Chapter 3

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After Care of Magical Creatures, you were on your way to DADA class. When you arrived there, you saw this big cabin, kind've reminded you of a closet. You went to go get your book along with the trio. (You've gotten a lot closer to the trio, even if it was still your first day of school.) But the Professor stopped the four of you along with the other students. "Oh, no no. We won't be needing any for today's lesson. Anyone have an idea of what's in that cabin right there?" He said while pointing at the mysterious cabin. "That's a Boggart, that is." Said Dean Thomas, another fellow Gryffindor. "Correct Mr.Thomas! Now there's a simple spell to defeat a Boggart. Repeat after me. -uh without wands for now please.
"Riddikulus" We all said in unison.
"Very good, but try again, loudly and very clearly. "Riddikulus!" He repeated once again. "Riddikulus!" We repeated but a bit louder. "Very good, very good. Now what really finishes a Boggart is laughter! Mr.Longbottom, is it? Come here please." He said. "What are you scared of Longbottom?" He asked Neville. "I-uh. Professor.. S-Snape." Neville answered. Everyone seemed to chuckle, including Professor Lupin. "P-Professor Snape? Yes ok and uhm, you live with your grandmother, right?" "Yes, but I don't want it to turn into her either." Everyone laughed at his response. "Nooo, haha ok. Just picture her clothes, and her clothes only. And what you have to do is," he said, coming closer and whispering in his ear "picture Professor Snape in your grandmother's clothes." He whispered. "Can you do that for me?" He asked in a more normal voice. Neville nodded. "Ok. Are you ready? 3-2-1." He swishes his wand and opens the cabin. Professor Snape comes out. "R-Riddikulus!" Neville worriedly said. And all of a sudden Professor Snape's wearing Neville's grandmother's clothes. Everyone laughed. "Haha! That's it! Okay everyone line up!" I stood behind Parvati. "Seamus go on!" And so on until it was finally my turn. I stood there waiting for the Boggart to shift, smiling from all the laughing. Until I suddenly felt nervous when I thought about my deepest fear. The Boggart finally transformed into my deepest fear, which was none other than...

Tom Riddle.

"Well hello, my dear." He smirked. Harry looked confused for some reason, as if he knew the person. But I was terrified. "T-Tom.." I whispered out. "He cupped my cheek. Everyone was just staring at the both of us. The air was thick. I could barely breath. "Riddikulus.." I whispered out.

