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It had been a week since Nate moved in at the beach house.

"Come Nathan we are going to be late" Brighid called out as she stood in the kitchen. Nate soon after came running down the stairs.

"Heading out?" Dan asked.

"Yeah, I've been late this whole week" Nathan said as he hurried around the kitchen throwing things into his backpack.

"Not anymore" Dan said with a big smile holding up car keys. Nathan and Brighid shared a look with each other. They followed Dan out of the house and down to the driveway where a new car was parked.

"Five speed fully loaded mustang. All yours" Dan said with a big smile. Nathan didn't look too happy with the new gift.

"Wow" Brighid whispered as she walked around looking at the car.

"Look I know the divorce has been hard on you Nathan. I just want to thank you for sticking by your old man"

"Hey where's my gift for sticking by you?" Brighid asked half joking.

"Oh believe me you've already gotten your gift" Dan said making Brighid confused and mad. She assumed it was all the "coaching" for basketball which was far from a gift.

"This is far from a gift. It's a bribe"

"Bribe. Wow... that's not exactly the thank you I was expecting"

"Fine, thank you. Is that what you wanted?" Nathan shouted before jumping into the car. Brighid quickly followed suit just barely strapping in as Nathan pulled away.

"He's such an asshole" Nathan said all frustrated.

"I think he's trying" Brighid said coming to Dan's defense.

"You don't understand. You know I miss the old Brighid" Nathan meanly commented. Brighid slid down in her seat pissed at Nathan's comment.

"Whatever. You know I'd take this back in a heartbeat if I could"

"I didn't mean it like that"

"No that's exactly how you meant it. Look I don't remember. It's not like I can control it. Everyone's doing their part and I'm grateful for it. Especially dad"

"Dad's the last person who's helping. He's harming you if anything" Nathan said as they pulled into the school parking lot. He rushed out of the car walking into school with Haley. Brighid stood by the side of the car the words replaying in her mind.

She was suddenly whisked away from her thoughts and Nathan's words when Jake Jagielski caught her eye. She sprinted over to him clinging onto her backpack strap in one hand.

"Hey Brig" Jake commented making Brighid feel awkward.

"Jake, right?" Brighid asked walking besides him.

"Yeah! Sorry forgot the whole memory thing. What's up?"

"I have a photo of the two of us. Can't really remember anything about that day. I was wondering if you could tell me" Brighid explained handing over the photo. Jake took the photo in hand before returning.

"That's open mic night at Karen's cafe. A few weeks ago. It was a great night" Jake said with a smile. Brighid smiled back not really understanding why she and Jake had taken a photo and more specifically why it was on her wall. The bell rang and the two immediately went separate ways.
After school Brighid hung around in the gym while Nathan had basketball practice. The bus only took her to her mom's house and she didn't drive leaving her with no other option that to wait for her dad to come or for Nathan to be finished.

"Brighid looking good on the court. Came to show up my boys?" Whitey asked with a laugh.

"No Coach Durham. Just waiting for a ride home" Brighid responded throwing her bag down on the bleacher next to her. On the opposite side of the gym was the cheerleaders practicing. Brighid hadn't spoken too much to Brooke or Peyton. Brooke seemed to be going through something and Peyton seemed distracted lately.

Just then Brighid's dad walked in not looking too pleased.

"You know Whitey. You can turn one of my kids against me but don't corrupt the two I like" Dan commented getting a mean look from Whitey himself. "Come on Brighid"

"I think I'm going to stay with mom" Brighid weakly muttered as Dan walked to the door.

"What? Have I not given you and Nathan the world? She convince you to stay with her?" Dan asked all loud. The whole room was watching.

"I'm being lied to. I think I need time. Time to try and remember who I was" Brighid responded back all shyly.

"That's BS. Your old self isn't worth reliving. Move on and forget trying to remember. It will only come back to haunt you" Dan spat. He pulled away to see everyone watching.

"You're such a bully" Brighid yelled slamming the gym doors behind her as she ran down the school hallway. She pulled out her cellphone and called her mother to pick her up.

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