Chapter 1

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Y/n Y/L/n is a student from the year 1942. A very bright 13 year old dedicated to her studies. When young Tom Riddle (this happened 2 years back meaning Tom was 13 and Y/N was 11) saw her getting sorted to (your choice) he was captivated by her beauty, she was gorgeous for an 11 year old. But of course he didn't want to show it nor admit it and wouldn't let her distract him from his evil plans. Over 2 years they were, friends you could say or more like really close friends, best friends? They would occasionally help each other with something or walk to the classes they shared together, they would talk right after school for hours until it was time for dinner, then went their separate ways and went to their own friends. They knew they loved each other and trusted each other, and Tom trusted her with his life and so did Y/n but yet he couldn't let her know about his deep dark secrets.

One day Y/N was about to go to the bathroom when she heard some sort of snake and something drop hard on the floor, she decided to peak and saw Tom standing there talking to a snake, and a lifeless body. Tom had killed this poor girl.. and then Tom saw her. He was terrified, not because there was a witness but because he was scared of what Y/N would think of him. Y/N ran as fast as she could, back to her dorms and started bawling her eyes out, she couldn't believe what she saw. She knew Tom, she knew he would never kill, or atleast she thought she knew him.

A few hours later

Professor Dibbet noticed Myrtle's lifeless body a few hours later when he heard a girl scream in the girls bathroom. Myrtle's parents were devastated. And even though you knew who did it, you still loved/liked him and didn't want him to get in trouble. You cried yourself to sleep every night and you barely ate anything. You looked like a lost puppy. You couldn't take it anymore. Being in the same place or time with Tom doesn't make it any better. You feared him, you were traumatised, and yet you still loved him. But enough is enough, you decided that during summer you would search for a time Turner and travel to the future.
But before you did you thought it would be good if you atleast meet him once more. You got your quill and wrote to him.

"Dear Tom,

Since it's almost summer vacation and I won't be able to see you, I want- no I need to talk to you. Meet me in the Astronomy Tower an hour before curfew."

*reader's POV*

I was on my way to the Astronomy Tower. When I was there, I just waited for Tom. And waited, and waited and waited.. I waited for about an hour and a half, I was desperate to see him, to talk to him. I stood up and was about to leave when someone came up and bumped into me, I looked up to see Tom. We stared at eachother in complete silence, not awkward or uncomfortable. We were both lost in each others eyes, until his gaze went down to my lips, he cupped my cheeks and.. kissed me, Tom Marvolo freaking Riddle kissed me?! It wasn't harsh, it was light, he lightly kept brushing his lips against mine, until it got a little intense. I snaked my arms to his neck, and he put one of his hands onto my waist pulling me closer. He asked for permission to slip his tongue in, and I let him do so. After awhile of snogging we pulled away but still held eachother close. He hugged me. "I'm so sorry you had to see that. But please forgive me my dear, I know it traumatised you, I could see it in your eyes. I've loved you ever since you attended Hogwarts. I know I may not be good enough for you, but please just forgive me my love. I promise I'll never do anything like that again, I don't even know why I did that in the first place. I love you, and I would never want to hurt you honey." He said and crashed his lips onto mine once again before I could even reply.

Few days later
*2nd persons pov*

Since that night in the Astronomy Tower almost everything was back to normal between the both of you, except you were more shy with him since you guys well y'know.. snogged eachother. And well you would occasionally by accident look in his direction and he would flash a quick smirk. Causing your cheeks to always heat up so you always looked in the opposite direction, so he wouldn't see you blushing. But you don't actually know what's happening with the both of you I mean, you guys both fancy eachother and kissed. But you shrugged off the thought and maybe you guys were just friends with benefits perhaps?

The student from 1943. HP cast x reader. [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now