Chapter 5

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You all hid behind those huge pumpkins. Until Hermione and I heard a tree branch break from behind us, we looked behind and saw someone. "What?-" "Huh? Isn't that- you?!" You said a little too loudly, resulting in Hermione putting her hands over your mouth. "Shhh. We don't want to get caught, alright?" She said. You nodded your head. "Okay then, let's go. Come on!" She whisper-yelled. We all hurried back until Ron's rat but him. "Owww! Scabbers, how dare you!" Ron ran towards him, catching his rat. "Oh no, guys. You do realise what tree this this right?" Hermione said worriedly. "The Whomping Willow.. Ron run!" You yelled. "Y/n, Harry, Hermione you run!!" He yelled, pointing behind you. "Ahhhh! It's the Grim!" You yelled, but it made its way running towards Ron and bit his leg, dragging him in a hole in the Whomping Willow. "Y/nnn! Harry Help!! Harry do something!" He yelled out, almost crying. "Noooo! He-Help!!"

"Duck!" Hermione yelled. She and I both ducked while Harry just stood there .
(A/N: 🧍🏻)
Harry flew backwards when the branch hit him
"Harry! Oh my Merlin! She told you to- ahhh!" You also got hit by a branch and flew next to Harry. You helped him find his glasses since you could tell, he was obviously looking for them.

"Y/nnn!! HarryYyYyyYY!! Help meeee!" You both snapped you heads to look behind you and saw Hermione on a branch, holding it for its dear life, as it seemed so. You felt yourself getting picked up and thrown into the hole, along with Harry and Hermione both landing on top of you. "Ouch.." you said. "Get off my back, both of you. Goodness." You said. "Sorry." Harry apologised, handing out his hands to help you stand up. "Come on guys let's go!" "Wait- do you guys even know where this might end up in?" "I have a hunch." "Oh please don't tell me.." "The Shrieking Shack." Hermione and Harry both said in unison. "That's the most haunted place in Britain!" You whined. Harry sighs. "Let's just go find Ron and get the hell out of here, come on." You three nodded and headed to what seemed like the Shrieking Shack. "Ron?!" You three kept yelling. But stopped when you all heard whimpers. You saw Ron in a room, just sitting in the corner, terrified and holding his rat. "No! It's a trap! It's him! He's an Animagus!! " He said. Before you could even reply, the door moved and you all saw Sirius Black standing there. "Well well well.."

"He looks kind've charming and hot if I'm being honest-" you quickly shook off the thought feeling a bit embarrassed thinking about him like that when you barely even know the guy.

"You betrayed them! You betrayed my parents!" Harry yelled out. Taking out his wand and pointing it at Sirius. "Harry calm down. Only one shall die tonight-" Sirius quickly got interrupted by none other than Harry. "Then it'll be you!" He said walking up to Sirius, tackling him.

"Expelliarmus." Professor Lupin said, "what- he came out of nowhere?." You thought. "Professor Lupin?? What in the world are you doing here??" You asked suspiciously. He ignored you.

"Let go of him Harry." He said while pulling Harry off of Sirius. Remus gently pushed Harry to his friends. "Remus.. my old friend.." he said while sticking his hand out as a gesture for him to shake his and greet him. They hugged eachother. THEY HUGGED?! "Professor Lupin?? Y-you know eachother? What are you even doing here?" You were scared, along with Hermione and Ron, but Harry was just furious but also panicking. "How dare you side with him! He's a murderer! He sold my parents to Voldemort!" He yelled, glaring at Professor Lupin and Sirius. They both ignore Harry's statement. "Let's kill 'em! Let's kill him now!" "Wait! Harry deserves to know the truth." "No I've been waiting for many years! I've done my waiting. Let's kill him.. Let's kill him!!" I flinched when he said that, the tone of determination and anger in his voice just creeped the bloody hell out of me. "No- Sirius we have to let Harry know the truth atleast." Said Remus. "No! I already know the truth! You sold my parents to Voldemort to save yourself!" "Harry listen to me! You need to know the truth." "Harry I seriously think you should listen to him. Maybe you're misunderstanding something." You said. "Indeed. She's right you know." Said Remus while looking at me. "You see.." Remus began. "Sirius got framed. We were your father's best friends. We would never do anything like that.. or so I thought. Peter Pettigrew. He's the one who sold your parents to Voldemort. And he's here in this very room.." "B-but that can't be! Peter Pettigrew's dead! Stop lying to me!" Said Harry sounding confused and angry.

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