I fainted. The last thing I remember was swishing my wand while looking in his dark brown eyes. I woke up in the Hospital Wing. I looked around only to see Ron and Hermione looking at me worriedly. While Harry stood there, with curiosity in his eyes, but still worried for me. I could feel tears daring to come out, soon after I started bawling my eyes out. "No.. no! He's.. No.." were things I whispered while crying. "Harry comforted me along with Hermione and Ron. "Y/n.. we really need to talk. Not now, since you obviously don't feel well but as soon as possible. Please." He said sternly, I was a bit confused but still nodded. Suddenly, Cedric came barging in, obviously looking for someone. When his eyes met mine, he walked closer to me. "Welp. We'll leave you two alone.. let's go guys." Said Ron. "Cedric mumbled a small "thanks"
"Hey.. you alright?. I-I heard what happened. I mean it's kind've hard not to, it's what everyone's been talking about lately." He said. You sighed "Great. Now everyone's talking about me." You rolled your eyes. Cedric chuckled. "He saw you still crying so he decided to hug you, letting you cry on his shoulders. He didn't know why he did it but he just thought it was right. I mean you were both friends, right? So what was so wrong about that. But for some reason the word "friends" hurt him from the inside. He slightly smiled. "You better not stain my uniform. I've got quidditch later." He said trying to lessen the tension in the air. He was happy when he heard you chuckled, knowing that it worked. He rubbed your back as comfort before patting it. "Thank you for being here with me Cedric.. but I really think you need to go now. Don't want to be late for practice." You wiped your tears off, and lightly pecked his cheek. Making him a bit flustered. The way you whispered those words into his ears, the way your lips touched his skin oh so lightly. He loved it. You don't know what happened. You have no idea why you just pecked his cheek. Are you slowly starting to like Cedric? But what about Tom? You knew Cedric was a better person. But you couldn't help but feel confused about your feelings. You like Tom and Cedric. You decided to just leave it be. You hadn't realised that Cedric was waiting by the door. But he didn't tell you since he saw that you were lost in your thoughts. He smiled at you. "You want to go now? You can watch me practice." "Sure." You slowly stood up. When you were both walking down the hall, you noticed a lot of pitiful stares, or worried stares or even unreadable stares. They probably felt bad for what happened. On the other hand you saw Cedric's fangirls all glaring at you. "I think your fangirls don't really like me." You whispered in his ear, slightly giggling. For some reason, Cedric felt butterflies in his stomach. Whenever you would giggle, laugh or just smile. He felt happy seeing you happy. He lightly chuckled looking at his fangirls. When they saw him they instantly tried to get you away from him by walking past you and either harshly pushing your shoulder or putting their foot out to make you trip. And it worked. You tripped and almost face planted on the floor. But Cedric was quick enough to catch you. You were furious. You weren't going to let them treat you like this just because they're jealous. You were always treated with respect and you would treat them the same way they treated you. So you definitely weren't going to let some random girls disrespect you. You had to gain other people's respect, even if it means threatening them. You lived in the 40's that's how it was. You were young but you were, alongside Tom, the most respected students in school. Of course, you were stern but kind and polite. You took out your wand, walking towards the group of fangirl's. They just mocked you, since you were short and obviously younger than them. You made them all shut up with just a flick of your wand. You were blessed with talent, especially with spells or more specifically, non-verbal spells. Using the silencing charm except for one. The girl who tripped you. She looked at you in shock and looked scared of you. A year 3 student. But she wasn't going to show it. "H-How dare you!" You gestured all the fangirls to get away from here. "Oh whatever do you mean?" You told her, with a smirk on your face. Cedric just looked to you with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "You're the one who tripped me! You think I'm going to just let that go?!" You yelled at her, by now everyone's eyes were on you. Even the quidditch players, not even caring about the fact that it was quidditch practice. Harry, Ron and Hermione were there aswell, just staring at you in shock. "You think I'm just going to let you look down on me? You think that I'm going to let you walk all over me just because your jealous and pathetic arse saw me walking down the halls with Cedric?! If so, you're wrong. You're terribly wrong." You grabbed her by her tie. "If you mess with me again, or so help me Godric I will make you. regret. it. You understand me?!" You looked at hear dead in the eyes. She was so terrified she was going to pee herself. You could see tears daring to come out of her eyes. But she didn't want to seem scared infront of Cedric. "Do. Not. Underestimate me you bitch." You quickly said before letting go of her tie. She quickly fixed her posture before looking down and speed running, ignoring everyone's stare at her. You felt a bit bad ngl. "Did I go too far?" You thought to yourself, but then again you're you and you really couldn't care less so you quickly shrugged off the thought. You looked at everyone and saw their approving glares, you smiled, but you quickly wiped it off your face before walking back to the amused Cedric. "Well well, didn't know you were so feisty." He smirked. "I like it." He told everyone to back to whatever they were doing. "Ok everyone! Show's over, go back to whatever you were doing. Goodbye." He quickly bowed to everyone while you smacked his arm and laughed over his childish behaviour. "Come on Ced, let's go." You said pulling his arm. He ruffled your hair. "I like that nickname, "Ced", has a nice ring to it." You felt the heat rush up to your cheeks before playfully rolling your eyes. "Thanks, Ceddy, but I need a new nickname, "Ced" is too boring, and "Ceddy" makes it sound like you're my boyfriend." "Well I don't mind being your boyfriend, if I get to hear you call me Ceddy everyday." He quickly pecks your cheek before running to the other quidditch players. You felt your cheeks blush while you kept repeating his words. "Well I don't mind being your boyfriend if I get to hear you call me Ceddy everyday." You looked at him but you already saw him staring back at you so you quickly looked away but you could practically feel him smirking, knowing his plan of making you flustered, worked. You went to the stands, where Hermione and Ron were. "Hey guys." You greeted them. "Hermione hugged you. "Oh my Merlin Y/n! You were amazing back there!" Hermione said. "Yeah Y/n, that stunt back there was brave! That was bloody brilliant!" Ron laughed. You joined them laughing until you felt someone's gaze on you, you already knew whose but you wanted to make sure. And you were right, it was Cedric looking at you. You waved at him before he waved back and looked away, clearly flustered from being caught. But they kept practicing while you watched both Cedric and Harry. You then remembered Harry's words from earlier. "Y/n... We really need to talk." Over what perhaps? You were so lost in your thoughts, you didn't even realise Cedric already walking towards you. You saw him and smiled. "Hey
Y/n." He smiled back as he sat down. "I have to go shower so you can already leave if you want to. But you can stay here and wait for me too, I don't really know." He looked at you, and you thought you saw a hint of hope in his eyes as if hoping you would stay here and wait for him. You smiled at the thought looking away before looking back at him. "I think I'll stay here and wait for you Ceddy." He realised it was the nickname. He smirked before heading towards the boy's showers. You looked around for Harry, "Maybe I could already talk to Harry while waiting for Cedric" you thought. You spotted him and gestured him to come over. "Hey Y/n! So how are you feeling?" He asked, a bit worried. "Oh I feel a lot better." You smiled reassuring him. He felt a small wave of relief. "So about what happened earlier, what did you want to talk about." All of a sudden he went stiff. He looked stressed and/or scared. "We can talk about it later. Right now isn't a good time.." he said. "O-oh yeah sure.." you said a bit worried seeing Harry's state. It was like all of his happiness, gone. You were so curious yet genuinely worried for Harry. What was bothering him? You shrugged off the thought and saw that all the boys went out already so you went down to see if Cedric was out already. But he wasn't so you just waited there at the entrance, waiting for him. You weren't just going to barge into the boy's shower room. That's invasion of privacy. You saw Cedric finally get out but his hair was still a wet mess. You weren't going to lie, he looked really hot with wet hair. You blushed at the thought. He saw you, and smiled. You looked at his uniform and saw that his tie was untied. You sighed. "Ceddy, crouch down a little please." He was confused but still did as you said, you tied his tie for him. His heart melted. "Why thank you, fine lady. But actually I was about to do that but I left my wand in the shower rooms so let me go get it." He went back inside to get his wand. "He makes his tie with a spell, how cute" you chuckled at your thought. He came back out. You grabbed his arm to check his watch and he just let you do so since you left yours in your dorm. "It's almost time for supper, we best be going now Ced. Let's go."

