Chapter Twelve

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Arya POV

Beth and I have plans of going to the mall today, we have a wedding to attend this weekend , I asked that she came over to my place so we could go   together but she insisted that I should come over to her house on the claim that I would waste her fucking time while dressing up, which is fucking true.

I put on a tight black leather knee length skirt,and a yellow top matching with a black leather cowboy boot. I fix my hair in two braids apply a slightly heavy makeup, looking at myself in the mirror I am pleased with the beauty in front of me. I pick up my key and purse and head for Beth.

Thirty minutes later I am pulling over at Beth's house, I ring the doorbell and two minutes later the door opens revealing Beth in a white Polo and pant.

"Beth,why aren't you dressed for Christ sake" I squeak

"I wanted to call you but my phone was down,I really aren't feeling well" she says weakly falling on the sofa.

"You are sick? You caught a flu?" I ask honestly worried.

"I really don't know, I ..."she suddenly jumps up and runs into the bathroom I trail after her.

" You are throwing up too?" I rhetorically ask,since when has this been going on?

"You need to go to the hospital" I say grabbing her arms gently out of the bathroom after she washed her face.

" No,I don't want to go to the hospital" she protests dragging her hand from my grip.

"You have a fever, a flu or something you are throwing up too and you refuse to go the hospital? Hell no" I fire.

"I said am not going to the hospital Arya, why can't you get it" she shouts startling me.

"Oh.. okay, I'm sorry" I raise my hands in surrender bitting my bottom lip in pain.

" Please just let me be Arya... please"she says softly and head to her room locking the door.

"Beth, Beth open the door, you need to go to the hospital, I don't want anything bad happening to you" I scream hitting the door.
" Beth open the door"

" Arya leave me alone, don't you get it" she yells with all her strength. I am devastated what could be wrong with Beth? Why doesn't she want to go to the hospital? I can't seem to get the answer. I go back to the sofa pick my purse and head for James house.

I had already decided to visit James today after visiting the mall with Beth,tomorrow is our one year anniversary as a couple and I want to give him a surprise visit. But since the argument between Beth and I , I head for James house.
Usually I would have called or texted to inform him, but since I am planning on surprising him I don't.

The door is open and I wonder why he forgot to lock it,what if a thief gets in I will scold him for that, I walk inside but caught no sight of him in the living room I head for his bedroom , I heard his voice arguing he seems to be on a call , I don't open the door I find myself eavesdropping on his conversations.

"That is not possible,you cant tell me that it was only one night " he says even though I can't see him,I know him too well to know he is running his hand through his bleached hair.

One night what? I find myself interested.

"Have you had a test or something? How sure are you that you are pregnant".

I feel the air out of me cease and I find it hard to breath, my legs get weak and my palms are sweating.

" Pregnant? Who is pregnant? For James? He doesn't have a sister so who could be pregnant? And one night? I stagger. I turn to leave but my body won't obey me .

"Does  anyone know about this?" He asks the person.
"You threw up when she came visiting?" I hear him groan, turning over the table and breaking things.

I want to open the door and scream who the hell is the lady, pregnant but my body won't respond.
I don't want to believe this, I really don't want to, I want to believe that I am having some sought of nightmare and when I wake up all will fine.
I open the door and James is startled to see me. He seems to be taken off guard.

"You are here" he whispers softly as he swiftly walks over to me.

"Don't you dare touch me" I move back ward , my purse fall on the ground.

I had hoped that when I opened the door I would see a different person not my James. Any person, maybe the thief since his door wasn't locked but all I see is James no other person is in the room apart from the both of us. My life crumble.

" One night with my best friend?" I choke on my words. They are too bitter for me to say.

Wow wow wow
James and Beth?
Who ever thought of that?😁
Keep reading and don't forget to vote comment and follow up on IG baeamarx29
I love you all♥️

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