🔞Needy Bitch pt.2🔞

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Ship: Renjun x Dream
Genre: Smut; Idol AU
Plot: Renjun is still a needy Bitch but this time he gets more dick at once!
Words: ~2150~

!Warning! Mention of Piss kink, Spit Kink, Choking, Manhandling, Degrading, Daddy/Sir/Oppa Mention

Author PoV
They finally had a break after performing for so long the Dreamies had a 3 week break and after a long time they were all together in the dorm since usually they were everywhere distributed because of their schedules but now they were all here in the dorm and Renjun's mind was all over the place

They hadn't had been able to have action in so long and now the thought of them all using him at once clouded his mind the thought of them throwing him roughly on the bed and not caring about him but about the pleasure they get the degrading look in Jaemin's eyes as he watches him getting used

"God dammit" Renjun whispered under his breath in the backseat of the car he was on his way back home from a photoshoot he knew that most of them would be a sleep and he should probably too but his dick was hard and he had 3 options wake them up, playing with himself or just sleep too and what he decided to do was risky but he knew that if it worked out as planned it would be a pleasurable experience for all of them

When he arrived home he got into the shower and checked into the rooms as expected all of them were sleeping sound full so he put on a white tee with nothing underneath laying on the couch with no worries and falling into a deep slumber

By the time most of them woke up they searched for the short boy thinking he's sleeping with Jaemin like he always has which wasn't the case next they checked the younger members room thinking they were maybe gaming but also nothing when finally Mark quietly shouted "Found him!"

Everyone came into the living room and came upon a very nice view it was renjun sleeping on the couch shirt risen up so that you could see his hard pretty little cock lying on his stomach as his chest falls and rises in an nice and evenly pace mouth slightly open

"He did this on purpose didn't he..." Donghyuck said finally breaking the silence "He definitely did knowing him" Jaemin answered looking at the sleeping boy eyes darkening it was definitely not what they expected to see but they wouldn't complain

Soon enough they all got touchy not being able to stand there and just watch listening to the boy whining in his sleep meanwhile Renjun woke up from all the noises and touching fluttering his eyes open and trying to adjust to the light 'Oh' was his first though when he was awake his plan definitely had worked he smiled slyly taking in the pleasure he got from it while his eyes searched for Jaemin and there he was they locked eyes and all the man did was smirk tiredly sending shivers down his spine

"God Renjun you're such a fucking slut" Jeno Hyuck said pulling him in a kiss hands touching him everywhere but the place he wanted to be touched "Please" He whined quietly breaking the kiss "Please what what do you want?" Chenle asked the smirk evident in his voice and the small boy couldn't say anything but whine again which earned him a harsh slap on his ass "Use your fucking words" Mark demanded in a deep voice

"P-please touch me m-more" he finally cracked out and finally a hand came in which he for sure knew where Jisung's since they were very big covering his whole dick with just one hand it was honestly pathetic but he liked it so they treated him that way hand moving up and down slowly making pretty tears appear of Renjun's eyes and "Such a pretty slut" The youngest member whispered in his ear from behind stopping his hand movement only to earn a needy whine from the boy as he was picked up and moved to a bedroom which he couldn't really make out whose it was

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