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/sorry it's sideways/ but i drew jeno and daegal :D it's not the best, but it's definitely the best i've drawn so far q-q so yesh.. that's all, enjoy the chapter <3

edit: i'm at my grandparents on winter vacation and the wIFI IS TRASH- AND IT'S ONLY BAD FOR ME AKEHJDJEJDJEH also i know this isn't gonna stay long but as of now yandere as 1.27k reads HAHA- also also; i want the limited edition loveholic album... and the johnny one- THEY'RE BOTH SO EXPENSIVE THOUGH I'M SO SAAAAAD T~T but it is midnight and my meds are wearing off so i probably don't want them it's just the sleep talking- ...that's all now goodbye

. . . . .

renjun spent all of monday night and tuesday morning figuring out everything he possibly could about that minho kid.

his name is lee minho.

he's a loner.

he's nineteen years old, he got put back a grade in school so he's a senior and his birthday is october 25th.

he's in the cultist club at school.
*he likes freaky dark magic stuff.

his only friend is a kid named kim seungmin, who is almost as weird as he is.

renjun also has his address, he knows every classroom he's in and every subject he takes.

you might be thinking, oh no he's overreacting minho probably isn't a worry! well you're wrong and renjun is right hA HA. he's noticed that minho will stare at jeno all day, and he got some info from a few other students, they said minho is planning on confessing to jeno this friday, because why any other day. also because he's had feelings for jeno since ninth grade. and by now you should know, renjun won't let that happen.

he needs to make a plan. he can't just kill minho with an unexpected weapon or something because then he'll be sent to juvie, later in life jail.

and that means he won't get to ever see his someone's ever again.

therefore: he needs a plan.

he isn't sure what he's going to do though... not many people will notice if minho just flees from existence, because he is very uncommonly known and those that do know him don't like him and find him to be a freak.

actually... renjun can use that against minho.

he's not known.

people find him weird.

he's very sensitive to bullying.

he often gets bullied^.


renjun just found his plan.

"did you hear what that minho kid did at that party the other week?"

"how could i not?! it's everywhere." 

"he's such a freak." 

"i cannot believe he would do such a thing.."

"i'm scared of him now..." 

"i don't think he should be going to our school." 

renjun heard everyone whispering to each other as minho walked down the hallway, minho looked really uncomfortable and seemed worried as he wondered what everyone was talking about.. renjun smirked, his plan is coming into action. he may or may not have...posted on the school website a tinsy tiny really bad rumor about minho that everyone in school may or may not have seen-...multiple times.

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