💖My Baby💖

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Ship: Renhyuck
Genre: Fluff ; Idol!Renjun Idol!Donghyuck
PlotTwist: Where Renjun loves to act and be treated like a baby but his role in Dream doent allow him to. Luckily Donghyuck always takes care of his baby behind cameras...
Words: ~1088~

Author PoV

Renjun is the oldest member in Nct yet the cutest baby ever but his role in Dream doesn't allow him to show that cuteness in front of cameras always having to act sassy and mature yet a little innocent

They were currently doing a Vlive but Renjun wasn't in the mood to act sassy so he stayed quiet which didn't go unnoticed by his members and Fans as they tried to hype the Dreamie baby up which worked as smile made its way to his face and after some more talking they finally ended the Live and Renjun immediately excused himself to go to the dorms

"Baby wake up I know you aren't sleeping..." it was Donghyuck his Daddy the one that is always ready to shower his baby in love and spoil him he knew Renjun better than anyone else so he noticed that he wasn't sleeping making his way to the bed sitting down pulling Renjun on his lap and the boy immediately wrapped his hands around the others neck inhaling the comforting scent as Donghyucks hands were placed on his small waist "Why was baby so sad today hmm?"

He made Renjun look at him seeing his pout and watery eyes "I don't want to be sassy all I'm tired of acting mean all the time!" He pressed his lips on Renjuns kissing him lovingly wiping the tears away that were falling "Don't be sad baby the others know that you don't mean it no need to feel sad we all love you and we know that's not the real you okay?" and Renjun nodded feeling much better till his stomach growled making the other one laugh pressing a last kiss onto his lips before carrying him downstairs on his back

"Hey junnie why were you so down earlier?" Chenle asked the boy on his lap that was eating his pizza happily "Just wasn't feeling like myself nothing more Lele!" he said leaning his back against Chenles stomach nodding but before he could ask anything else Jisung joined them "Hey crybaby!" Chenle said giving him a teasing smile as Jisung just glared at him "Renjunnie Chenle is bullying me!" He said fake crying snuggling his head onto Renjuns stomach "Yah don't bully him Lele he looked cute when he cried!" Renjun giggled giving Chenle a high five meanwhile Jisung just groaned "So mean!" He said as they continued cuddling

"Do you feel better now Renjun-ah?" Jaemin asked smiling at Renjun that was cuddling with him in the bed watching a movie "Yup feel a lot better!" His roommate answered flashing him one of his cute smiles making his heart skip a beat at how cute the boy was "You're so cute!" he said pinching Renjuns cheeks making the other giggle "I'll sleep at Haechans and Jenos room today!" He said before forgets it placing a kiss on Jaemins cheek making the other blush as sad as he was he knew he couldn't say anything since Donghyuck was his boyfriend

They actually got really used to the fact that Renjun liked being clingy but they werent complaining since the boys kisses were like magic and his cuteness made them all softies for the boy but they knew his heart belonged to the one and only Lee Donghyuck he was really chill with his boyfriend giving other boys kisses and being clingy with them since he knew Renjuns loyalty towards him he sometimes does get jealous when Renjun kisses their cheek since he knew how they saw and felt for Renjun but he trusted him

As he went inside he was met with a half naked Jeno the sight wasn't new to him since he showered together with some other members "Hey Nono were is Hyuckie??" he asked looking around in the room trying to find his boyfriend "He went to take a shower just now Jeno said putting some baggy shorts not minding to put on a shirt laying himself down on the bed taking out his phone not noticing Renjun walking up to him as the boy straddled him and laid down comfortably on top of him fingers following the line of his abs touching them Renjun liked Jenos and Jaemins abs as he always put his hands under their shirts to touch it and the two loved it when he did so

Renjun sometimes did envy the others because of their bodies, broad shoulders and heights making him insecure at first but he also loved his own body he loved looking small between them and the fans and members also seemed to love it so he ignored it loving himself

"Hey baby sorry took a little bit longer are you already tired?" Donghyuck said coming with a towel around his waist looking for his sweatpants "Hmm a little bit..." he said standing up going to sit on Donghyucks bed waiting for the boy "Can i have a hoodie please?" Renjun said looking at him with puppy dog eyes and a pout "Thats not gonna work now you already have so many hoodies that i never got back!" He said looking away knowing he'll turn weak after sometime

'Fine guess i have to take out the secret weapon'

"Oppa please give me a hoodie please or baby will get sad!" he said in aegyo voice making Donghyuck melt in a puddle of goo meanwhile Jeno already was a puddle of goo "Fine here!" He huffed in defeat and Renjun took it happily pulling it over his head the hoodie reaching his thighs as cute sweater paws formed making the boy look even more adorable "Come on get your ass on the bed i want my cuddles~" he said happily pulling him onto the bed by the waist as they were now facing each other "Goodnight Nono sleep well!" "Yeah you too!"

"I love you..." Donghyuck whispered to Renjun since Jeno was already asleep "Love you too..." he responded as they kissed softly the kiss was full of love and adoration as they continued for a while pulling away for air

"I'm so lucky to have you my baby"


Ey my first one-shot i hope you liked it please give the book lots of love thank you❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ See you next time

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