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"Let's go Brig we are going to be late" Dan called out from the bottom of the stairs. Brighid rushed down wearing the bridesmaid dress Jules had picked out. She barely knew the lady but had been picked since she was related to Keith.

"Ready" Brighid said looking at her mother who had a smile on her face. The three arrived at the church before most of the guest.

"You look gorgeous" Jake said as he waited outside for her.

"Should have known he was your plus one" Dan scoffed. Deb lightly hit him on the chest for him to be quiet.

"I'll see you inside" Brighid muttered to her parents as her and Jake walked inside. There she met Brooke and Lucas.

"B. Scott you look amazing" Brooke said fixing her strand of hair.

"You think? I'm not the biggest fan of this blue" Brighid said examining the shiny blue dress she had on.

"Tacky yes, but you still make it work" Brooke commented.

"Brighid, Lucas they need you" Karen said waving the two on. Brighid and Lucas said goodbye to their dates as they headed inside to take a seat.

"There's a problem with Nathan" Karen explained pointing to the courtyard. Brighid ran out trying to diffuse the situation.

"Nathan. Just go home" Brighid yelled getting in between her parents and Nathan.

"Come on man. Don't do this to Keith. Not today, not here" Lucas said coming to help her. The two of them escorted Nathan away from the courtyard of the church and away from the guest.

Brooke ran out ordering him a ride with her new D.W not I.

Brighid made her way back to the church where Jake was waiting to make sure she was okay.

"You good?" Jake asked.

"I'm fine. A little shaken seeing Nate in that state but fine" Brighid explained. The music began and everyone got in there spots. Jake went to sit down with Brooke while Brighid waited in line to walk down the aisle.

"Okay you can walk" Deb instructed Brighid as she handed her the bouquet of flowers.

Brighid turned to her left and slowly walked down the aisle. Lucas was smiling at her and she couldn't help but wish Nathan was here as well.

She could see Jake and turned her head quickly giving him a big smile as well. She then walked up front and stood to the side of where Jules was going to be standing.

Her mother walked down, followed by Karen. It was then time for Jules. The music changed and everyone stood. Brighid looked to her right to find Karen looking quite nervous.

The music continued and Jules was no where to be found. Andy, Karen's boyfriend enters the church "sorry. She left" he explained. Whispers from everyone filled the air. Keith ran out of the church.

Karen, Brighid and Lucas followed. As they made their way outside Keith was already in the car pulling away.

Dan walked out with a big smirk on his face.

"You said you were done. That you'd leave them alone" Lucas yelled. Brighid stood there confused.

"I didn't do anything, lucas. I promise. I wouldn't do anything to jeopardize my relationship with you again" Dan calmly stated.

"You sick bastard" Lucas shouted all mad.

"I threatened to tell Keith" Karen spoke out. Lucas quickly turned his attention to his mother.

"Tell him what?" Brighid asked.

"About the arrangement your father made with Jules" was all Karen was able to mutter. Dan laughed as he walked away while Lucas followed after him. Jake came over and offered to give Brighid a ride home after she had came with her parents.

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