Cedric when it's finally time to show them the common rooms.

"This is the painting of the fat lady." I said as soon as we reached the entrance to the Gryffindor common room.

"She basically guards our common rooms and the only way to get into the common room is by telling her the secret code, 'Caput Draconis' which is Latin for 'dragon's head'"

I turned to the painting of the fat lady and told her the password. She opened the door and the students followed me inside.

"Okay so the boys dorm rooms are to the left and the girls to the right." I said, pointing to each direction.

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