💔You & Jennifer💔

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Ship: Markren & 00'line
Genre: Angst; Cheating AU
Plot: Renjun finally had enough and confronts Mark about him cheating...

(The fic is inspired by the song You & Jennifer from bülow the song is really good check it out)

Renjun PoV
I woke up in my room with a bad headache it was already the next day. "Shit I cried so much I fell asleep.." I tried to cram the last bit of motivation I had to stand up and get at least shower. Luckily it was a Saturday which meant no school.

As I got out of the shower I checked my phone and saw dozens of messages and missed calls from an unknown number which I was sure is Mark and some messages from Jeno, Jaemin and Hyuck. I sigh as I turn of my phone and curl myself up in my bed remembering everything that happened on Friday.

Flashback to Friday

"Omg Renjun you look horrible what happened?!" Chenle came running towards me as I walk into school. "I don't know maybe I just found out Mark cheated on me!" Is what I wanted to say but didn't. "I just slept bad I guess..." I said instead dismissing his worries.


I was seated in the table with my friends Jasmin, Jeno, Donghyuck these 3 were dating and there was also Chenle and Jisung who obviously have a crush on each other but don't want to admit it. I just sat there quietly eating my fries while spacing out.

"Guys do you know someone named Jennifer? I think Mark Hyung is cheating on me with her.." I suddenly blurted out and they tensed up looking at each other. They probably thought they were slick but I noticed the way their expressions changed and the mood grew tense.
"Jennifer? Never heard that name before!" Chenle said to breaking the silence. "Oh ok..."
"Maybe you're just imagining it!" Jaemin added and I nodded understanding as they quickly laughed it off but I just couldn't laugh all I thought was "Fake... Everyone around me is fake"

After that I left excusing myself to the bathroom. As I sat on the toilet locked up in a stall I pull out my phone to text Mark.

Baby Lion🦁

Mark hyung can we talk later I have something to ask you..

Baby Lion🦁
Sure meet me at the Walmart near my house!!
Have to go now
See you babe love you💕


I sighed again closing my eyes trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to fall.

Jaemin's PoV

"Shitshsitshitshit guys we just lied to Renjun I feel so bad!!!" Chenle said and it was true we all felt bad but Mark pleaded us to not tell him since it was only that one time that it happened and that it was a mistake. He swore he wouldn't do it again and eventually tell Renjun everything. "I-it was for the best I guess..." Jeno said unsure and I just looked at him quietly.

To be honest we three really liked Renjun a lot. We loved everything about him but all he saw was Mark it was always Mark here Mark there he was so in love he didn't even notice that we were crushing on him for ages. Till they started dating.

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