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"You're all set right? Uniform and everything?" Deb asked as Brighid stood by the front door with her duffel bag packed for the weekend. Brighid and the women's varsity basketball team along with the cheerleaders and men's varsity basketball had

"I'm fine mom. I have everything"

"Okay, you know I wish I could come but I have the attorney and-"

"I know, just make sure Dad can't win. I don't want to stay with him"

"I know honey. Well have fun" Deb said as the car horn honked outside. Brighid smiled at her mom before running out to Brooke's car.

"Thanks for driving me" Brighid said. The two hadn't really talked much since the accident but Brighid knew deep down that Brooke and her were still best friends.

"No problem bestie. Can't wait for this weekend. No parents, a hotel room and hot boys. Lots of hot boys" Brooke said with a smile as she pulled out of the driveway.

The two arrived shortly after to find the buses waiting to take the student to the classics.

"I'll catch you later" Brighid said to Brooke as she climbed onto the bus. Brooke was outside helping load the cheer equipment into Nathan's car after fighting with Whitey.

She slowly walked down the aisle of the bus to find all but a few seats taken. None with someone she knew...until she came across Lucas.

"Is this taken?" She softly asked. Lucas who was staring out the bus window looked to face Brighid.

"I was saving it for Haley but she ditched me to be with your brother. Go ahead" Lucas said pointing to the seat. Brighid slid in next to Lucas.

"Nate's going through a rough time. I think you heard that he left my mom and dad. Moved out and is on his own now" Brighid explained. It didn't make up for Nathan's behavior just explained why he was so edgy lately.

"Yeah well aren't we all going through something" a Lucas said slightly snotty. Brighid immediately looked around for an empty spot and was going to sit next to Jake hoping to get more information out of him when Peyton sat down. The two immediately chatting and laughing together.
Whitey ushered everyone down the hall as he showed the basketball and cheer teams there room assignments.

"Coach? I don't have a room" Brighid spoke out as all the people filed into their rooms.

"You and Haley will be staying together" Whitey announced before entering his own room. On the opposite side of Whitey was Haley gleaming with a smile.

"Okay roomie, which bed. I don't really care" Haley rambled as she walked in.

"I'll take this one" Brighid weakly stated dropping her bag on the bed closest to the door.

"Wow this is exciting. I've never been to the classic before have you?" Haley asked as she jumped on to her bed.

"Every year since Nathan's been coming. Competed last year for the first time" Brighid said.

"You know we haven't talk much lately but I just want to say that if you need someone to talk to about the divorce or anything you can come to me" Haley said all serious.

"Thanks I appreciate that" Brighid responded. Haley looked at her phone before excusing herself out of the room.

Brights now left in the empty bedroom decided to head downstairs for a bite before calling it an night early.

"Ugh what are we going to do" Brooke shouted all frustrated in the lobby. Brighid was unsure of what she was walking into.

"Brooke you good?" Brig asked.

"Far from it. We are down to cheerleaders because Teresa had to give Maddie chicken pods" Brooke explained.

"Actually I have an idea. When do you compete again?"

"Tomorrow night why?"

"Perfect. You're joining the squad" Brooke said. Brighid looked at Brooke with wide eyes.

"I don't know how to cheer" Brighid said as the girls whisked her away.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now