Chapter Six

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Arya POV
* Arya , we are going to be late for the party where exactly are you ?* A test message from Beth.

Why did I even agree to attend the party, my boyfriend James just doesn't keep to time, I asked that he picked me up so we could both head to Beth's house , pick her up and leave together.

There was no need of us taking our cars individually, we could just go with James's I  have no idea what keeping him late.

Ten minutes later I hear his horn outside the gate, I quickly grab my bag , recheck my makeup and meet him at the car.

" Hey baby, you look good " James compliments me.

" Thanks love, so that's your bribe for coming know Beth is going to curse the hell outta us" I say and he smiles.

I open the door and seat, fastening my seat belt.

" I am so sorry for keeping you waiting, don't worry we are gonna sort Beth out when we get to her" he apologizes.

"Fine"I raised my hands in defeat.
"You both know how to handle yourselves" I say rolling my eyes and he chuckles.

James and Beth have been classmates right from high school,so they are friends, I met James in college when I transferred to their school... If you are wondering why I dont't know Kenneth it's because I transferred after he left college for New York.

At Beth house

I text her
* Beth we are at your gate now *

" Hey, what took you motherfuckers this long? I should have just went with my car you know." She fires just as she approached us.

"We are here now aren't we?" I answer.

"Actually Beth I was the one who caused the delay, but we are still on time , isn't it a night party?" James says in a soft tone.

"Hmmm, whatever"she scoffs, James
starts the car , he turns the music on and we all sing along.

" Hey babes, what with you both wearing the same outfit?" James ask raising his eyebrows.

"That's none of your business buddy"Beth answers sarcastically.

"You both are something else,we went to the spar last weekend and we saw the outfit so we bought it, it's not bad for best friends right?" I smile.

Twenty minutes later we arrive at the club...the name is City view, there are two entrances one is called the Platinum and the other the glamour , we head toward the Platinum.

Beth makes a phone call to Kenneth and after some minute we sight him coming towards us.

"Hey Beth"he greets with a wide smile on his face.

"Hey, Ken" Beth greets, as he gets to her they both hug. Kenneth turns to James and he is behold surprised.

"Beth, is this James?"he questions, Beth nods in affirmation.
"Wow, James , bro how you doing?"he ask as they hug.

"Am good man, all good" they compliment each other. After that James turns to me.

"Buddy this is Arya , my girlfriend" he turns to me " Arya this is Kenneth"

"It's nice to meet you beautiful" he compliments me and we shake hands.

" It's nice to meet you too Kenneth, I have heard alot about you" I say, looking at Beth then Kenneth.

"Oh,sure , so let's get inside " he leads us inside.

Alex POV
As I drive down the street , I see a club bubbling . It would be okay being here instead of home the bar is still about 20mins further , I will just do with the club.

I park my car and head towards the entrance , Platinum and glamour? I will  check the glamour.

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