🔞Needy Bitch🔞

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Ship: Renmin + Mark, Donghyuck, Jeno
Genre: Smut ; Idol AU
Plot: Renjun is a needy bitch everyone knows that and he thinks its a good idea to sit on Jeno's lap while Jaemin his boyfriend is watching...
Words: ~1083~

!WARNING! Cuck, Degrading, Cheating, Spanking, Usage of Daddy/Oppa

Author PoV
'He is doing it again!' Jaemin thought clenching his fists knuckles turning white as he watched Renjun sitting on Jeno's lap arms wrapped around Renjun's waist he saw everything how Renjun innocently moved his hips making Jeno groan quietly as he told him to stop before he regrets it

But like I said he's a needy and a tease so of course he just continued till Jeno pinned him against the couch Jaemin watching them rather amused

"You really like making me mad huh?"

"But i did nothing Jeno~ so what are you so mad about?" He said pouting making Jeno curse under his breath

"Fuck don't you get fucked enough by your boyfriend or do you just enjoy getting fucked by others you slut?"

And Renjun only pouted more wrapping his arms around Jeno's neck

"I just really like teasing him it's fun when Oppa punishes me!" He said smirking at the taller one as he looked teasingly over to Jaemin whose knuckles turned white

"You're definitely going to regret this..." Jeno growled pulling Renjun in a kiss which was wrong they both knew but Renjun couldn't care less he was needy and wanted to be touched since Jaemin ignored him for three days THREE fucking days no sex

Jeno pulled away going down to his neck as he let out a moan it was only the three of them in the dorm so Renjun could be as loud as he wanted and neither Jaemin or Jeno were complaining loving the slutty moans

"Fuck Renjun you're so getting punished tonight!" Jaemin growled watching Jeno dry humping his boyfriend feeling his pants tightening at the sight

"Mmmhh~ Can't wait oppa how many spanks should he give me Daddy?" he asked innocently driving both boys mad at the Tease

"How about 20 since you're being such a needy cum slut~" Jeno said smirking as he started to take off Renjun's clothes running a hand over his flat and soft tummy going down to his cute pink hard leaking dick teasing it a little earning a horny moan

"Jeno j-just put your d-dick in-inside..." he said whimpering trying to sound as demanding as he could but he just sounded so needy

"So impatient I thought I taught you better kitten~" Jaemin said standing up from his seat

"Mmmmhhh please Daddy Oppa do something!" Renjun whined and begged trying to hump Jeno's leg but he was quickly hold down by his waist

"Fine I'll give you what you want" Jeno said taking off Renjun's shorts and boxers Jaemin doing the same as they placed the boy on all fours Jeno entering from behind and Jaemin from the front

"Ahhhhh fweels sooo gwod~" he moaned voice muffled from Jaemin'a dick stuffed in his mouth as they fucked hard into the small boy who only could cry from all the pleasure and dick he was getting he felt like he was in paradise

"Shit what a slut I have as boyfriend never satisfied with one dick!" Jaemin said grabbing the boys hair fucking rougher into him then before hitting the back of Renjun's throat making him choke but quickly relaxed just how Jaemin trained him

And yes he was definitely a slut but he's only a slut for Jaemin because the boy taught him to be one because when Renjun first came to SM he was an shy innocent bean and Jaemin wanted nothing but to ruin this innocence which he clearly did

"Mhmm Uh- Uh Jeno fuck hit it m-more!" Renjun said when Jaemin took his cock out stroking it to paint his face with cum like always

"Oh you mean that spot you like that when I hit that you filthy whore?!" Jeno said thrusting right into the spot making Renjun cry

"Yes omg like it so much!" Renjun moaned tears flowing down his cheeks as Jaemin came on his face

Meanwhile Jeno and Jaemin seem to enjoy the sight of Renjun covered with his own cum hazy eyes cute little cock twitching drool on the corner of his lips and tears spilling out of his eyes and pretty face covered in cum

"Here you go baby~" Jaemin said as he took the cum off his cheeks with his fingers holding it in front of the boys mouth and Renjun the obedient kitten he's opened up and sucked eagerly making Jaemin growl

"Fuck I'm close..." Jeno groaned thrust getting sloppier and faster

"Cum inside me daddy paint me all white inside with your cum!" Renjun moaned and Jeno couldn't help it anymore and came inside the petite boy hips stuttering

"Now to your punishment kitten~" Jaemin whispered in his ear and Renjun's cock twitched excitedly

Jeno pulled out of the boy earning a whine as cum oozed out of his hole down his thighs onto the couch as they switched positions

"You know the drill kitten when you lose count we start all over again ok" Jaemin said and Renjun nodded

Jeno couldn't help but wonder if they did these kind of things often but he quickly was pulled out of his thoughts when Jaemin harshly slapped the soft skin leaving a red hand print on it

"O-one..." Renjun stuttered out and another hash slap

T-two........e-eighteen.....n-nineteen....t-twenty..." Finally the last slap landed on his and Jaemin caressed the red skin meanwhile Jeno played with his hair

And just in that moment Mark and Donghyuck entered the dorm stopping in their tracks as soon as they saw the three on the couch

"Look kitten we have guests why don't you treat them good hmm~" Jaemin said pulling Renjun on his lap and pushing his dick insisted the tight heat and in no time there were three other cocks in front of him

After that Renjun got used more often by his members but he wasn't complaining and Jaemin saw it cool as long as his kitten was happy and the boys couldn't hide the love for the cute petite boy but no matter how good Renjuns felt his heart still belonged to Jaemin

The end


Hey guys double update bcs why not and after that sad shit I thought you could enjoy something spicyyyy🤪💦

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