Chapter Four

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Alex POV

I got back to the hotel... I will be leaving for Georgia Tomorrow.

I miss work, at least that's the only thing that takes my mind off my problem.

I take a quick shower , call the room service and order my dinner.

While waiting I pick up my phone , five text messages from my assistant , can't I just have a break without having to worry about my attention being needed at the office...I sigh.

* Bro, congratulations on your wedding... happy married life *

I text Dan, I wasn't able to congratulate him properly at the wedding because mind replays the incident...that lady !

* Some stuffs came up so I had to leave , I'm so sorry about that bro*

*Enjoy your* I add a smiley face emoji.

Okay when I was done with Daniel, I pack my luggage.. looking at the suit's stained already, maybe I should Just dispose it. I change my mind , I keep it inside the bag.

Arya POV

" Mom, please talk to Dad , how many times I am going to say this?" I storm out of my room.

" My dear, your father is right, there is nothing this James of a guy has to offer" my mom rebukes me.

"Offer? Mom what are you saying? Offer? So my happiness depends on what he has to offer to you two?" I ask sarcastically.

I knew she was going to take side with her husband anyway.

"I won't say anything more than I have said, Stella talk to your daughter, she won't get married to that scum bag , not while I'm still alive" my dad warns me angrily.

"Why can't you both get it? I am never going to subdue to what you both say" I shout , I'm really pissed.

Why can't they just get it?

I love James and there is nothing, I mean nothing they can do about that?

"You see the influence he is having on our daughter? Sandra do you see how she is raising her voice at me?" My father vociferates.

" Arya , you need to listen to your dad , James is of no good, you should know that by now" my mother explains calmly.

I try to talk , but the words just won't come out... maybe it good it didn't because I really don't want to  shout at my mom. She has always been understanding .

I sigh , walk to my room, pick my bag and car key and head towards the door.

" Just take a look at that? She walked out on us?" My father asks my mom angrily. I don't care , he can take the anger on her.

" Romeo , she is going to come up soon" she tries to calm him down.


  It takes me thirty minutes to get to Beth's house.

" Hey , how you doing? " She asks happily , she appears to be in a very good mood.

" I'm not good, you should be able to tell that by now , what are you best friend for?" I answer rolling my eyes .

"Hmm, anyways I'm going to get you a drink" she changes the topic and walks towards the refrigerator.

"So what happened Arya,  tell me it's not your parent this time" she says filling a glass with wine and placing it on the table.

" Beth, I really don't know what to do , what do I do ? They don't want me together with James saying he has nothing to offer" I complain bitterly.

"This is getting really serious babe" she sighs.

"They are saying he has nothing to offer , they want to sell me off for some business shit, I don't get Beth" I cry .

" Oh my goodness, Arya so the rumor about your father's company liquidating is true? Beth asks shocked.

" Yes, I don't know what to do " I lament as I run my hands through my hair  " they have to settle the debt of the company by paying a certain amount of money, using assets to pay debt too, maybe I am one of their assets" I sob.

" So what are you going to do now?"

"I have made my decision, I am not going to get married to any of his associate to save his company, my happiness is important too, they can find other ways to save their ass"

" You know your dad really put all he has Into his company, are you just going to let everything go because of your boyfriend? "

" Beth" I shot her a fierce stare
" whose side are you on? My parents or I ? I ask.

" Of course you know it's you ,I am always going to be on your side , I am only saying ... well nevermind that, I am really sorry" she apologizes, joining her palms together.

" Better be, anything to eat please?, I couldn't eat at home " I ask, slowly gaining my composure.

"Alright, I will fetch you something to eat" she smiles and head for the kitchen.

Good day guys
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Remember this is my first writing, so don't hesitate to correct me on my grammatical  errors.
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