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Brighid walked out of the bathroom, crumpling her wet hair into the towel as she went to check on Jenny.

She was so big already and it made Brighid mad she had missed out on so much. Six months, six long months she would never be able to get back.

Jenny was still asleep so Brighid figured she would go outside and talk to Jake.

"Jake she-" Brighid began until she saw Lucas standing on the step.

"Oh I see. You're busy... I'll uh see you around" Lucas said looking all uncomfortable.

"Luke" Jake called out. "Come on inside"

"What are you doing? If my parents find out, they will have her taken away" Brighid whispered looking scared.

"You said it yourself. Screw your parents crazy rules" Jake said back. Lucas hesitantly followed the two inside. Brighid stepped aside watching from the corner of the room.

"So this is Jenny" Jake introduced. Lucas quickly looked back at Brighid who had her arms crossed against her chest.

"She's both-"

"Yeah" Jake answered with a smile. "She's all mine"

"My parents. They made me sign this crazy, stupid deal. I handed over the rights to Jake in exchange I don't see her, I don't worry about her, and I got to quit basketball" Brighid spoke out stepping forward. It was the first time she had really told anyone this.

"How old is she?" Lucas asked.

"Six months. Nine days and a few hours" Brighid spoke out before Jake could answer.

"You should tell your parents what you want. Not what they want" Lucas said.

"My mom would eventually say yes. It's my dad. He's got everyone under his control" Brighid said as she walked over to the crib grabbing the baby in her arms.

"So you've been raising her all by yourself?"

"My parents have been a big help" Jake mentioned.

"Explains a lot...Why keep her a secret?" Lucas asked.

"Oh you know how people are"

"No Lucas is right. Why? For her to resent us, resent the world. I hate my parents for sheltering Nathan and I. They pretended people like Lucas, you and me, that we are the problem. In facts it's the opposite. It's people like my dad" Brighid said. She placed Jenny back into the crib.

"I'm going to my mom. Getting her to revoke the papers" Brighid said with a smile at both of them. She left the house and headed to the cafe.

"Oh Brig, I can use the help" Deb said all frantic.

"Can we talk?" Brighid said all serious. Deb immediately stopped and waved Brighid into the back.

"What is it?"

"I'm not hiding anymore, I'm not pretending anymore. I won't let you and dad make that decision for me" Brighid said on the verge of tears. Deb let out a big sigh.


"Okay? No lecture on how it's not the best choice for me?" Brighid asked wiping her tears.

"No, no more making poor choices. You should be there for her. Be her mother" Deb said wiping her own daughters tears from her face. Brighid smiled grabbing her mom into a hug.

"Thank you" Brighid whispered into her mother's ear.
Later that night Brighid and Jake walked up to the cafe with Jenny in the car seat.

"Are you sure about this?" Jake asked.

"I think we can get through this... together" Brighid said fixing Jake's jacket. He weakly smiled. She grabbed the door and let him walk in first.

"Just a reminder that the mic is open" Haley announced. The cafe was crowded, definitely more people than Brighid was expecting.

Jake gave her a look and she smiled back taking the car seat in her hand.

"I'll give it a shot" Jake called out. He walked onto the stage while Brighid went to take a seat at the counter with the car seat on a booster pointing towards the stage.

"I'm proud of you" Deb whispered placing her hand over Brighid's.

"Normally I only sing to my daughter but a friend told me I should sing to a wider audience"

Jake began singing and Brighid couldn't help but feel at peace. Her secret finally lifted off her shoulder.

When he finished he walked off with applauds from everyone.

"Well done, Jake" Deb said.

"Thank you Mrs. Scott"

"Please, call me Deb"

"Jake I didn't know you had a kid. I can see why you were apprehensive to date him" Brooke said to Brighid.

"Brooke, meet Jenny... our daughter" Brighid said picking up the baby. Brooke looked at Lucas before looking back.

"Basketball camp my ass" Brooke commented before hugging Brighid. Jake and Lucas were talking which gave Brighid the opportunity to see her brother who had just walked in.

"Hey, came back early?" Brighid asked Nathan.

"Yeah, dad was keeping score. Mom told me about Jenny"

"She's no longer a secret. It feels good"

"Well I'm happy for you Brig. I mean it" Nathan said grabbing Brighid into a hug.

"Dude, some of us are going to the River court for a game or two. You and the team want to come?" Lucas asked Nathan.

"Yeah, I'd like that" Nathan said. Brighid walked over to Jake cooing at the baby before following Lucas and Nathan.

Brighid sat on the hood of the car with Jenny in her lap and Brooke next to her.

"That's daddy" Brighid cooed showing Jenny, Jake shooting the ball.

Jake stopped and smiled before continuing the basketball game.

Secrets//Jake Jagielski Where stories live. Discover now