💚Special Christmas Present❤️

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Ship: Renjun x 7Dream
Genre: Fluff ;Christmas special
Plot: It was finally Christmas and everyone was excited for their presents since they decided to do secret Santa but Renjun never expected this kind of Present and neither did his boyfriends...

Author PoV

"Guys come on let's gather it's time!" Mark shouted and in no second everyone was downstairs eyeing the presents under the present looking for a package with their name on it
"Ok let's start from the babies!" Renjun said looking at the maknae line who only pouted since they were no babies in their opinion "We're not babies..." Jisung huffed taking his present opening it it was fan merch of Taemin and a self written card from him he immediately knew that Mark was his secret Santa since he's really close to Taemin he also found a lot of sweets

Next was Chenle he searched for his package he found it and found a basketball in it with Stephen curry's sign he gave a loud dolphin scream excitedly jumping up and down at the thought of his favourite idol having the ball in his hands which he was also holding in his hands he also found Chinese sweets in it

Next was Jaemin he got a whole packet of chocolate milk and also some coupons for free coffee in which Renjun quickly added for him to not overdo the coffee he also got a new lenses for his camera and new film for his Polaroid camera

Then it was Donghyuck turn he actually had the biggest package he knew by the handwriting it was Renjun he blushed a bit and smiled brightly "What are you smiling about you haven't even seen what's inside" Jeno asked but he obviously knew what he was smiling about and so were the others and it made them jealous while Hyuck just gave him a mocking face while going back to opening the package he immediately found two Michael Jackson plates he was talking non stop to Renjun and it made him happy that he remembered which made the small boyfriend embarrassed there were also things he can add to his songwriting setup he immediately crushed Renjun in a hug kissing him lovingly"Don't look so happy you idiot!" The boy said embarrassed pushing him away "Thank you Jun I'll use it well" he said only to get a 'You better or I'll take it all back'

"Okayyyy it's my turn now!" Jeno said hushing the boy away obviously jealousy lingering in his voice as he got his package he got an expensive protein Pulver and some equipment for riding the bicycle he smiled softly going back

Finally it was Renjun's turn and his secret Santa was very much excited to say atleast he opened his package to find a moomin plushie to add to his collection and also some moomin themed stuff suck as a pen and a sketchbook but as he looked in deeper he immediately looked closed the box turning a bright red which made them curious "Show us Junnie come on!" Chenle said finally getting the package as he took out the item turning red in the process "Wear it!" Jaemin said which renjun quickly refused "Come on put it on while Mark packs out his present~" Hyuck pleaded and so did the others so he eventually gave up grabbing the package and running into the bathroom

Meanwhile Mark opened his package he got a package of ketchup which made him frown but he also got a hat and a new tuner for his guitar and after that they waited patiently for renjun to come out of the bathroom "Who had Renjun as secret Santa?" Jeno suddenly asked and everyone shrugged expect for Jisung "No wayyyy the maknae is getting bold!" Jaemin smirked which mad the boy blush "I just thought he would look pretty in it" he responded hiding his face as it grew hotter making the others laugh and just in that moment renjun came out of the bathroom

His outfit :

"I really hate u guys!" He said as he tried to hide behind the door while the boys where drooling it hugged the boys waist just perfect and hist thighs looked delicious and his collarbones were all exposed for them to mark up Mark was the first to...

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"I really hate u guys!" He said as he tried to hide behind the door while the boys where drooling it hugged the boys waist just perfect and hist thighs looked delicious and his collarbones were all exposed for them to mark up Mark was the first to make a move standing up and grabbing renjun by the waist kissing him while moving to the couch throwing him softly on the semi hard material of the sofa

"M-mark hyung?" He looked up at the man with big innocent eyes making him groan "You look so pretty Renjun it's not fair!" Jeno said as he kissed his neck as Mark went back to kissing him as the others started to feel him up that night the living room was filled with loving noises

After their session they cleaned the small boy up putting clothespin him and laying him on his bed"You guys were way to rough I'm not gonna be able to walk tomorrow!" He whined and the boys looked apologetic "Sorry babe don't worry we'll carry you around" Haechan said laughing breathy "Yeah we'll be your personal slaves!" Chenle exclaimed and Renjun giggled

"Fine you're forgiven but I demand cuddles and lots of kisses!" He said pouting making the boys coo as he was immediately embraced by them as they kissed him after a lot of cuddling the small boy got tired "Love you all" he said before falling asleep "We love you too and Merry Christmas~"


AHHHHHHH this was a bit rushed but I hope you guys still liked it I wanted to add smut but I didn't know what to add I may add it afterwards shhshshdh MERRY CHRISTMAS YALL❤️✨

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