💛𝕥𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕥𝕪 𝕥𝕨𝕠💛

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chenle sighs. he's been trying to act on the plan him and renjun discussed several months ago, but every opportunity he gets.. is taken away from him. and that's very frustrating. he tried to kidnap jisungs girlfriend while she was at the store, her sister came to her. he tried to drop something heavy on her from a high place, she moved out of the way. he tried to pay someone to kill her, and then they DIED. he just wants to be with the love of his life, his person, his someone. and the bitch he's with is ruining it entirely.

ever since the day they met almost 5 years ago, chenles been dreaming of the days he and jisung will get together. their meeting story was quite normal, mundane if you will. but ever since that day, it's stuck with chenle. definitely more than it has jisung.
they were in sixth grade. it was chenles first school year in korea. he had just moved from china. he was at a private school, still being new to the korean language. he didn't know anyone, and no one seemed interested in talking to him. that didn't bother him much though. he never felt anything before. his parents were concerned, until he realized he needed to pretend to be normal to make them feel better. so, after he put on a fake smile and fake tears sometimes, then they stopped worrying. anyways.. he was kind of bored/lonely, until a hamster looking boy approached him during lunch.

the boy sat across from him, and it was almost instantly that he felt something. his heart was racing, he felt warm and sweaty, he couldn't breathe properly. everything felt so fuzzy and warm. the boy said to him, "h-hi, i'm jisung" chenle was struggling to even say anything. he stuttered and mumbled, "h-hello..i-i'm chenle" in broken korean. the boy smiled at him, "do you want to eat lunch together? you seem lonely." chenle nodded, quite vigorously.
they ate lunch together, and even after jisung left to his next class, chenle watched him.

he watched him everyday. he found out his class schedule, all of his friends, his address, he became obsessed with the boy. he made a book for him; a book of things that reminded him of him/belonged to him/he touched.

jisung didn't talk to him much after that day. he would say hi to him in the halls occasionally, wave to him at lunch, but.. they never really talked after that day. but chenle never forgot about him. even when jisung moved schools in eighth grade, chenle begged his parents and followed him. it was a public school, and chenle had never been to a public school, but he didn't care. he needed to be with jisung.

he met new people, made some friends, and life was good. he was too scared to talk to jisung, but he always followed him. he always knew where he was. he knew everything.

and then jisung met her freshmen year. Kim MiCha is her name. jisung started to walk with her often, chenle always saw them together, and then he found out they were dating. the love of his life was with someone else. someone. else. he couldn't let that happen. so then, renjun came to school. they talked, and ever since then he's been trying to work on a way to kill her.
"chenle?" his nanny asks, waving her hand infront of him. he "hm"s at her, looking up curiously. she frowns in the way grandmothers frown before they scold their grandkids, and she says, "yahhh you need to eat chenle!! you're just staring off into space, you need to eat to become big and strong!" as she gently pinches his skinny arms. he smiles, nodding as he says, "of course nainai, i'm sorry" his nanny nods, huffing as she walks back to her side of the table. his parents aren't here, he doesn't even know the last time he saw them. his nanny isn't actually his grandmother, despite the name he called her. she's just.. his nanny. the babysitter. the lady who took care of him as a child, practically raised him. the lady who's been more of a mother to him than his biological parents ever were.

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