Chapter Sixteen

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Alex POV
The next morning I wake up as usual when my alarm goes off and prepare for work.
I head downstairs to the kitchen and made coffee and hangover soup for Arya, she got really drunk last night and when I took her to the room she threw up all over me.
I swear I nearly dropped her down and dragged her out of the house. I had to clean her up and pull her clothes off so she won't stink when she wakes up, the thought of it alone makes me nauseous. I even helped wash her wears I can't recall the last time I did laundry myself, the dry cleaner comes twice weekly.

" Good morning" I heard from behind me.

"Morning"I reply curtly, I am still mad at her throwing up on me. She walks up to the counter and I hand her hangover soup.

"Thanks, you off to work already? It's just six in the morning, I can make you something to eat" she offers. Breakfast? I can't eat breakfast made by a random person, it freak me out hearing that.

" No, you don't make breakfast for me" I shout and she squirm.

" I'm sorry, I..." she apologize softly and walks upstairs.
I had not meant to shout at her, I just got really angry at the thought of someone else making my breakfast, Rose had been the last woman in my kitchen and the thought of someone else making breakfast for me in her kitchen doesn't seem right.
Allowing her stay the night here is enough already, I just hope she leaves before I get back from work today.

Arya POV

" May I ask where my clothes are ?"I ask, he was still sipping his coffee and going through some paperwork, what a workaholic. I wonder why he pulled off my clothes I just hope he didn't do anything funny while I was wasted last night, I can't possibly be going through heartbreak and rape at the same time. He can't do that.

"I pulled them off last night you were all messed up"he answers " I'm gonna get it for you, I helped you wash your mess " so rude, jerk as always and last night I thought he was going to start being nice motherfucker. My mess? Did I throw up ? Jeez and he cleaned me up and washed my wears. He isn't as bad as I thought though. I realize I was drooling as he walk past me .

"Mind you I didn't check you out of that's what you are thinking, hell no I wouldn't do that ,you are not my type " he said disgustedly face on his files like am a not even worth a glance.

" I'm not your type? Gosh... I didn't come here to seduce you, I thought you were better off turn out you are worst...I'm not your type? You aren't even my type, what exactly are you ? You need to get your nuts together asshole" I fire angrily.

"I will get your clothes"he says ignoring me as he brushed past me.

"Oh.. okay" He doesn't respond as he walks on. I stamp my feet angrily.
This man makes me mad , like fucking mad so rude and pompous. He feels the world revolves around him, I made a big mistake coming here. I fall weakly on the couch few minutes he is back and hands me my cloth I walk back to my room  no not my room ,how nice it would be to stay here in this nice mansion, with a jerk? Arghh not a great wish... something seems off, the air in this house is so unlively I need to change and get out of this place.

As I headed upstairs looking for my room I can't find it with the so many doors left right ,why live in this big house all by yourself ? To boost your ego nothing than that.

I open all doors to check if it my room the first two doesn't look like it the other two are locked I wonder what is there I opened another door and thank goodness it's my room am exhausted from checking through different doors already, how will he find his way in this large house  it's his house you know! my subconscious reminds me.

As I was about going in curiosity gets the best of me who owes  the rooms locked up? I head for the other door and opened up , the keys are still in the keyhole, I guess he forgot to remove his keys when going out. Well this is his house who locks his room in his house? But why are those other two room locked? I walk inside the room it is so big the Masters bedroom twice of mine, everything in his room is a reflection of him, the dark and dull painting which shows his manliness. My eyes caught a picture on his drawer, a wedding picture? He is married?.

He wore a black suit as always with a black bow looking so domineering and breathtakingly handsome, and she? She looks so beautiful like an angel I have never seen someone as clean and stunning as her on a wedding gown.

They look so great together different aura but great combination like a devil and an angel not supposed to be but works well .
Why did she leave him? I thought that day at the club was because he was dumped by his girlfriend I never thought it was because he was actually dumped by his wife! Hell yes James dumped me but I'm not his wife, we aren't married ... yet. Well that's because he is a jerk so rude and arrogant and she is too good to be with someone like him. But you aren't? You drool over him don't you? Please just shut up already. I am about dropping the picture on the drawer when the door flings open
and out of shock the picture falls down shattering at a goal. He is gonna kill me, gosh I better call the police...

Woah woah woah!!!
Arya has been getting on Alex's nerves 😀😀
She had better call the police because Alex is gonna kill her for entering his room😛.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter guys, actually I didn't want to write anymore because I was getting no support or views but today I checked my view and it was reading seventy so I decided to at least write for the sake of those of you still reading on...I want you guys to know that I appreciate even though the reads and vote aren't so's big enough for my heart ❤️
Don't forget to tell me your thoughts on this chapter.
Baeamarx love ❤️❤️

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