You both walked to the the great hall ad you both parted ways walking over to your house's table. You saw them already there, waiting for you. They saw you and waved, Ron gestured the spot next to Harry that they saved while waiting for you. "Hello." You greeted them. Harry looked a lot better than earlier, and you felt happy for him. "So when's the Quidditch match? And who will be playing against you?" You asked, looking at Harry, while Ron and Hermione also looked at Harry, just as curious as you. He sighed, "One, they haven't said a specific date yet but I heard it might be this Friday, and two, Hufflepuff is playing against us." Ron wiggled his eyebrows. "I know what you guys are thinking, and no we are not." You said. They all looked at eachother before they bursted out laughing, not too loud of course. "Oh shut up guys! Seriously Cedric and I-" speak of the devil. "You and I what, Y/n?" He said, smirking. You felt your cheeks burn up deciding wether you should turn around or not. You decided to turn around and look at him. "Oh hi Cedric." You said, smiling at him. But he frowned. "What happened to the nickname, huh?" He saw you blush and smirked again, he left but of course, not before patting your head. You turned to look at your friends already expecting their teasing looks. "Oohoohooo~
Y/n has a nickname for Diggory?" Harry said teasingly. "Oh shut up. I'm leaving." They all laughed, "No wait- sorry Y/n" they all looked at you smiling. You felt the corners of your lips tugging, and you couldn't help but smile aswell. You sat back down finishing your food, and waiting for Ron to finish too. Once you were all done, you brought up the subject from earlier, with Harry. You decided that, since the day was almost over, you four could all wait till everyone has left the common room already and discuss about what Harry wanted to talk about.

A/N: I'm posting this, along with chapter 2! Yay :)) anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this one. I changed the title and added Cedric to it, because I like Cedric and Tom so much so like yeah-

Word count (including A/N and this sentence): 2678 words

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