Chapter 5: The Champions.

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I'm in a maze.

I'm running frantically searching for something, someone and the walls are closing in on me. Just as the walls are about to suffocate me I feel someone grab my hand and pull me towards them. It was Cedric stood there with Harry.

What the hell is happening?

We run to what seems to be the center of the maze and we see a glowing cup and we grab onto it and it takes us to a dark and foggy graveyard.

A sudden flash and I'm at Hogwarts quidditch pitch and Harry is hovering over Cedric and yelling frantically.

"He told me to bring his body back." He said.

"I couldn't leave him, not there." He started crying.

Cedric was dead.

I woke up

What the hell was that?

Thank Merlin it was just a dream... but I can't help but feel how real it was.

I'm probably just in shock and stressed about Cedric possibly getting into the tournament.

I put on my robes and headed to the common room because I don't want to be caught in my pajamas by someone. I grabbed the closest armchair and put it near the fire place and just sat there and tried to relax after that horrible dream. The warmth of the fire was soothing and almost made me go back to sleep until Ron came out of his dorm.

"What are you doing up so early?" I whispered.

"I couldn't sleep. Why are you awake?" He replied.

"I had a stupid nightmare." I said.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked with and unsure look on his face.

"It's nothing just had a bad dream because I'm stressed." I said and turned my gaze to the ground.

We sat in comfortable silence for a couple minutes until I broke it.

"I'm so tired." I said then sighed.

"It's not too late to go back to sleep." He said then let out a small laugh.

"I'm just scared that if I go back to sleep I'll have the nightmare again." I said.

"Oh well I guess you're stuck talking with me." He said and smiled.

"Oh no whatever will I do?" I said sarcastically.

"It's almost like being tortured." He said and laughed.

"Nah you're not that bad." I said.

 "Glad to know that." He replied.

"Do you think breakfast will be ready by now?" I asked.

"Do you want to check?" He replied.

"Is that even a question?" I said then laughed.

We ran to the great hall while giggling and it felt like we were 11 years old again. We got to the hall and saw nobody but all the tables were filled with plates of food just warm enough to be enjoyable. 

This is it. This is heaven. 

We ran to the Gryffindor table placing all the food we could fit on our plates and started stuffing our mouths with food.

After a while Harry and Hermione joined us.

"Morning!" I said enthusiastically.

"Hello, (Y/N)." Hermione Replied.

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