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monday after lunch, renjun sees vivi leave the area with some other girl. he decides to follow them, telling his friends he needed to use the bathroom.

he's became an expert at following people without being sported, because helloo lee jeno- so very quietly and sneakily, he follows the two girls up to the rooftop, where he hears the other girl ask,

"vivi what's going on..? you've been worrying me since you came back from china..."

"w-well.. something happened back in china, a-and it's happening here now too!! but i don't know if i-i should tell you..."

"you can tell me vivi!! i promise i won't laugh and i'll try my best to help!"

"o-okay.. there was this guy, in china, and he was so weird!! i found him everywhere i went! it was like he was stalking me... a-and so i thought if i moved back to korea, he'd be gone! b-but he's here!! h-he's here and he's always following me!! i-i don't want you to help haseul unnie, b-but i felt you needed to know.."

renjun's eyes widened as he listened in on their conversation.. 'a stalker..?'

the other girl, who he presumes to be haseul, continues with the conversation.

"oh my gosh vivi!! i'm so sorry! i'll.. i'll kick him in his face!!! karate chop him with my skills. a-and we'll call the police!"

"n-no no unnie! we can't.. and please don't try to help me this is something i need to deal with on my own!!"

"oh... okay.. if you say so vivi, i'll be worried but if you say you can do this by yourself.. but i swear if he tries to do anything i'll kill him!"

"thank you unnie.. but that's all, we should head back to class now..."

and that was renjuns cue, he quietly ran back down to the lunchroom. he quickly hugged his friends and told them he had to leave for an emergency at home, because he knew exactly what he needed to do.
once home, renjun runs straight to his art desk, and pulls out a small sheet of paper, the first one he could find. which happened to be a pink sheet of paper-

he wrote down, 'vivi noona, please meet me on the rooftop at 12:00 today'

because he was gonna try to help vivi with her stalker issue.
tuesday morning now, after he saw vivi and haseul leave their lockers, he sneakily slipped the note into vivi's locker. because she was bound to see it before lunch right?

he continued his day normally, watching jeno from afar, and then as soon as lunch is called, he puts his korean book up and runs straight to the rooftop

soon, he sees the same bright orange hair walking through the doors, she notices him and walks towards him while asking "are you the person who gave me the letter..?"

renjun nods and replies "yes i am. i heard you talking to your friend about your stalker... i'd like to help you." vivi's eyes widen as she says "w-what do you mean?! i-i don't have a stalker!! i don't need help!" renjun raises an eyebrow as he says in a monotone voice, "please. let me help you and deal with this person. why can't you call the police? has he taken someone?"

vivi sighs and mumbles "y-yeah he did... b-but you're gonna find it silly and stupid if i tell you who he took.." renjun sighs once more at her stubbornness and says "i won't. i truly want to help you with this scumbag." vivi nods and slowly says while playing with her fingers "m-my cat.. he took my cat and is threatening to hurt her if i tell the police!!"

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