Chapter 4

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It was around 1 am so you four all decided to check if anyone was still in the common room, fortunately no one was there. "So Harry, tell me what you wanted to talk about?" You asked Harry. He sighed. "H-How do you know about..  Tom Riddle." You gulped hard. You didn't expect it to be so soon for you to tell them everything. You began, "I know about him because..." "Because what Y/n spill it!" Harry said, slightly getting impatient. "Harry calm down! Let her speak, she obviously doesn't want to talk about it-" "No guys, stop it. You three are the best friends I could've ever asked for, you deserve to know everything.." they all nodded. With curious looks in their eyes. You gulped again. "I know Tom Riddle.. because I came from his time. I come from the 40's. And I'll tell you why."

"Tom and I were, friends and benefits you could say. We both liked each other. But one day, I saw this huge snake kill this girl, I think her name was Myrtle? Anyways, I heard Tom speaking Parsel tongue although I couldn't understand what he said. He looked proud of himself and that's when I knew, he ordered the snake to kill Myrtle, he killed Myrtle. I was devastated, could barely eat anything and just kept crying my eyes out every day. I heard that Hagrid got accused and I wanted to say something, I truly did but for some reason something held me back and I have no idea what. Perhaps it was because of my feelings for Tom and that I didn't want to get him in trouble, and I knew it was dumb but I couldn't help it. And then I realised that I just had to talk to Tom, try and fix things with him. Even though I was one of the brightest students there, whatever I did with Tom was stupid. I asked him to meet me at the Astronomy Tower and he kissed me.." As I said that, I could feel tears starting to swell up in my eyes but I didn't feel like crying at all. They all looked at me worriedly. "We got a lot closer than before until he told me he had to go meet this professor about prefect duties. Or atleast that's what he told me. I went to lie down on his bed when I felt something under the pillow, it was his Diary. I read through every single page, some things were truly disturbing and concerning while some were heartwarming things he wrote about me. And even though there were more pages about me than pages about the dark arts and his evil plans and the horcruxes- you get what I mean. I still couldn't help but feel betrayed. I felt sick to the stomach, I felt like crying but I couldn't. It wasn't long after before he decided to come inside, he saw the diary and got furious when I left but so was I. I had this plan where I would use a time Turner and travel to a different era. And that's how I ended up here.." Before they could even say anything, you burst into tears, clearly wanting to forget those memories. Harry hugged you. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that. We'll always be here for you Y/n no matter what." "Harry's right Y/n, we'll always be here." You smiled, wiping your tears off.

"But Harry, what about you? How do you know about Tom?" You asked Harry.

"Well, basically Ginny found his Diary and Tom persuaded her into doing things she didn't want to do, she tried to get rid of the diary by throwing it in a toilet but it flooded and we ended up in the girl's bathroom since there was water everywhere, I found the diary, wrote in it, asked him if he knew anything about the Chamber of Secret, he said yes but he couldn't tell me anything about it but he could show me so he did, he showed me Hagrid and this big spider, Aragog. I found out I could speak parsel tongue, I'll explain it later. Anyways, I opened the Chamber of Secrets along with a fraud who stole other people's work and took credit for it and along with Ron. Us three went in the Chamber of Secrets. Lockhart, the fraud, tried to obliviate us but since Ron's wand was broken, his spell backfired and he hit a wall pretty hard, making stones fall from the ground, basically making a wall between Ron and I. I continued walking and opened the entrance of the Chamber of Secrets using parsel tongue and there I saw, Tom Riddle, apparently his memory of his 16 year old body was preserved in his diary, anyways, I found Ginny there lying I ran up to her, dropped my wand, Ton picked my wand up, told me how he was Voldemort and that I was his new target, the boy who lived, the boy who survived with nothing but a scar, he made me fight with the Basilisk, which can kill you if you look into it's eyes, but only petrify you if you saw the reflection of it's eyes, I defeated the Basilisk using the Godric Gryffindor wand but unfortunately the Basilisk bit me and it's tooth got stuck in my arm, so the venom quickly spread. I ruined the diary, which btw was a Horcrux if you didn't know yet, so he disappeared and Ginny woke up, Dumbledore's Phoenix pet healed me with it's tears. And everything got back to normal, also did you know Hagrid got accused once again? For the exact same thing. But yeah that's it I guess." He explained, "Wow.. that's a um.. interesting story." You said. "But what was it about your scar?" "Oh right.. well when Voldemort tried to kill me, my mother and my father tried to protect me, so they had to sacrifice themselves to succeed in doing so. Which they did do. Anyways, Voldemort's spell backfired and instead "killed" him or more like destroyed, because he still, to this day, lives. And because of that, he gave me this scar and transferred some of his powers to me, not intentionally of course, but he did. And parsel tongue was one of those powers." "That's very interesting.. You sure went through a lot more than me." You chuckled, but still wide eyed when you heard his story.

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