💔I don't deserve your love💔

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Ship: Markrenhyuck
Genre: Angst ; Highschool AU
Plot: Renjun thinks Mark can never love him since his heart beats for Donghyuck only I guess he was wrong....
Words: ~2039~

Author PoV

Renjun smiles sadly as he watched his crush Lee Mark laughing and hugging the one and only Lee Donghyuck but he didn't hate the sun kissed boy in fact he was actually also his crush yeah sounds weird his crushes are crushing on each other but they seem happy with each other and if they are happy he's happy too or that's what he keeps telling himself as he looked away tears streaming down his cheeks going out of the library but it seems like he misunderstood something

"Omg stop teasing me!" Mark said getting embarrassed since Donghyuck caught him staring at 'their' crush they both have a major crush on Huang Renjun and since they were brothers they decided to share just like what their mother taught them 'If you both want the same thing as the other one then share it' no one knew they were brothers so many people always thought they were a couple since they look nothing a like but that is only because they both are copies of their parents

Donghyuck was a copy of his mom only more manly with a strong jawline and strong features making the boy look overly handsome but also somehow pretty but the tanned skin was thanks of his mom he was ashamed of it before since it's not usual in Korea but now he is showing it off proudly

Meanwhile Mark was a copy of his dad even their characters are identical both are completely dense yet smart they are both very competitive and don't like too much skinship but his mother and Donghyuck always have to cross the line with their kisses and hugs their visuals were also almost identical with the seagull eyebrows and ash black hair pale skin strong cheekbones and jawline and of course their big heads

"You love him too so stop will you!" Mark glared at the boy in front of him who was holding his stomach laughing at his brother "Sry sry your face was just really funny!" He said wiping away the tears of his eyes while Mark only rolled his eyes "So when shall we make a move?" Donghyuck asked after he calmed down looking at the other seriously "I don't know what if he doesn't like us that way?!" All the what ifs going through his head till he felt someone slap the back of his head "You're really fucking dense don't you see the way he stares at us!"

Donghyuck was right he always caught Renjun somewhat staring at him but the boy always looked away embarrassed with a light blush on his cheeks it was cute he thought "We have next period with him lets sit beside him!" and with that they went to class looking out for the boy in a sweater

They didn't know why but Renjun always wore sweaters but they weren't complaining his sweater paws are really freaking adorable and matched with his round glasses it just makes him look even more innocent and the Lee brothers want to ruin this innocence but they didn't know what the secret behind the sweater paws are

Renjun hates himself he hates how he's so short and weak how he looked more feminine with slim waist and narrow shoulder, wide hips "Maybe that's the reason they don't like me..." he said pinching his non existent fat but for him it seemed like he is fat he looked in the mirror and only saw a fat ugly boy he stopped eating only to turn in skin and bones and he stopped sleeping normal and with the whole school stress on top of it made the boy cut himself

He cuts himself thinking he deserved believing that someone as ugly as him doesn't deserve to live that he has to die and feel pain his parents left him saying the will come back but they left him alone in the house when he was 12 years old they did pay the rent and Renjun got letters every month with money to eat when he turned 16 years old he felt betrayed and unwanted thinking why they did that but somehow Renjun got used to it got used to the pain and the feeling of being alone so to hide all this terrible things he does to himself he wears hoodies everyday
Finally Donghyuck and Mark spotted the boy he was seating in the back making their way towards him sitting on each side of him so he was in between them making the boy slightly uncomfortable not daring to look up "W-we could switch s-seats if y-you want to H-hyung..." Renjun said in soft voice fiddling with the hem of his hoodie still not looking up "No I like it here and I think Donghyuck likes his seat too!" and Renjun nodded still not looking up till a hand was under his chin making him look up "Dont look away i want to see your beautiful face!"

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