Chapter Eleven

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Arya POV
The days went by fast, I haven't called Alex or should I say Mr Alex Cameron? I know his name through his complimentary card.

Thinking of it he doesn't even have any idea of who I am, I feel a sting of pain knowing that he doesn't even know my name.

There is no use calling him it's not like what I would give him as appreciation is something he can't afford.
He seems stinkingly rich, with a confident, powerful, tough and commanding aura, a prince charming.
*Arya get yourself together" I wonder why my subconscious always interrupts my day dreaming.

Ever since the day at the club I haven't been able to reach Beth, she has been ignoring my calls and texts I sure hope she is doing okay.

I feel her pain, she had been so over this Kenneth guy and when he finally informed her of his arrival he introduced someone else, what was the name again? * Lilly" Lilly? I scoff, Lilly my ass.

Now she is going through heartbreak all cause ...of that" *bastard*  yea bastard. I pick my phone up from the bed and dial James number, he picks after the third ring.

" Hey babe, good morning" he speaks from the other end of the phone.

"Good morning love"

"How was your night?"he seems to be getting up from the bed .

"Just great, you have any plans today?" I ask

" No I don't, wanna hang out?"

" Not really, I was thinking if we could both go over to Beth" I say, getting off the bed,I stretch and head for the kitchen.

"Beth?"he exclaims.

"Yea, why are you surprise?" I ask with an arch eyebrow.

"Nah, I am not,em.." he stutters.

"Are you okay? I think she is going through a tough time after the day at the club, I haven't been able to reach her"I explain, pouring coffee into my favorite mug, it what I use especially for early morning coffee.

James had given it to on my birthday last year it has my name inscribed on the bottom.

"Actually babe I don't think I can make it to Beth's, I remember Tristan and Joe are coming over today, we got some guys stuffs to do" he explains.

"Oh.. okay" I stammer, then sip my coffee " but you never mentioned anything to me about this."

" It came up too suddenly, we actually planned for it next week but Joe called me last totally skipped my mind."

"Okay"I sigh "obviously you need to be with your friends then, I should probably just stick to mine" I say disappointed.

" I'm really sorry love" he apologizes.

"Yea, it's fine" I pick the coffee on the kitchen counter and head for my room.

" I gotta go now babe,do take good care of yourself okay? I love you"

"Yea, I love you too" I drop the call,run my hands through my hair.

The cook informs me of breakfast been ready, but I ask her to bring mine to my room, my parents don't like me eating in the room , my dad usually complains and is strictly against it but who cares I am still mad at them for forcing marriage on me. I eat breakfast in my room going through my laptop, watching movies when I am tired I  connect the charger and go to the bathroom.

I take a hot shower in the jacuzzi tub after drying up I walk to my wardrobe, I never seem to figure out what to wear even with the amount of clothes in my wardrobe.

After much pondering I finally settle for a dainty blue dress of knee length and a transparent white heel, I apply a nude makeup, I thought of packing my hair in a bun but decided against it,I curl the tip of my hair and style it with pins letting it fall on my face. Okay I look good, I slip into my heels, grab my purse and key and head for Beth.

Thirty minutes later I am pulling over at Beth's house. I walk to the door and ring the doorbell but she doesn't answer the door, she seems to be home. I ring the doorbell for the hundredth time before the door finally opens.

" Beth is everything alright? I have rang the doorbell for the hundredth time before you responded, are you okay?" I question worry clear in my voice.

" Yea sure" she says walking towards the couch. She looks lean and a mess.

" You don't seem okay to me" I sit on the couch beside her, dropping my bag and pulling off my shoes.
" I have texted you so many times but you never replied one nor returned my call, is this about that Kenneth guy?" I ask

" Arya enough of that please I am fine"she interjects

"I just want you to know that if you need someone to talk to am here for you okay?" I console her, bringing her in for a hug.

"Thank you"

"What are best friends for?" I grin and she smiles lightly.

"Thank you"

"So anything to eat?"

"Nah, I am out of groceries..."

"Beth? You are never out of food stuffs...jeez this is really serious, now you get up, do something about yourself and let's go get groceries okay?"

" Alright"she stands up and head towards the bathroom. I look around, the house is in a total mess and I am not ready to tidy it, maybe when we get back from the store.

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