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there was a memorial service for chaeryeong, her friends were heartbroken and a crying mess, jeno was also crying, and it made renjuns heart break as well. he didn't want to see his love in such a horrible state.

he wanted to help.. he wanted to go comfort his baby. but he didn't know if his heart could handle it.

no he can, he needs to help comfort jeno.

as soon as the service was over, renjun quickly walked over to jeno. "h-hey.. r-remember me? w-we met the other day... i-i just wanted to comfort you..... y-you seem very s-sad about your friend... i-i'm so sorry about her d-death.." jeno sniffled as he looked up, standing up from his seat as he mumbled "y-yeah.. you're renjun" renjun smiled as jeno remembered him, and he nods slowly.

jeno also nods back as he says "i-it just.. s-she didn't deserve it.... e-even if i didn't know her for long, i-i know she was a good person!!" renjun doesn't feel bad for what he did, not at all, but seeing jeno like this hurts his heart so much, he almost wanted to cry..

but he just nods and says "e-even though i just m-met her the other day, s-she seemed so nice a-and innocent.." jeno sniffled as he continued to cry, renjun got a tissue and gave it to jeno, who bowed at him and used it to dry his tears.

this sight was so pitiful, renjun wanted to hug the other... because as he grew up he realized hugging helps comfort people, but he hardly survived after jeno held his hand the other day.

"i-i should probably go... again i-i'm so sorry for y-your loss.." renjun mumbles as he tries to walk away, but jeno holds onto his wrist. renjun looks up at him with his puppy eyes and mouth agap, jeno smiles at him and hugs him.

renjuns heart exploded, it's like that scene in a kdrama when your crush does something like kissing you or hugging you, the entire world slows down and everything is in slow motion, and there are heart's surrounding you two. he couldn't comprehend what was happening.

"i-i'm sorry if this is weird.. but y-you comforted me when you don't even know me well[jeno love you have no idea-].... s-so this is how i t-thank you!!" renjun didn't know what to say, he just nodded with his mouth agap as he mumbled "y-yeah..." jeno separated himself and smiled once more at the smaller, before wiping his tears again and walking away, continuing to wave and look at renjun while walking backwards, who was still shocked as he slightly waved back.


renjun could not believe that just happened, he ran all the way home and told his mom about everything that happened.

"that's wonderful baby!!! i'm so happy for you!" she said as she hugged her son, he seemed so genuinely happy about this and it made her so happy.
monday morning, renjun walks into alot of students talking about the new student.

'what was his name? na....na jaemin?' renjun questions himself. he's quite obviously not interested but everyone else seemed to be. what's so special about this new boy anyway?

"RENJUN GE!!! DID YOU HEAR ABOUT THE NEW BOY?!" chenle yells, clearly very excited, as he squeals in dolphin- renjun hisses and says "yes.. yes i did. why is everyone so interested in him anyway?" donghyucks eyes widen at the question his bestfriend asked, he yells "YOU SERIOUSLY DON'T KNOW?! BRUH HE'S SO HOT!!! HIS iNSTAGRAM!"

renjun looks at him with a numb face as he says "i don't have instagram sorry. but uh i don't want to see him-" donghyuck rolls his eyes and says "why am i not surprised-"

the entire hallway shut up as soon as they saw a new white-haired face walk into the building[i KNOW HIS HAIR IS BLACK RIGHT NOW BUT THE WHITE STANDS OUT MORE😭🔫]

even renjun stopped, what is this feeling.. why is he feeling this...

he feels the exact same as he did when he met jeno.... this jaemin guy..

jaemin noticed his staring, this small male interested him!! so he walked over and said "could you take me to the principal's office sweetie?" renjun, with his mouth agap, just slowly nodded and walked in front of jaemin, taking him to the office.

"HOLY SHIT-" donghyuck yells after renjun and jaemin left the hall- "THAT MAN IS SEXIER THAN KIM TAEHYUNG[no hate to my baby tae they are both beautiful]" he screams out, taehyung glaring at him.

everyone was entirely shocked at this new na jaemin boy-

"so, what's your name love?" jaemin asked while smiling at renjun, who was nearly having a heart attack- he mumbled "i-i'm renjun...." jaemin squealed and side hugged renjun as he said "you're so cuteee!!"

renjun felt the exact same way he did when jeno hugged him last week- he blushed bright pink and he couldn't function right.

they made it to the office, and the principal forced renjun to show jaemin around the school because why would luck be on his side?

as renjun mumbled what room was what room and where everything was, jaemin just stared at him with the most loving eyes with the cutest smile on his face[ADJECTIVES BRUH-] and renjun struggled heavily to communicate from the very attractive male looking at him like there was no one else in the world.

after the tour, jaemin smiled his beautiful smile at renjun and held onto his waist as he said "can i get your number sweet heart?" renjun's heart couldn't handle this, but instead of saying anything he just slightly nodded and handed his phone to the other, he also saw as jaemin took a selfie and made it the profile photo. renjun knew he was going to keep that picture forever.

once his phone was given back to him, he noticed the name jaemin gave himself.


he blushed and watches as jaemin winks before walking away. renjun cannot handle this- this was more interaction he's ever had with jeno..

are both of them really his special someone's? he'll have to ask his mother..

it's lunch time now, the four friends are sitting together per usual

"renjun how was spending the morning with jaemin?!" chenle asks as he looks at renjun with curious eyes, renjun becomes extremely shy as he mumbles "i-it was f-fine i guess.. n-nothing special...."

donghyuck snorts and says "you're such a bottom renjun hyung" renjun glares at him, but donghyuck continues "honestly i think i'm in love. i should confess friday~" yangyang laughs and says "what about your boyfriend?"

while raising an eyebrow, donghyuck laughs again and says "A POLY RELATIONSHIP!! seriously i want jaemin to be my boyfriend- IMMA CONFESS FRIDAY!"

'no no no no NO! just as jeno will be mine, jaemin will be too. I DESERVE THEM MORE!' renjun thinks to himself. he doesn't care how 'close' him and donghyuck are, nothing will stand in his way of making jaemin and jeno both his.

absolutely nothing.

edit: sorry i came back here to fix something aksndjdn

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