Chapter Thirteen

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Arya POV

I had hoped that when I opened the door I would see a different person not my James. Any person, maybe the thief since his door wasn't locked but all I see is James, no other person is in the room apart from the both of us, my life crumble.

"One night with my best friend" I choke on my word, they are too bitter for me to say.

"Arya I can explain" he panick his eyes tearing up, I feel like running to console him with how vulnerable he looks now. But I know better he is a wolf in sheep's clothing.

" How could you? How could you I trusted you more than anything or anyone in my life" I cry letting it all out, I can't hold it back anymore. The pain, I hope this is just a bad nightmare.

"It was a mistake love..." I cut him short. " Don't you dare call me love, you never loved me you never did "I fall weakly on the bed and he tries to help me.

" Don't touch me please" I beg weakly and he lets go of me,I wish he didn't remove his hands from me I wanted to put it back on my arms.

"I can explain, it was just a big mistake, I had no fucking idea what I was doing" he sit on the bed but with a big distance folding his arm on his chest,with his head down . I want to put my arms around him but I am the one who is wronged.

"James I fought against my parents because of you, you not only cheated but you got her pregnant, you didn't think about me, about us. I loved you and I still love you but I can't handle this , I really can't" I sob. "How did this happen, how long have you both been behind my back?" I ask angrily my voice raising with disgust.

"Love it was a mistake, it happened that night at the club, you know the one Kenneth invited us to"

" Yea, I remember, so Beth took advantage of you all because Kenneth dumped her? Is that your explanation for this shit? I am gonna kill Beth she crossed the line..." I scream.

" I got really wasted when you left for the hospital and Beth too, we both weren't ourselves, so I took her home and ...."he runs his hand through his hair making his hair a mess than it already is,I signal for him to continue talking.

"I don't know what came over me, she looked so much like you, and you both wore the same dress that night, I didn't know I didn't fucking know how it happened" he explains with gritted teeth.

So that morning I called him so we could go check up on Beth and he was acting strange was because of this? He hid this from me for weeks now "So what are you going to do now? She is carrying your child?"

" I don't know"

"You have to know, you have to fucking know, when you when fucking her you never thought of the repercussions? Hell just wanted to hide it after that, but it got to this , I am very sure I wouldn't know if I hadn't been here at the right wrong time."

"Aryaaaa" he reprimands with an arch eyebrow.

" Ohhh..I should keep my damn mouth shut, to hell with you and Beth" I yell standing up, pick my bag from the floor and head out, he runs after me.

" What do you want from me ?"

" Arya we can sort this stuff out..."

" Have her terminate that baby, me or her and her fucking baby" I know I am harsh and it unfair to the innocent baby but it's also fucking unfair to me.
I went against my parents since I met James, how do I tell them this? Beth of all people. I could open up to my mom but she is definitely going to telling her sweet husband. The sweet husband I wanted i can't have...Beth will.

" Hell no Arya, I can't fucking do that" he says rather too loud then he wanted.

"Why?" You already know why, you can't give him want he wants, your parents are against it .

" I can't allow her get rid of the baby, I never planned for it but I can't let that happen to my child"

I sigh I understand, what am asking can't possibly work, not with him.

" Your parents are fucking against me, they don't even want me visiting and wont permit my marriage proposal to you for fucking how long now? I can't keep waiting for them to agree before I have you..I know am a coward and you are free to hate me cause I deserve even more , but I can't kill my child ...I am sorry I can't do that"

" They didn't agree to your marriage proposal? I am the one getting married here I am the one to say yes, and I said yes I said yes but you won't take it till they give their fucking blessing..we could get married we don't need their help or money we could manage, I was ready leave paradise for you"

" That the sweetness of marriage babe, the blessing from them..."

" Oh yea, my sacrifices were nothing to you, am sure you are going to get that from her family right? " I mock trying desperately to hold my voice from breaking. "You knew all this while that you couldn't get what you wanted from me why didn't you end it then? Why ride me on? Why? You are inconsiderate you wanted to see how things went then you decide...well now you have decided, Good bye.. James."

" I am sorry Ar..." I cut him short by raising my hand up. He has lost the right to call my name, I want him to say he chooses me but he doesn't .

" And I just got dumped, but it's all cool I wish you both the best.. take care" I open the door and as quickly as my leg can carry me I walk to my car, I cried my eyes out, my heart out, why cant I just be happy?

I can't find my phone I pour down everything on my bag and I see it.
Alex card , I search the car for my phone and finally find it, I dial his number.

I have no body to talk to, I cant call my mom and definitely not my dad.
I need someone to talk to, I can't call Beth, she would have been the one I would run to.

And James I can't also call him they both are the cause of what am going through right now and my parents would be more than happy that there prayer has been answered.

Is this the kind of prayer you answer God? Fucking your daughter's life up? I am sorry I don't mean to be rude but you are unfair. I never did anything to deserve this all my love ones against me I don't have the strength to fight them anymore.

The voice from my phone brings me back to my senses.
" Hello, this is Mr Alex Cameron on the line" that strong husky voice, he gives the same chemistry even on phone.

"Hi...sorry... you busy? " I ask stuttering. Maybe it a bad idea calling him, I could just end the call now.

"Who are you please? You have my number so definitely I Know who you are" he says . So he doesn't give out his number, sure yes he can't possibly give out his number to unimportant people, they met his secretary or assistant I can imagine. So that makes me important?

" Hmm it me Arya.." I introduce.

"Arya? Sorry I don't have anyone by name Arya"

" You were the jerk at the wedding in Florida " jeez what have I just said , jerk to his hearing?

" I don't recall "

He wouldn't will he? He feels he isn't a jerk, God knows he is " I mean ..sorry about that you gave me your card at the hospital when you gave me a ride from the club" I explain.

"Oh, yea I recall now "

" Emm I was thinking I could meet up with you..if you aren't busy" I ask, I hope he does say yes, somehow his voice makes me feel better.

"I will send you my address"

"Okay.. thanks" I sniffle,dropping the call . I want to go home and change but I don't want to be in that house right now, my phone blinks and I see his message, I drive there I don't care how much of a mess I look right now.

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