Chapter 2: What the hell was that?

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I walked into the tent to see my mum smirking at me.

"Who was that boy that you were talking to?" She asked.


"Doesn't seem like no one." She said. "Since you're already blushing since I mentioned him."

"I- he's Cedric Diggory." I said.

"Diggory, a Hufflepuff I presume?"  She said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes... Can we not talk about this. I don't want to have boy talk right now." I said

"My daughter's growing up so fast." She said, fake crying.

"Oh stop it, this isn't the first boy I've ever dated!" I exclaimed.

I had dated two boys before and I regretted it. One was a Slytherin and the other was a Gryffindor. Both of them ended with my heart getting broken.

"So you're dating?" She said with a smug look on her face.

"No, not exactly. We only started really talking today. Stop trying to make me talk about it!" I shouted.

"Who's dating?" I heard my dad ask from the other side of the room.

Bloody hell, this is a nightmare I can't get out of.

"Nobody's dating. I'm going to sleep" I said, annoyed.

I brushed my teeth, put on my pajamas and lied down in my bed. I lifted the blanket up to my nose feeling nice and cozy and all I could think about was Cedric while I felt butterflies in my stomach.


I woke up from hearing loud screams coming from outside.


"What's happening?" I said frantically.

"Deatheaters are attacking outside we need to run" Dad said.

At that point the only thing I could think of was heading for the woods. I didn't think of my friends or anyone else I only thought of getting my family and I to safety.

We ran and ran and ran going further into the woods. We didn't know where we were going but we knew if we kept running we would be safe.

I decided to look back for a second just to see if my friends were near by as I had just remembered about them. I looked back and saw Harry, Hermione and the Weasleys running frantically. To the left you saw Luna and her dad running, thank Merlin they were okay. But where was Cedric?

Before I could even do anything, run back or try to call for him I felt someone grab my arm and start running. It was my dad.

"What the hell do you think you were doing, just standing there?!" He shouted while still holding my arm and running.

"Who knows what could've happened to you?!" He Yelled

"I'm sorry I was just looking for my friends." I said.

"It's okay, just focus on running." he replied.

Eventually we all stopped to breathe and we heard a group of wizards appear far away. It was the ministry of magic.

Suddenly I saw a strange looking mark appear in the sky.

"Dad, what is that?" I asked warily.

"It's the dark mark." he said, his voice shaking.

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