🔞Im jealous baby🔞

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Ship: Renhyuck
Genre: Idol!AU
Plot: In front of the camera Renjun and Hyuck bicker and fight a lot but behind all the cameras they are actually boyfriends and love each other a lot. So what happens when Renjun and Jaemin had to perform Trouble Maker together he couldn't help but get jealous
Words: ~3183~

!WARNING! Degrading, Slapping, Hair pulling, slight Bondage, Rough Sex, Spanking, Usage of Master


Author PoV
The Dreamies were doing a Vlive all sitting on their practice room floor, Donghyuck sitting on Renjun's left meanwhile Jaemin was on his right "Renjun aegyo please! A fan said." Jeno read out loud making the said boy's raise his head up from his phone as he made cute faces till he heard vomiting sounds from his left so he turned to the Hyuck and pouted hitting him playfully on the shoulder making everyone laugh at them while Hyuck started fake crying.

"Ahhh do you see this Czennies! Junnie hit me it hurts so much!" He exaggerated holding his shoulder "Stop it! I didn't even hit you that hard!" He defended himself hitting him again to make him stop the act "Renmin Troublemaker performance when? Someone asked" Mark read out laughing showing it Jeno and Jaemin "What the hell is Renmin?" Chenle asked confused and Jisung that was beside him explained to which he just laughed "I don't think Hyuck would like that" he cracked to which he got a death stare from him. "Who knows maybe you'll get it soon" Jaemin answered the question making everyone look at him surprised meanwhile a bit of red started to tint Renjun's cheeks which Hyuck didn't miss he was starting to get irritated so he quickly changed the subject.

After that their Manager had in fact quite liked the idea and quickly made it become reality. He had asked both boys beforehand who of course agreed. So they started practicing alone for the performance they were gonna perform on SBS. Renjun had less and less time for Dongyuck with his busy schedule and it had started to make the boy even more frustrated meanwhile Jaemin and Renjun grew even closer.

"Are u actually gonna perform this with Jaemin? Why'd you not say no? You're not wearing something too revealing are you? Where exactly is he goning to touch you?" It was midnight and Renjun just came back from practice, sweaty and tired. But as soon as he entered their shared room he was bombarded with questions from his obviously very jealous. "Can i shower first?" Renjun giggled at his boyfriends behaviour as he left the room to take a shower. "Whatever..." Donghyuck said clicking his tongue as he laid back down so his back was facing the door sulking. When Renjun came back he found his boyfriend sulking on the bed and immediately threw himself on him "Hyuckiee don't be mad!! You know that saying no wasn't even an option. Also about the outfit eh... hmm its not...that revealing? I think?" The small boy said also unsure about what he was gonna wear at that Haechan sat up on the bed and made the boy sit on his lap.

"Are u still mad at me??" Renjun asked squishing Haechan's face with both hands making him smile a bit "Ughh I'm sooo sad you can only fix it with... a kiss" he said smirking watching Renjun's cheeks turn a light color of pink, he punched Donghyuck on the shoulder getting a dramatic 'Ouch' making him giggle. Leaning in to give Haechan a kiss and when he pulled back from the kiss his boyfriend immediately pulled him back in. Running his hands underneath the smaller boy's shirt which the tanned boy recognised as his "You really need to stop wearing my shirts to sleep what will i wear?" he scolded Renjun which made him pout as he gave him one last peck "Come on let's sleep before I devour you." He said wiggling his eyebrows which earned another hard smack on the shoulder.

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