Chapter Eight

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Alex POV

  I am just about leaving the bar , it's 12 pm already . And my ass needs to be at work tomorrow so I stand up , and head for the exit.

Just as I walk out I run into someone.

"Will you watch were you are going" by the voice I know it's a lady.

" Oh, I'm sorry " I apologize then turn to the lady.

"You?" We both say in unison.

"You are apologizing to me now and you expect me to agree?" She smirks "at that wedding I apologized for spilling wine on you but you ..." I interrupt her.

" Okay okay lady, that simply says it's equal now "  I scoff. She seems short of what to say.

" Really?" She shakes her head in anger and head towards the road I wonder where is going to  from a club by this time of the night... morning.

Why didn't she come with her car?
Or maybe she doesn't have a car, let's see how she gets out of here.

She ran into me and I apologized still yet she ...she what? My subconscious ask * you didn't accept her apology when she spilled wine on your BLUE SUIT *  will you Just stop now?

I head to the garage then ride towards her.
Stopping in front of her I horn, she tries looking at my face in the car. I can tell she is thinking of something really annoying with the way she stares at me.

"You need any help? It seems you are stranded" I say, surprise at the lack of harshness in my voice. She stays quiet then speaks.

" Mmm mmm I am headed for the hospital but I can't find a cab... actually I have a car but I didn't come with it"she emphasize. Like I care.

"Will you mind me giving you a ride to a hospital? "I offer.
" You seem stranded" I add.

"Oh, thanks alot, I really appreciate"  she hops in and I drive to the hospital after getting the address.

Arya POV

   As I head  towards the exit, someone runs into me. I don't know why people can't control what they drink at a club , to the extent that they find it hard to walk without stumbling.

"Will you watch were you are going" I shout, straightening my dress.

" Oh, I'm sorry " he apologizes then I turn to the man.

"You?" We both say in unison. What the hell is this man doing here

"You are apologizing to me now and you expect me to agree?"  I smirk "at that wedding I apologized for spilling wine on you but you ..."  He interrupts me. Asshole...

" Okay okay lady, that simply says it's equal now "he scoffs. I am short of words.

" Really?"  I shake my head in anger and head toward the road. No sign of a cab coming anytime soon, the road is empty , what time is it? I check my phone " jeez past midnight?,I am never going to get a cab by this time".

Why didn't I come with my car?
A car stops at my front, I look at the image closely*argh, this man again, what to do this time?* I thought.

"You need any help? It seems you are stranded" he says no harshness in his voice.

I don't know what to say,  I don't know him what if he is a bad person?* Then be ready to stand all night here or better still go back to the party* my subconscious mind says.

" Mmm mmm I am headed for the hospital but I can't find a cab...actually I have a car but I didn't come with it"I explain further.

"Will you mind me giving you a ride to a hospital? "He offers.
" You seem stranded"

"Oh, thanks alot, I really appreciate" I hop in and he drives to the hospital after getting the address.

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